Filing in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩esentɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

file4 = archivar, incluir, guardar. 

Example: File boxes can be used and filed on shelves, if appropriate, interfiled with the books.


» file + a case (against) = demandar, llevar a juicio, interponer una demanda (judicial), entablar una demanda (judicial), presentar una demanda (judicial), entablar un pleito, querellarse contra.

Example: If you file an eviction case and you decide you do not want to move forward, you can ask the court to dismiss the case.

» file + a civil lawsuit = demandar, llevar a juicio, presentar una demanda (judicial), interponer una demanda (judicial), entablar un juicio, entablar un pleito, entablar una demanda (judicial), querellarse contra.

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

» file + a claim = reclamar, presentar una reclamación, hacer una reclamación, poner una reclamación.

Example: If your shipment is damaged, lost, or missing contents, you can now file a claim online in less time, with fewer steps, and without logging in.

» file + a complaint = interponer una queja, interponer una reclamación, presentar una queja, presentar una reclamación, hacer una reclamación.

Example: Mechanisms for appealing decisions and filing complaints and grievances are also critical to the integrity of any accreditation process.

» file + a countersuit = interponer una contrademanda.

Example: In August 1990 ACS filed countersuit against DIALOG, alleging fraudulent and deceptive accounting procedures by DIALOG which, says ACS, have resulted in a multi-million-dollar underpayment of royalties to ACS.

» file + a grievance = interponer una queja, presentar una queja.

Example: Mechanisms for appealing decisions and filing complaints and grievances are also critical to the integrity of any accreditation process.

» file + a lawsuit against = demandar, llevar a juicio, presentar una demanda (judicial), interponer una demanda (judicial), entablar un juicio, entablar un pleito, entablar una demanda (judicial), querellarse contra.

Example: This paper details the attempt by Boston University to strike back at such agencies by filing a lawsuit against Internet term paper companies in the USA.

» file + an insurance claim = hacer una reclamación del seguro.

Example: If you need to file an insurance claim after something happens to your car or house, we're here whenever you need us.

» file + a petition for divorce = pedir el divorcio, solicitar el divorcio, entablar pleito de divorcio.

Example: In order to entitle you to file a petition for divorce, you would be required to prove that your wife has deserted you without any reasonable cause.

» file + a police report = hacer una denuncia, presentar una denuncia, poner una denuncia.

Example: Filing a false police report is a felony, punishable by one to three years in prison.

» file + a suit (against) = demandar, llevar a juicio, interponer una demanda (judicial), entablar una demanda (judicial), presentar una demanda (judicial), entablar un pleito, querellarse contra.

Example: In June '90, DIALOG Information services filed an antitrust suit against the American Chemical Society (ACS) charging that the Society had damaged the company.

» file for + bankruptcy = declararse en bancarrota, declararse en quiebra.

Example: The bottom line is this: the decision to file for bankruptcy is not an easy one, so weigh the pros and cons carefully before signing on the dotted line.

» file for + divorce = pedir el divorcio, solicitar el divorcio, entablar pleito de divorcio.

Example: There is no easy way to deal with being under the same roof after the divorce has been filed.

» re-file = volver a presentar. 

Example: Sometimes after the paperwork is filed, new facts come to light or problems surface, resulting in a dismissed case and the need to re-file the divorce paperwork.

file5 = ordenar. 

Example: Numbers expressed in digits file before alphabetic characters, so it may be necessary to look in two different places for, say, a date -- 1984 will not file in the same place as ninenteen eighty four.


» file in + order of = ordenar por.

Example: The catalogue in which the entries are filed in order of the dates of publication of the documents, actual or established by the catalogue is known as chronological catalogue.

» misfile = ordenar mal, archivar mal, intercalar mal. 

Example: Sets of fiche are inclined to become misfiled, and odd fiches may be lost.

filing1 = limado, lijado. 

Example: Manicures often include the filing, polishing, and painting of fingernails.

filing2 = ordenación, colocación, archivo. 

Example: The schedule allows the filing of photographs under headings that designate photographic processes or apparatus.


