Filled in spanish


pronunciation: jenoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

fill2 = llenar. 

Example: Once a university's reserve store is filled it should be expected to dispose of surplus stock, normally to the British Library.


» choking emotion + fill = hacérsele a Uno un nudo en la garganta.

Example: A choking emotion, partly made up of incredulity and in part a burning resentment filled Drew Pope.

» fill + a gap = llenar un vacío, cubrir una laguna, llenar un hueco.

Example: In addition, secondary works are actively sought, while older materials is acquired to fill gaps in the collection.

» fill + a need = cubrir una necesidad.

Example: Collier's Encyclopedia 'has been designed and built to fill the needs of the most exacting school and home users'.

» fill + an empty stomach = llenar un estómago vacío.

Example: Activities such as gardening or cookery are dealt with in many books in ways which go far beyond the simple keeping down of weeds or just filling empty stomachs.

» fill + a niche = ocupar una posición.

Example: CD-ROM data bases have an important niche to fill in the legal information business, and academic law libraries have a major role to play in educating potential users.

» fill + a position = cubrir un puesto de trabajo.

Example: Consequently, many of these positions are filled by personnel who may lack a comprehensive understanding of the role of information production in the organisation.

» fill + column inches = acaparar las noticias de los periódicos.

Example: Elite athletes have become the focus of a considerable amount of media attention, with stories about their injuries and illnesses filling column inches.

» fill + column inches = rellenar los períódicos con noticias.

Example: So, he established morning, evening and Sunday editions of his papers, and he needed gossip and scandal stories to help fill column inches.

» fill in = rellenar, completar, cumplimentar.

Example: The first is dry leafcasting, (a method to fill in missing parts with fibres by suction removal of dust and impregnation with a thermoplastic).

» fill in + a form = rellenar un impreso, completar un impreso, rellenar un formulario, completar un formulario.

Example: Some clients many need practical help with writing letters, filling in forms or making a telephone call.

» fill in + a gap = llenar un hueco, llenar un vacío.

Example: I'll need the rest of the time to fill in any gaps with specifics.

» fill in + a questionnaire = rellenar un cuestionario.

Example: Participants filled in questionnaires stating the main problems they faced in running their libraries.

» fill in for = sustituir a Alguien.

Example: No one had to fill in for me.

» fill in + in + Posesivo + absence = sustituir a Alguien en su ausencia.

Example: She knew from her interview with him that she would be expected as reference librarian to fill in in his absence, but she hadn't expected to assume the responsibility quite so soon.

» fill + Alguien + in (on) = poner a Alguien al día (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al tanto (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al corriente (de/sobre), poner a Alguien al loro (de/sobre).

Example: 'Perhaps at the same time you could fill me in on some of our procedures,' he said and sat down.

» fill in + Posesivo + long days = ocupar los largos días.

Example: A hobby fostered in her youth years now has developed into a successful business of tailoring that was started as something small to fill in her long days.

» fill (in) + Posesivo + shoes = sustituir a Alguien, reemplazar a Alguien.

Example: He is going to be hard to replace, but it is now up to the other members to take the responsibility of filling his shoes.

» fill in + Posesivo + time = ocupar el tiempo.

Example: Many people use the book very little in their leisure hours they find television, radio, music and conversation preferable ways of filling in their time.

» fill + lacunae = cubrir lagunas.

Example: This book is designed to be useful to both instructor and student, to serve as an incentive to classroom discussions, and it is hoped, to fill some of the lacunae that now exist in the literature of librarianship.

» fill + Nombre + to the brim = llenar hasta el borde.

Example: In Experiment 3, blind and blindfolded sighted observers filled vessels to the brim using only auditory information.

» fill + Nombre + to the rim = llenar hasta el borde.

Example: Then pour some boiling distilled water in each eyecup almost filling it to the rim.

» fill + Nombre + with joy = llenar de alegría, colmar de alegría.

Example: Besides this was the first time she was travelling abroad and the prospect of seeing a foreign land seemed to fill her up with joy.

» fill + Nombre + with pride = llenar de orgullo, enorgullecer.

Example: American rebels needed a strong sense of identity, something that would anoint them as unique and fill them with pride.

» fill onto = completar, rellenar.

Example: Fill these elements onto a paper form or on to some type of form via an online terminal.

» fill + order = servir un pedido.

Example: To be successful vendors must fill a reasonable percentage of orders quickly and at a competitive price while providing additional customer services = Para ser un proveedor con éxito debe servir un número razonable de pedidos de un modo rápido y a un precio competitivo al mismo tiempo que ofrece servicios de atención al cliente.

» fill out = rellenar, completar.

Example: One of the things that the other two authors and I have done was to find out who filled out these sheets.

» fill out + a form = rellenar un impreso.

Example: If you are interested in learning about meeting the top people in the field please fill out the form below.

» fill out + a questionnaire = rellenar un cuestionario.

Example: Each trainee was asked to fill out the same questionnaire twice, once at the beginning and once at the end of the training session.

» fill out + a survey = rellenar una encuesta.

Example: Rarely, if ever, will I even consider filling out a survey without some incentive.

