Final in spanish


pronunciation: finɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

final1 = final, definitivo, último. 

Example: The final index will mirror current terminology.


» be final = ser definitivo.

Example: Prices on the Jordan tour are not final.

» draw + a final conclusion = llegar a una conclusión final, extraer una conclusión final, sacar una conclusión final.

Example: It is still too early to draw final conclusions regarding the relative success of the various intelligence tests.

» final and not the least important, the = último pero no el menos importante, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The final and not the least important part of the whole work is the Relative Index.

» final assessment = evaluación final.

Example: Both formative (monitoring) and summative (final assessment) evaluation are required if planning is to be an effective and meaningful management function = Se necesitan tanto la evaluación continua (de seguimiento) como la evaluación final para que la planificación sea una función de la gestión eficaz y con sentido.

» final conclusion = conclusión final.

Example: By the 1960's the model was accepted as the final conclusion regarding DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) structure.

» final curtain call, the = telón final, el; punto y final, el.

Example: This is the final curtain call for a program that took the entire nation by storm and succeeded beyond expectations.

» final curtain, the = telón final, el; punto y final, el.

Example: It regretably suffered a decline when Bill Owen died and now that Kathy Staff has gone I think that was the final curtain for the show.

» final dissertation = proyecto fin de carrera, proyecto fin de grado.

Example: Very few studies have looked at delay or failure in the completion of a final dissertation.

» final exam = examen final.

Example: Results demonstrated that there was no significant difference in the mean scores achieved on either the midterm exam or the final exam.

» final furlong, the = recta final, la; fase final, la.

Example: The six furlong (1200 metres) course is entirely straight with some undulations and an uphill climb in the final furlong to the winning post.

» Posesivo + final/last resting place = Posesivo + última morada.

Example: I personally look up to him and want to visit his final resting place.

» final product = producto final.

Example: It seems too rush, too unpolished to be a final product.

» final report = informe final.

Example: The Commission's final report is expected to appear in 1983.

» final rites, the = extramaunción, la; últimos ritos, los; últimos óleos, los.

Example: A funeral wake is where every one gets together after the final rites for the dead have been performed.

» final score = marcador final, resultado final. [Usado generalmente en el deporte]

Example: Basketball isn't exempt either from the wrong team winning or the final score not being very indicative of what transpired on the court.

» final year student = estudiante de último curso.

Example: 96% of final year students consider the Library a 'very good' to 'satisfactory' place to study, with 78% rating it 'good' or 'very good'.

» have + the final say = tener la última palabra.

Example: A good bookseller will know what sells well; but the school must, for its own protection, have the final say should disagreement arise in this area.

» hear + the final word = decir la última palabra.

Example: However, we have not heard the final word by any means for there are new products and improved examples of existing products coming along.

» in the final analysis = en última instancia, en último término, en definitiva.

Example: This reminds us that in the final analysis it is still people who make technology work.

» in the final count = a fin de cuentas, al final.

Example: In the final count, the method of delivery of the data is less important than the quality of information.

» in the final seconds = en los últimos segundos.

Example: After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.

» make + a final attempt = hacer un intento final.

Example: Former Paralympian Oscar Pistorius is making a final attempt to overturn his murder conviction.

» the final/last nail in + Posesivo + coffin = la puntilla, remate final.

Example: The final nail in her coffin was when somehow during the interview she mentioned being a single mom.

final2 = examen final, prueba final, final. 

Example: A heavy reliance on midterms and finals were associated with lower teacher ratings across disciplines.


» be the final word on = ser la última palabra sobre.

Example: Corbett was thought to be the final word on transsexual surgery, but it was not to be.

» cup final = final de copa.

Example: It's been too long for a major cup final for this club so I'm really happy for our supporters.

» final, the = final, la. [Fase última de una competición]

Example: Tony was disappointed the last time he was in the finals, and he's determined to leave everything on the dance floor this time.

» quarter-finals = cuartos de final.

Example: Defending champions Japan fought back from 1-0 behind to trounce Thailand 4-1 to qualify for the quarter-finals.

» semifinal = semifinal.

Example: The stakes were high going into this game, win and we would most likely be in the semifinal, loose and we would be relegated.

Final synonyms

net in spanish: red, pronunciation: net part of speech: adjective, noun ultimate in spanish: último, pronunciation: ʌltəmət part of speech: adjective last in spanish: último, pronunciation: læst part of speech: adjective terminal in spanish: terminal, pronunciation: tɜrmənəl part of speech: adjective, noun closing in spanish: clausura, pronunciation: kloʊzɪŋ part of speech: noun concluding in spanish: concluyendo, pronunciation: kənkludɪŋ part of speech: adjective unalterable in spanish: inalterable, pronunciation: ənɔltɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective inalterable in spanish: inalterable, pronunciation: ɪnɔltɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective final exam in spanish: examen final, pronunciation: faɪnəlɪgzæm part of speech: noun final examination in spanish: examen final, pronunciation: faɪnəlɪgzæməneɪʃən part of speech: noun
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