Financial in spanish


pronunciation: finɑnθieɹ̩oʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

financial = financiero, económico. 

Example: SIA in the United Kingdom covers information on travel and transport, economics in EEC countries, construction of nuclear power stations, and financial information.


» chief financial officer = director financiero.

Example: Niklaus Meier assumes the Chief Financial Officer's responsibilities ad interim in addition to his current position as Chief Commercial Officer.

» financial accountant = contable.

Example: Salaries for financial accountants tend to vary greatly.

» financial adviser = asesor financiero.

Example: One of the roles of the financial advisor/consultant in a library building programme may be the marketing and sale of library bonds.

» financial analysis = análisis de contabilidad.

Example: Students can use personal computers offering software for such tasks as word processing, financial analysis, database management, desktop publishing, drawing, and drafting.

» financial arrangement = acuerdo económico, acuerdo financiero.

Example: Topics covered included: automated lending procedures, possible joint financial arrangements; interlibrary loans; and borrowing abroad = Los temas tratados incluían: procedimientos del préstamo automatizado, posibles acuerdos económicos conjuntos, préstamos interbibliotecarios y el préstamo en el extranjero.

» financial assistance = ayuda financiera, ayuda económica.

Example: The library now receives financial assistance from the local authority and the collection totals 7,000 vols.

» financial backing = apoyo económico, apoyo financiero, respaldo económico.

Example: This is partly because the 40-year civil war has developed into a war of attrition, with ransom money from kidnapping providing much of the financial backing.

» financial benefit = beneficio económico.

Example: The system is described, along with its installation and operation, and financial benefits.

» financial capital = capital económico.

Example: A new corporate language is emerging and the difference is that intellectual, rather than physical and financial capital is the focal point.

» financial centre = centro financiero.

Example: But these heady days came to a swift end with the stock market crash on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, in New York, Toronto, Montreal and other financial centres in the world.

» financial compensation = compensación económica.

Example: In the event that you are prevented from boarding an aeroplane, the airline company must pay you financial compensation.

» financial consultant = asesor financiero, asesor económico.

Example: An MP, a barrister, and a financial consultant present the case for charging Value Added Tax (VAT) on books.

» financial contribution = contribución económica.

Example: However, nowadays it is perfectly acceptable for all the female guests invited to the hen night to chip in and make financial contributions.

» financial control = contabilidad.

Example: These integrated systems use a single software architecture to manage the core processes of libraries including cataloguing, circulation, acquisitions, and financial control.

» financial crisis = crisis financiera, crisis económica.

Example: In 1893 when the nation was deep in one of its worst financial crises, librarians across the land were emphasizing the public library's role as a conservator of order.

» financial crunch = crisis financiera, crisis económica.

Example: The article is entitled 'Book acquisition programme in libraries and information centres under the financial crunch'.

» financial cutbacks = recortes económicos.

Example: In the 1970s government financial cutbacks prevented expansion of the network and improvements in staffing and services.

» financial damage = daño económico.

Example: If these guidelines are not adhered to with due care and diligence, financial damage to the library can result = Si no se siguen estas directrices con el debido cuidado y atención, el resultado puede ser que la biblioteca sufra daños económicos.

» financial database = base de datos financiera.

Example: Emphasis is shifting in favour of business, financial and commercial databases.

» financial disaster = desastre económico.

Example: The organization was trembling on the brink of financial disaster, and only the journal, American Documentation, was holding it together.

» financial donation = donativo económico.

Example: We accept financial donations from anyone willing to support us achieve our social aims.

» financial exchange = mercado financiero.

Example: Also revealed is the endangerment of the open outcry trading system as the digital revolution replaces it at many of the world's financial exchanges.

» financial exigency = dificultad económica.

Example: In recent years, the necessity for development of new managerial skills in a period of financial exigency have created an ever-growing demand for continuing education opportunities.

» financial expert = experto en finanzas, experto financiero.

Example: Many financial experts suggest that you take 10% of your income, and put it aside for your long-term savings.

» financial gain = fines lucrativos, ganancia.

Example: Books are stolen for financial gain or out of an excessive passion for the volumes themselves.

» financial health = salud financiera.

Example: As a business owner, your company's financial health is of the utmost importance.

» financial help = ayuda económica, ayuda financiera.

Example: Of course they couldn't possibly come down on the lazy liggers of society -- they will come down hard on the people that really need financial help.

» financial incentive = incentivo económico.

Example: Higher education needs to go along this road because of financial incentives.

» financial institution = entidad financiera.

Example: When financial institutions pull out of markets, they no longer need the supporting information services and so cancel publications, especially multiple subsciptions, and use less on-line time.

» financial issue = cuestión financiera, cuestión económica.

Example: Financial issues are royalties, pricing, publisher priorities, and vendor policies on depth of coverage.

» financial management = gestión económica, gestión financiera.

Example: Students taking this elective course should expect to learn the nature and purposes of financial management in the international context.