» all through filing = ordenación letra a letra. [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas no tiene valor ninguno lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal; mientras que la ordenación palabra por palabra daría lugar a: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería]

Example: The first decision is whether filing is to be letter by letter (all through) or word by word.

» BS (British Standard) 1749: Recommendations for alphabetical arrangement and the filing order of numerals and symbols = Norma Británica 1749: Recomendaciones para la ordenación alfabética y el orden de intercalación de números y símbolos.

Example: 'BS (British Standard) 1749: Recommendations for alphabetical arrangement and the filing order of numerals and symbols' was originally published in 1951 as a specification for 'alphabetical arrangement'.

» Chapter 11 filing = declaración de quiebra, declaración de bancarrota.

Example: In this graph you can see a few dead cat bounces in the late 2000s, shortly before the company's Chapter 11 filing in 2010.

» computer filing = ordenación por ordenador, ordenación automática.

Example: The introduction of computer filing has made us examine every aspect of the process, to stop doing things out of habit, to retain those principles which are logical and comprehensible and to discard those which are simply the accretions of the years.

» filing cabinet = archivador, archivo.

Example: Photographs are normally kept in drawers of standard filing cabinets, with folders or pockets, or both.

» filing order = ordenación, intercalación.

Example: For classified catalogues, or shelf arrangement of non-fiction according to a classification scheme, it is necessary to establish a filing order for the symbols used in the notation of a classification scheme.

» filing position = lugar en la ordenación.

Example: A highlighter is used to indicate the filing position.

» filing rules = reglas de ordenación. [Normas que se deben seguir en la ordenación de encabezamientos o asientos]

Example: Students lacked alphabetising skills and knowledge of filing rules and 68% preferred using the card catalogue.

» filing sequence = secuencia de ordenación.

Example: The headings will be arranged according to the filing sequence of the notation (for example, alphabetically for letters or numerically for numbers).

» filing value = valor de ordenación.

Example: Any symbols other than letters and numbers need to have their filing value defined.

» filing word = palabra por la que se ordena una entrada. [Primera palabra de una entrada, excluyendo artículos y preposiciones, por la cual ésta se ordena en un catálogo o índice]

Example: In a straightforward title index the first word of the title is likely to be the filing word.

» lateral filing = ordenación en los estantes.

Example: Lateral filing is preferable to vertical filing as one does not have to lean over to reach items at the back of a drawer.

» letter-by-letter filing = ordenación letra a letra. [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas no tiene valor ninguno lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal; mientras que la ordenación palabra por palabra daría lugar a: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería]

Example: Letter-by-letter filing takes no account of spaces, and requires the filer to file in alphabetical order merely in response to the letters in the heading to be filed.

» vertical filing = ordenación en archivos.

Example: Lateral filing is preferable to vertical filing as one does not have to lean over to reach items at the back of a drawer.

» word-by-word filing = ordenación palabra por palabra. [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas tiene valor de alfabetización lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería; mientras que la ordenación letra a letra daría lugar a: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal]

Example: Word-by-word filing files one word at a time, and exhausts all headings containing a specific word before proceeding to longer words with the first word as part of them.

filing3 = ordenación de fichas, intercalación de fichas. 

Example: Some early codes included recommendations for filing practices and subject headings, but these are usually now the subject of a separate list or set of rules.


» ALA Filing Rules = Reglas de Intercalación de la ALA.

Example: ALA Filing Rules (1980) supersedes both the first and second editions of the ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards.

» ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards = Reglas de la ALA para la Intercalación de Fichas de Catálogo.

Example: ALA Filing Rules (1980) supersedes both the first and second editions of the ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards.

» BLAISE Filing Rules = Reglas de Intercalación de BLAISE.

Example: The British equivalent to the LC Rules are the BLAISE Filing Rules.

» filing clerk = auxiliar dedicado a la ordenación de fichas.

Example: It very likely that a filing clerk would file this card incorrectly.

» Library of Congress Filing Rules = Reglas de Intercalación de la Biblioteca del Congreso.

Example: This code was used in the Library of Congress in a number of its computer-produced files and catalogues and superseded in 1980 by the Library of Congress Filing Rules.
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