Film in spanish


pronunciation: pelikulɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

film1 = película, peli. [Cinta de celuloide que contiene una serie continua de imágenes fotográficas que crean la ilusión del movimiento cuando se proyectan en una pantalla o en otra superficie adecuada]

Example: A bibliographic data base comprises a set of records which refer to documents (such as books, films, etc.).


» 16mm film = película de 16 milímetros.

Example: 16mm films are supplied in their own cylindrical containers which are best housed vertically in racks which resemble bicycle storage racks.

» acetate film = película de acetato.

Example: As a result, the effects on acetate film of the 3 nitrogen oxide gases produced by the decomposition of nitrate film have been investigated.

» adult film = película para adultos.

Example: Stereotypically most people think that adult films are cheap, dirty and shameful.

» black and white film = película en blanco y negro.

Example: Even today, as film is supposedly dying, there are a huge number of black and white films available to us.

» British Universities Film and Video Council (BUFVC) = Comité de las Universidades Británicas sobre Películas y Vídeos (BUFVC).

Example: The British Universities Film and Video Council (BUFVC) exists to provide information on the use, production and availability of audio-visual material in higher education generally.

» cartoon film = película de dibujos animados.

Example: The selection, which also takes account of the Corporation's user survey, will prioritise feature, cartoon and puppet films for children.

» cellulose nitrate film = película de nitrato de celulosa.

Example: Until about 1952 the film industry used 35mm cellulose nitrate film, which is highly inflammable and decomposes irreversibly.

» chemical film = película química.

Example: Collotype was a version of bichromate photolithography in which tone was given by reticulation of the gelatine in the chemical film rather than by graining the underlying surface = La colotipia era una adaptación de la fotolitografía bicromática en la que la tonalidad se lograba por medio de la reticulación de la gelatina en la película química y no graneando la superficie.

» children film = película para niños, película infantil.

Example: Food fights are a common staple in numerous low-budget American children films.

» cinefilm = película. [Cinta de celuloide que contiene una serie continua de imágenes fotográficas que crean la ilusión del movimiento cuando se proyectan en una pantalla o en otra superficie adecuada]

Example: A cinefilm is a length of film, with or without recorded sound, bearing a sequence of images that create the illusion of movement when projected in rapid succession.

» classic film = película clásica.

Example: These are the 20 classic films that experts believe schoolchildren should watch in order to understand the power of cinema.

» colour film = película en color.

Example: During the 1950s, 156 colour films were produced and released, of which 58 were costume dramas (37 per cent).

» costume film = película de época.

Example: She looked as if she were dressed up for a costume film, sitting in the shadow with her snood and her wedgies, a long-limbed, coltish girl in clothes a little too small for her.

» crime film = película de policías, película policíaca.

Example: He is known among American movie buffs chiefly as the director of crime films.

» diazo film = película de diazo. [Película que para grabar utiliza diazo, un tinte sensible a la luz de poca permanencia]

Example: The various film types used in the production of microfiche are discussed, including silver halide, diazo, and vesicular films.

» documentary film = documental.

Example: The author considers the problems associated with taking cataloguing from secondary sources when cataloguing documentary films.

» dub + a film = doblar una película.

Example: When dubbing a film into another language, syncing the translation with the character's lip movements is crucial to the pace of the film.

» educational film = película educativa.

Example: While educational films do not deny entertaining aspects, they foremost promote critical thinking.

» feature film = largometraje, película.

Example: The selection, which also takes account of the Corporation's user survey, will prioritise feature, cartoon and puppet films for children.

» feature-length film = largometraje, película.

Example: A DVD disc holds between 7 and 20 times as much data as a standard CD-ROM, enough to carry a feature-length film dubbed into 8 languages.

» film actor = actor cinematográfico.

Example: A useful example of a non-fiction book of this sort is the autobiography (often ghosted) or the biography of a leading sportsman or woman or of a stage or film actor or actress.

» film adaptation = adaptación al cine, adaptación cinematográfica.

Example: The greatest lack in this film adaptation of Virginia Woolf's novel is some sort of unifying vision to replace the author's controlling prose.

» film analysis = análisis cinematográfico.

Example: This combination of lectures, seminars and screenings allows students to learn the techniques and terminology of film analysis.

» film and video archive = filmoteca.

Example: This article gives details of the archive collections of a political party library including deposits and bequests, the picture archive, the collection of banners, the film and video archive, and sound recordings = Este artículo da detalles de las archivos de una biblioteca de un partido político incluyendo depósitos y legados, el archivo fotográfico, la colección de pancartas, la filmoteca y las grabaciones sonoras.

