Filthy in spanish


pronunciation: inmundoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

filthy [filthier -comp, filthiest -sup.] = mugriento, asqueroso, indecente, repugnante, inmoral. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Printing houses -- apart from the few that had been built for the purpose rather than converted from something else -- were generally filthy and badly ventilated.


» be filthy rich = estar podrido de dinero, tener dinero para dar y regalar, tener dinero para empapelar, tener dinero a punta pala, ser apestosamente rico, estar apestado de dinero.

Example: If your main source of information is that magazine, you might think that everyone in Hollywood is filthy rich.

» be in a filthy mood = tener un humor de perros, estar de mala leche, estar de mala hostia, estar de mala uva.

Example: Our cat has been in a filthy mood after we left her at my in-laws for a week.

» filthy lucre = maldito dinero, cochino dinero.

Example: This is a chance to name and shame all the 'celebrities' who choose to sell their souls for filthy lucre by advertising useless shit that we don't need.

Filthy synonyms

foul in spanish: falta, pronunciation: faʊl part of speech: adjective awful in spanish: horrible, pronunciation: ɑfəl part of speech: adjective vile in spanish: vil, pronunciation: vaɪl part of speech: adjective nasty in spanish: asqueroso, pronunciation: næsti part of speech: adjective dirty in spanish: sucio, pronunciation: dɜrti part of speech: adjective inclement in spanish: inclemente, pronunciation: ɪnklemənt part of speech: adjective lousy in spanish: malísimo, pronunciation: laʊzi part of speech: adjective soiled in spanish: sucio, pronunciation: sɔɪld part of speech: adjective smutty in spanish: tiznado, pronunciation: smʌti part of speech: adjective unclean in spanish: inmundo, pronunciation: ənklin part of speech: adjective
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