» fill + Posesivo + agreement = cumplir (con) un acuerdo, cumplir (con) lo convenido.

Example: The grave digger became so conscience-smitten for not filling his agreement that he buried the money he had received for the work.

» fill + Posesivo + time = ocupar el tiempo.

Example: People seem to be adjusting well to not having access to television by filling their time doing other things.

» fill + prescriptions = recetar.

Example: Some pharmacists, however, disagree and refuse on moral grounds to fill prescriptions for contraceptives.

» fill + request = satisfacer una petición.

Example: Requests which cannot be filled by local or regional libraries are automatically routed by the system to NLM as the library of last resort.

» fill + requirement = cumplir un requisito, cumplir una condición.

Example: A sentence may fill every requirement of syntax and be meaningless: Austin cites Chomsky's example 'Colourless green ideas sleep furiously'.

» fill + the breach = llenar un vacío, cubrir una laguna, llenar un hueco.

Example: The author warns that if academic libraries do not step up to this educational role, other units on campus or commercial enterprises will fill the breach.

» fill + the (gas) tank up = llenar el tanque de la gasolina, llenar el depósito de la gasolina, llenar el tanque del coche.

Example: Immediately after I fill the gas tank up, my car reeks of gasoline for about a day or two.

» fill + the streets = aglomerar las calles, abarrotar las calles, llenar las calles.

Example: More then 30,000 demonstrators filled the streets around the White House today chanting, 'Stop the US-Israeli war against Lebanon and Palestine'.

» fill up = llenar, colmar.

Example: Nonetheless, shelves fill up and eventually must be relieved of duplicated, superseded or obsolete books.

» fill up = repostar.

Example: Be aware that at service stations that are open 24 hours you must pay at the cash desk beforehand if you want to fill up after 11pm.

» fill up + Posesivo + day = rellenar el día.

Example: Now that she has plenty of time in her hands there are many things she could do to fill up her day and build a new life for herself.

» fill + vacancy = cubrir una vacante.

Example: 'Look, Mel,' said James after the hiatus, 'I'm irritated at the convoluted mess this simple case of filling a vacancy has become'.

» fill + vacuum = llenar un vacío.

Example: There were no plans to revive either branch, so the bookmobiles had to fill the vacuum as traveling branches.

» fill + void = llenar un vacío.

Example: The aim is to try to fill the almost total void which exists in the area of writings on library management.

» fill + volumes = escribir volúmenes y volúmenes.

Example: The history of the tobacco pipe is long and quite fascinating and could fill many volumes.

» fill with = llenar de, rellenar de.

Example: The novel is disturbingly dark, violent, and filled with iconoclasm, despair, and paranoia = La novela es inquietantmente siniestra y violenta y está llena de iconoclasía, desesperación y paranoia.

» have + big shoes to fill = dejar el listón muy alto, tener el listón muy alto.

Example: The new school principal admits she 'has big shoes to fill' but is looking forward to kicking off the new school year.

» Posesivo + heart + fill + with joy = corazón + llenarse + de alegría.

Example: This chickadee on the picture here is still fighting after going through hell and back and every time I get news of her progress, my heart fills with joy.

» refill [re-fill] = rellenar. 

Example: The appearance of a cafeteria worker to re-fill the salt and pepper shakers tilted her out of her fantasy.

» zero fill = rellenar con ceros los espacios vacíos.

Example: The length is a 5-digit decimal number justified right with zero fill if necessary.



» coin-filled = lleno de monedas.

Example: His disgusted expression, however, loosened and settled on one of guilt as he saw the man's tattered clothing and coin-filled guitar case.

» event-filled = con muchos acontecimientos, con muchos eventos, con muchas actividades, lleno de acontecimientos, lleno de eventos, lleno de actividades.

Example: This week is looking to be quite a jam packed, event-filled, extravaganza!.

» feature-filled = con muchas prestaciones.

Example: More powerful, feature-filled hardware and software is coming onto the market daily and merely keeping up with what is new is taking up more and more time.

» filled to capacity = abarrotado (de), hasta los topes (de), atiborrado (de), atestado (de), a reventar (de), a rebosar (de), repleto (de), completamente lleno (de).

Example: If a class is filled to capacity, please contact the secretary and ask to be put on a waiting list.

» filled with = lleno de, repleto de.

Example: His succinct, strong, authoritative voice made him easy to find in a room filled with people.

» fun-filled = lleno de diversión, divertidísimo.

Example: This is a great destination for some family fun with many attractions aimed at the family market and many fun-filled events and action-packed outdoor activities.

» light-filled = lleno de luz, luminoso.

Example: The café is a spacious, light-filled room with a sloping ceiling and natural wood flooring.

» sun-filled = soleado.

Example: Open plan living with light, bright sun-filled rooms, this family home boasting a flexible floor plan ticks all the boxes for family living.

» unfilled = sin cubrir.

Example: Although acquisitions in the priority languages of Tamil, Persian, and Arabic have kept pace, processing has lagged behind because of unfilled staff vacancies.

Filled synonyms

full in spanish: completo, pronunciation: fʊl part of speech: adjective occupied in spanish: ocupado, pronunciation: ɑkjəpaɪd part of speech: adjective
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