» film archive = filmoteca.

Example: The question of the worth of a film archive for posterity looms large = La cuestión del valor de la filmoteca para la posteridad es motivo de preocupación.

» film base = celuloide.

Example: This article describes film processing standards and the role of sensitometry, film base material and emulsion fragility.

» film-based [film based] = basado en película.

Example: It is assumed that an optical disc based document management system will normally cost considerably more than a film based system due to superior retrieval speed, multiple access and other factors.

» film booking = reserva de películas.

Example: Film and other media bookings can be handled by one or two programs which are available for microcomputers.

» film buff = cinéfilo, amante del cine.

Example: This article lists interesting sources and Web sites for film buffs.

» film classic = clásico del cine.

Example: It's a film classic that looks at the nature of man from different points of view.

» film clip = clip, fragmento de película.

Example: In another style of lesson, the book is approached through film clips, dramatizations on TV, or played on records or tapes made commercially.

» film company = productora cinematográfica.

Example: This book examines the activities of publishing houses, record companies, and film companies.

» film creator = cineasta.

Example: Cutting through space and time through cinematography, the film creators walk a fine line between their imagination and their dreams.

» film credits = créditos de películas.

Example: Even in an age of new, non-print media, there is a place for typography -- in posters, publicity material, film credits.

» film critic = crítico de cine.

Example: These days, many people get their movie info from the Web and rely on the advice of online film critics.

» film criticism = crítica cinematográfica.

Example: The author discusses problems with the database and searching for film criticisms.

» film direction = dirección cinematográfica.

Example: Film direction is an popular career option, but to be a good film director one not only needs a passion for filmmaking but also the skill for it.

» film director = director de cine, director cinematográfico.

Example: Film direction is an popular career option, but to be a good film director one not only needs a passion for filmmaking but also the skill for it.

» film extra = extra de película.

Example: Working as a film extra is a great way of making up to £200 a day while rubbing shoulders with Hollywood A-listers.

» film festival = festival de cine, festival cinematográfico.

Example: She looked like a million bucks when she walked the red carpet for the opening ceremony of the Film Festival last night.

» film footage = grabaciones filmadas.

Example: For the rest of the war the Government of India relied on the various official propaganda organizations to provide it with film footage of the war.

» film holdings = filmoteca.

Example: This computer-generated catalog presents the Manitoba Department of Education's 16mm film holdings found in its bookable and its self-serve collections.

» film industry = industria cinematográfica, la; industria del cine, la.

Example: Hollywood film industry is guilty of cultural supremacism, unable to represent issues of cultural difference, heterogeneity, and regionality.

» film laboratory = laboratorio cinematográfico.

Example: The author discusses some special services including, film laboratories, recording studios, and radio and television studios.

» film library = filmoteca. [Organismo o servicio para la recogida de películas y vídeos para almacenarlos y hacerlos disponibles]

Example: A film library is an organization or service for collecting cinematographic documents and video documents for storing them and making them available for use.

» film location = estudio de cine, estudio cinematográfico.

Example: Alternative uses for farmland include conversion to golf courses, dry ski slopes, hotels, film locations, animal sanctuaries, and campsites.

» filmloop [film loop/film-loop] = película sin fin.

Example: Examples of types of specific material designation that would be described in the physical description area are: hand puppet, jigsaw puzzle, film loop, film reel, paperweight, stereograph reel, and so on.

» film maker [filmmaker/film-maker] = productor de cine.

Example: Additional attemps have been made to standardize terms for categories of audiences and film makers through the creation of thesauri.

» film making [filmmaking] = cinematografía, producción cinematográfica.

Example: Principles used in film making are drawn on heavily to classify navigational techniques applied to the searching of multimedia data bases.

» film making industry, the = industria del cine, la; industria cinematográfica, la.

Example: This article examines some serious problems which are seen to be facing the publishing, record production, broadcasting, and film making industries in the UK because of outdated copyright laws.

» film music = banda sonora de película.

Example: Certain areas of music geography have been almost ignored: geographic mapping of music styles, the geography of ethnic music, religious and martial music, and stage and film music.

» film noir = cine negro.

Example: John Huston directed some classic examples of film noir, including The Maltese Falcon and The Asphalt Jungle.

» film premiere = estreno cinematográfico.

Example: The daughter of the Princess Royal is not often seen at film premieres and usually feels more at home at horse events.

» film production company = compañía cinematográfica.

Example: It began as a research collection but now also provides stock footage to film production companies.

» film projection = proyección cinematográfica.

Example: Someone searching for information about 'Three-dimensional cinematographic projection' might consult the index under 'Film projection'.