» financial market = mercado financiero, mercado de capitales.

Example: Financial markets, which had been roiled Tuesday by a falling dollar and soaring energy prices, recovered some of their losses Wednesday.

» financial meltdown = cataclismo económico, colapso económico, debacle económica, crisis económica.

Example: With Greece in a financial meltdown, and the summer holidays just around the corner, many travelers will be jetting off to Greece this summer.

» financial officer = gerente, responsable de asuntos económicos.

Example: Financial officers in publishing are responsible for the business operation of the company.

» financial outlay = desembolso económico.

Example: UNIMARC could make a significant contribution to UBC but, if it is to succeed, it requires the co-operation and effort, not to mention the financial outlay, of all national MARC users.

» financial planning = planificación económica.

Example: Dedicating time to financial planning can help you protect the assets you have now and increase your wealth in the future.

» financial problem = problema económico.

Example: When loss of physical and mental rigor is accompanied by financial problems, the retiree may reject himself and fall victim to the con man and shyster.

» financial record = registro de contabilidad.

Example: This article covers personal papers e.g. bishops' diaries, financial records, papers of religious orders and societies, parish records and church registers.

» financial recovery = recuperación financiera.

Example: The starting point for financial recovery is to stop wallowing in your misery and accept reality.

» financial report = informe económico, informe financiero.

Example: You can download our most recent financial report, as well as previous annual and interim reports in this section.

» financial resources = recursos económicos.

Example: This article discusses the impact of growing number of students and waning financial resources on library services and acquisition focusing on book shortages, security problems and inadequacy of staffing.

» financial restraint = recesión económica.

Example: In times of financial restraint, library services to children and young adults are reduced disproportionately to services for adults.

» financial restriction = recesión económica.

Example: In this age of financial restriction we have to see ourselves, even at the smallest unit, as an international library resource network, and unless we can deal with this concept we can't rework the ISBD into a viable tool.

» financial risk = riesgo económico, riesgo financiero.

Example: Some of the financial risks must be removed from the publisher and distributed among the other participants in the publishing process.

» financial sector, the = sector económico, el.

Example: He said that despite the stiff competition in the market and the adverse effects of the global financial crisis which has impacted the financial sector they achieved good results.

» financial security = seguridad económica.

Example: Those downmarket films brought my family financial security.

» financial services industry, the = industria de servicios financieros, la.

Example: It is worth noting that far more people are employed in the banking sector than any other part of the financial services industry.

» financial situation = situación económica.

Example: Public libraries everywhere find themselves in a precarious financial situation.

» financial solidarity = solidaridad financiera.

Example: One of the fundamental operating principles of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) is financial solidarity between member states.

» financial squeeze = restricción económica.

Example: The existence of public libraries was threatened by the government's financial squeeze on local authorities.

» financial stake = interés económico.

Example: However, there are those with huge financial stakes in green energy and green policy that continue to push forward with this agenda because if new legislation goes through, they stand to make a fortune.

» financial statement = balance de cuentas, estado de cuentas.

Example: The reason it was acquired was to improve the efficiency with which library resources could be utilised to benefit staff and users with special emphasis on reducing the time spent on overdues and the monthly financial statement, and updating patron information.

» financial statement = presupuesto.

Example: These include an explanatory memorandum which sets out the background of the proposal, and usually also a financial statement of likely budget expenditure.

» financial straits = crisis económica.

Example: Despite the present financial straits of developing countries, she argues in favour of long-term plan for the acquisition of relevant rare book material.

» financial stringency = austeridad económica.

Example: However, in these days of financial stringency, no library achieves complete self-sufficiency but has to rely on the back-up services of the inter-library loan network.

» financial success = éxito comercial.

Example: The paperback shelves in many retail outlets are stocked with books which, in spite of their print-runs, may or may not be a financial success.

» financial support = subvención, ayuda económica, apoyo económico.

Example: By virtue of standing an easy first among the libraries of the region -- first in size of collection, first in financial support, and first in that mysterious quality known as 'excellence' -- Dorado was asked to assume the role.

» financial transaction = transacción financiera.

Example: This pricing strategy maybe attractive to both users and database producers, both of whom have the security of a predictable and once-only financial transaction.

» financial windfall = dinero inesperado, ingresos inesperados.

Example: Few people would turn down a financial windfall, whether via an inheritance, lottery winnings or an unexpected bonus.

» financial year = año económico, año financiero, año fiscal, ejercicio fiscal.

Example: The Community presents its expenditure plans in annual budget proposals, the financial year running from January to December.

» global financial crisis = crisis económica mundial.

Example: He said that despite the stiff competition in the market and the adverse effects of the global financial crisis which has impacted the financial sector they achieved good results.

Financial synonyms

fiscal in spanish: fiscal, pronunciation: fɪskəl part of speech: adjective

Financial antonyms

nonfinancial pronunciation: nɑnfənænʃəl part of speech: adjective
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