File in spanish


pronunciation: ekspediente part of speech: noun
In gestures

file1 = fila, hilera. 

Example: There were three files of seats with ten chairs to a row.


» in single file = en fila india, en hilera.

Example: If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.

» the rank and file = los soldados de a pie, la tropa, los soldados rasos, los militantes de a pie, los empleados de a pie.

Example: The leader of the the Labor Party thinks membership is too blokey and has started a recruitment drive to attain a 50-50 gender split among the rank and file.

file2 = archivo, fichero, expediente. [En tecnología de la información, conjunto de información codificada por métodos que requieren la utilización de un ordenador; también se dice computer file]

Example: Information is held in files or databases, which are comprised of records, which in turn are comprised of fields or data items, which again may be comprised of subfields or data elements.


» accessions file = catálogo inventario.

Example: An accessions file could be of interest to users, informing them of books on order or recently received, but it may be thought necessary to prevent users from seeing the ordering details (supplier, order number, budget heading, etc.).

» access-point file = fichero de punto de acceso.

Example: Access-point files are the equivalent of library catalogs, each from a different point of view.

» accounting file = fichero de cuentas.

Example: This article presents some practical tips to help users of DIALOG's DIALOGLINK including buffer size, screen speed-up, startup short cuts, dealing with accounting files and use of DIALOGLING with other services.

» acquisition(s) file = fichero de adquisiciones. [Conjunto de registros que mantiene el departamento de adquisiciones de una biblioteca con información sobre los pedidos realizados]

Example: The library will scarcely grind to a halt if the acquisitions file is unavailable for a day.

» addresses file = fichero de direcciones. [En tecnología de la información, fichero que contiene direcciones de lectores, proveedores, etc]

Example: This paper gives examples of the computer program's main menu structure, the customer addresses file, the types of job completed, pricing structures and cumulative statistics.

» alphabetical file = fichero alfabético.

Example: In an alphabetical file, words may be misspelt, while in a systematic file notation may be incorrectly typed or copied.

» APIF (Automated Process Information File) = APIF (Fichero de Información del Proceso de Automatización).

Example: In 1976 the Library began converting its preliminary catalog records to MARC form so as to build an Automated Process Information File (APIF) to control items that have entered the technical processing flow until they are represented by regular LC catalog records.

» archival file = documento de archivo, pieza de archivo.

Example: The initial task of the Archive, which in 1960 had a stock of 521 archival files, was to complete the transfer of stock from other archival workplaces and to make its stock available to research workers.

» audio file = fichero de sonido.

Example: The author explains how compressed audio files are streamed into a buffer to save time.

» authority file = fichero de autoridades. [Lista o fichero de los encabezamientos utilizados en un catálogo]

Example: Authority files, also called access point files, are indexes to documents and library files.

» backfile [back file] = fichero retrospectivo, fichero viejo. [Catálogo o lista de registros que se poseen con anterioridad a una fecha determinada, normalmente el período actual]

Example: Weekly tapes of current records, or cumulated back files available as separate year cumulations or at block rates can be supplied.

» batch file = fichero de ejecución por lotes.

Example: Batch file programs can call other executable files and have control return to the calling program on termination.

» binary file = fichero binario.

Example: Xworld is a good communications package that is most suitable for users interested in sending and receiving binary files, and to a lesser degree text files.

» cabinet file = carpeta. [Carpeta que se utiliza en los archivadores]

Example: A wide range of pamphlet and leaflet material was collected and arranged in cabinet files under topic heads such as health, employment, child welfare.

» card file = fichero.

Example: Here again, Sharp's SLIC indexing procedure provides a solution though one that is prohibitively expensive for a conventional card file.

» circulation file = fichero de circulación, fichero de préstamo.

Example: The circulation file is indexed by borrower name and number.

» classified file = catálogo sistemático. [Catálogo en el que los asientos se ordenan de acuerdo con un sistema de clasificación establecido previamente]

Example: Entries in the classified file are thus arranged, or filed, according to the notation of the classification scheme in use.

» clean up + a file = depurar un fichero.

Example: Unfortunately, the basic problem was to get the file cleaned up in a hurry, and nobody was particularly concerned with research.

» clipping file [cuttings file, -UK] = archivo de recortes, colección de recortes.

Example: Established in 1941, the collection includes American and European studbooks, periodical files dating back to the 1800s, a clipping file and fiction and poetry on horses.

» communication output file = fichero de salida de datos.

Example: Prior to using this utility you must have established a communication output file using the System Configurator.

» computer-based file = fichero automatizado.

Example: At this point it is opportune to attempt to distinguish briefly between the cataloguer's sort of database, in essence a computer-based file of bibliographic records, and the computer professional's, which is a much more general collection of data.

» computer file = archivo de ordenador. [Conjunto de información codificada por métodos que requieren la utilización de un ordenador]

Example: A computer file is a file (data and/or programs) encoded for manipulation by computer.

» content-addressable file store (cafs) = directorio accesible por su contenido (cafs).

Example: ICL in Britain recently introduced the content-addressable file store (cafs) which searches by hardware, and therefore potentially more rapidly.

» cross-file [crossfile] = en varios ficheros.

Example: The article has the title 'Mapping the unmappable: plumbing the depths of cross-file and cross-system navigation'.