» film projector = proyector de cine.

Example: Be sure any mechanical equipment required (tape machines, film projectors, etc.) does actually work, can be replaced at a moment's notice if it breaks down, and is handled by a competent operator.

» film reel = bobina de película, carrete de película.

Example: Examples of types of specific material designation that would be described in the physical description area are: hand puppet, jigsaw puzzle, film loop, film reel, paperweight, stereograph reel, and so on.

» film review = crítica de cine, crítica cinematográfica, crítica de película.

Example: Current news, weather, travel information, home shopping, airline reservations, consumer information, film reviews and sports news are available.

» film rights = derechos cinematográficos, derechos de adaptación al cine.

Example: As a general answer to your question: everything in a book deal is negotiable, especially the film rights.

» film screening = pase de película.

Example: It was also perhaps the only film screening in the world at which the projectionists had to wear lifejackets.

» film series = ciclo de películas.

Example: The library provides a range of services to its community, including homebound service, story hours, film series, literacy tutoring, income tax assistance, art shows, to name a few.

» film show = proyección de película.

Example: This institution offers not only a wide range of information but also the facility of a meeting room, a drop-in lounge for social gatherings, meetings, workshops, exhibitions, displays, playgroups, coffee breaks, informal chats, seminars, study groups, films and slide shows.

» film showing = proyección de película.

Example: He convinced our new president to have the board discuss the advisability of programming at all, especially since we had a film showing last month that drew only three people.

» film-star = estrella de cine.

Example: This type of film-stars are increasingly getting paid in kind rather than cash for their work.

» film still = fotograma, imagen fija.

Example: The author traces the history behind cinematic photography and film stills.

» filmstrip [film-strip] = tira de filminas. [Trozo de película que contiene una sucesión de imágenes destinadas a ser proyectadas una por una, con sonido o sin él]

Example: A filmstrip is a length of film containing a succession of images intended for projection one at a time, with or without recorded sound.

» film studio = estudio cinematográfico, estudio de cine.

Example: Currently, film studios, amusement parks, theme parks and water parks are all being studied by investors and developers.

» hit film = película famosa.

Example: Her novels have been adapted for the screen most famously as the hit film Mrs Doubtfire starring Robin Williams.

» horror film = película de terror.

Example: Marshall grew up in England watching oaters and horror films in equal measure and dreamed of combining the genres.

» International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) = Federación Internacional de Archivos de Películas (FIAF).

Example: This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of 2 options in finding a solution: close cooperation between IASA, the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) and the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT); or a merger of the three organisations.

» microfilm = microfilm. [Tira de película que contiene una serie de microimágenes, generalmente de textos impresos o manuscritos, en una secuencia lineal]

Example: The microfilm is a common form for catalogues and indexes, in either 35 mm or 16 mm roll film, usually but not always packaged in a cassette.

» midnight film = película de medianoche.

Example: The midnight film on the TV was the famous Hollywood saga 'The harems of Hippopotamia'.

» motion picture film = película cinematográfica.

Example: In general, the most accessible and affordable way of digitizing motion picture film is to first transfer the film to videotape, then digitize from tape.

» newsfilm = nodo.

Example: It has a unique collection of newsfilm some of which dates back to 1896: besides its own collection it owns 5 other major cinema newsreel collections from the past.

» nitrate film = película de nitrato.

Example: As a result, the effects on acetate film of the 3 nitrogen oxide gases produced by the decomposition of nitrate film have been investigated.

» photographic film = película fotográfica.

Example: This article discusses the lifespan of photographic film and warns about processing and duplicating methods = Este artículo trata de la vida útil de las películas fotográficas y advierte sobre los métodos de procesamiento y duplicado.

» polyethylene film = película transparente de plástico. [Usada normalmente para cubrir o envolver alimentos]

Example: The subject headings 'welding of plastic bags' and 'polyethylene films', may be analysed in the same way to fit into categories which define their role in relation to the other concepts involved.

» porn film = película porno, peli porno.

Example: The excuse has been that people won't watch porn films if they see condoms.

» pornographic film = película pornográfica.

Example: The problem is that a lot of women don't like what most pornographic films have to offer.

» puppet film = película con personajes de guiñol.

Example: The selection, which also takes account of the Corporation's user survey, will prioritise feature, cartoon and puppet films for children.

» roll film = rollo de película.

Example: The microfilm is a common form for catalogues and indexes, in either 35 mm or 16 mm roll film, usually but not always packaged in a cassette.

» safety film = película de seguridad, película de acetato. [En materiales, película fotográfica consistente en una base de acetato de celulosa no inflamable o poliéster]

Example: The 'vinegar syndrome' is the term used to describe the deterioration of the triacetate cellulose bases of safety films and sound tapes caused by the evaporation of acetic acid.

» science fiction film = película de ciencia ficción.

Example: The history of science fiction films parallels that of the motion picture industry as a whole, although it took several decades before the genre was taken seriously.

» sci-fi film = película de ciencia ficción.

Example: Think of your favorite sci-fi films and quite often there is a love story nestled in the fabric of it.

» short film = corto, cortometraje.

Example: With an eclectic mix of high-end quality short films and a devoted audience it is little wonder the event has sold out ever year for the past six years.

» short film festival = festival de cortos, festival de cortometrajes, festival de cine corto.

Example: Founded in 1993, Australia's Tropfest has grown to be the largest short film festival in the world.

» silent film = película muda.

Example: The silent films of the early 1900s had a huge audience, hearing and deaf, for public entertainment and instruction.

» silver halide film = película de haluro de plata. [Película que para grabar utiliza haluro de plata, un compuesto químico de larga duración]

Example: The various film types used in the production of microfiche are discussed, including silver halide, diazo, and vesicular films.

» sound track film = banda sonora. [Película impregnada magnéticamente sobre la que hay grabada señales acústicas y que pueden ser reproducidas]

Example: A sound track film is a magnetically coated film on which auditory signals are recorded and from which playback is possible.

» sound track film reel = carrete de banda sonora.

Example: The physical description area records the number of physical units of a sound recording and gives one of the following terms as appropriate: sound cartridge, sound cassette, sound disc, sound tape reel, sound track film reel.

» splatter film = película gore, película sangrienta.

Example: The author examines the postmodern violent horror movie, the splatter film.

» suspense film = película de suspense.

Example: Johnson's action movie 'Chill Factor' takes elements from many earlier suspense films and mixes them all together.

» vesicular film = película vesicular. [Tira de película de poliéster que para grabar utiliza una emulsión diazoica]

Example: The various film types used in the production of microfiche are discussed, including silver halide, diazo, and vesicular films.

» video film = videofilm.

Example: However, no public library is able to provide access to all shades of opinion, and certain categories of material, such as pornographic video film, are actively rejected.

» Western film = película del oeste.

Example: There are pulp detective novels and 'Simenon'; there are pulp Western films and 'High Noon'.

» X-rated film = película para adultos, película pornográfica.

Example: Nowadays, however, it is the last remaining adult cinema in town and has been showing X-rated films for decades.

film2 = película, capa. [Capa muy fina]

Example: The water of the stuff poured into the middle of the cylinder through its wire-mesh cover, and was immediately pumped out from one end leaving a film of fibres on the surface.


» cling film = film transparente, celofán.

Example: This dispenser will store 32cm wide cling film and kitchen foil internally and kitchen paper can be attached to the bottom if required.

» film in + the studio = grabar en el estudio, rodar en el estudio, filmar en el estudio.

Example: The actual crash down an embankment was filmed in the studio using scale models.

» film on + location = rodar en exteriores, filmar en exteriores, grabar en exteriores. [La palabra "exteriores" se utiliza aquí como contrapuesto a rodar en un escenario exterior construido especialmente para la película]

Example: In modern filmmaking, many productions film on location, away from the backlots of Hollywood.

film3 = filmar. 

Example: Where microfilming has been undertaken to preserve originals a comprehensive union list of titles filmed should be maintained.

Film synonyms

take in spanish: tomar, pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb shoot in spanish: disparar, pronunciation: ʃut part of speech: verb, noun picture in spanish: imagen, pronunciation: pɪktʃɜr part of speech: noun flick in spanish: película, pronunciation: flɪk part of speech: noun, verb movie in spanish: película, pronunciation: muvi part of speech: noun cinema in spanish: cine, pronunciation: sɪnəmə part of speech: noun celluloid in spanish: celuloide, pronunciation: seləlɔɪd part of speech: adjective, noun motion picture in spanish: imagen en movimiento, pronunciation: moʊʃənpɪktʃɜr part of speech: noun picture show in spanish: demostración de la imagen, pronunciation: pɪktʃɜrʃoʊ part of speech: noun moving picture in spanish: imagen en movimiento, pronunciation: muvɪŋpɪktʃɜr part of speech: noun photographic film in spanish: film fotográfico, pronunciation: foʊtəgræfɪkfɪlm part of speech: noun plastic film in spanish: película plástica, pronunciation: plæstɪkfɪlm part of speech: noun
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