» cuttings file [clipping file, -USA] = archivo de recortes, colección de recortes.

Example: A cuttings file is a file where items, usually ephemeral and topical in nature, taken from various sources, including newspapers and magazines, are kept for information and reference.

» data file = fichero.

Example: In the absence of sufficient staff to mount a supervised programme of microcomputer instructions, the library used existing, inexpensive, menu-making software to develop menu-driven, self-instructing access to disc operating commands, applications programs, and data files.

» descriptor file = fichero de materias.

Example: For example, instead of using the standard system subject headings, a library may prefer to maintain its own descriptor file in the local catalog.

» dictionary file = catálogo diccionario.

Example: Every time a term was employed in a search expression, a count in the dictionary file was updated.

» disc file = fichero en disco.

Example: A print spooler is a software program used to capture printer output and send it to the computer's RAM or to disc file, then sending it to the printer at a rate it can handle.

» file-as-is principle = principio de la alfabetización literal, principio de archívese según aparece.

Example: Modern codes have moved towards the file-as-is principle.

» file attachment = inclusión de ficheros, adjuntar ficheros, fichero adjunto. [En el correo electrónico, función que permite adjuntar un fichero (en código ASCII o binario) a un mensaje que se manda]

Example: Electronic management of mail and file attachment are under development and will be implemented in 1995.

» file banner = portada de una base de datos. [Primera pantalla que aparece al acceder a una base de datos y que contiene el nombre y otras menciones de responsabilidad]

Example: The file banner for the selected database will then display on your screen.

» file box = caja de archivar.

Example: File boxes can be used and filed on shelves, if appropriate, interfiled with the books.

» file cabinet = archivador.

Example: She restored the Williams folder to its place in her file cabinet, and as she turned around she saw the slender figure of Arnold Carmichael standing on the threshold of her office.

» file clerk = administrativo encargado de los archivos.

Example: It would certainly beat the usual file clerk.

» file design = estructura de ficheros, diseño de ficheros.

Example: This application has been found to be efficient in terms of response time and this may be attributed to its file design.

» file drawer = archivador.

Example: Viewed from the vantage of the student, the typical instructor uses a course management system as a publicly accessible file drawer and little more, posting lecture notes and the syllabus.

» file name = nombre de archivo. [Nombre por el cual un programa de ordenador identifica un archivo de datos; también denominado data set name]

Example: A file name is a designation used in a computer system to identify a file.

» file name extension = extensión del nombre del fichero.

Example: Searches saved ondisc are saved as disk files and are given the file name extension .SRC.

» file server = servidor de ficheros. [En tecnología de la información, ordenador montado en red local que contiene ficheros de uso común de todos los usuarios de la red]

Example: READS is a software system designed to run on a local area network (LAN) file server and accessed by multiple workstation.

» file store = directorio.

Example: It can interconnect text processors, personal computers and terminals to high-quality printers, computer-based file stores, facsimile machines, digital voice, video and other electronic office equipment.

» file transfer = transferencia de ficheros.

Example: File transfer, also known as FTP, involves moving files from one computer to another.

» flat file = fichero plano, archivo plano.

Example: The two basic types of databases are flat file and relational.

» FTP (File Transfer Protocol) = FTP (Protocolo para la Transferencia de Ficheros). [En Internet, método común para transferir ficheros entre ordenadores]

Example: File transfer, also known as FTP, involves moving files from one computer to another.

» graphic file = fichero de imágenes.

Example: Types of data files iclude numeric files, text files, graphic files.

» hierarchical file = fichero jerárquico.

Example: The structure of a hierarchical file can be represented as a tree with a single root element at the top, plus node elements at the ends of the branches that spread out from the top to the bottom.

» image file = fichero de imágenes.

Example: The author explains the differences between image files, ASCII full text which is searchable, and ASCII full text which is displayable and downloadable but not searchable, and gives examples of these.

» incoming file = fichero de entrada. [Fichero que suministra los datos a un proceso]

Example: The most important are that the program should recognise the various data elements in the incoming file and that it should produce an outgoing file according to requirements of the pertinent storage and retrieval program.

» index file = fichero. [Se asume que está ordenado de algún modo]

Example: This library service includes bright wall displays, pamphlets on open racks, availability of lists and directories, access to index files of local information, clear guiding on shelves and cabinet files, and the re-packaging of complex or ephemeral material.

» in-process cataloguing file = fichero de catalogación en curso.

Example: The ideal LC/GPO cooperation will happen in a few years when GPO can access LC's in-process cataloging file and input records directly into the MARC system.

» inverted file = fichero invertido.

Example: An entry in the inverted file consists of the term to be searched, the number of records containing the term (known as the number of postings), and the reference number of those records (known as the addresses).

» ISBD(CF) (International Standard Bibliographic Description for Computer Files) = ISBD(CF) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional para Archivos Informáticos).

Example: ISBD (CF) specifies the requirements for the description of monographic computer-readable items, with the exclusion of serials, and these can be data files or programs.

» item record file = fichero de registro por documento.

Example: An 'item record file' is a file in which records are serially ordered by document identifier or number; each entry or record stores the total information relating to the document that is available in the system, including reference and index terms.

» load + a file = copiar un fichero.

Example: The Library set out to compare the relative merits of remote access, CD-ROM access, and locally loaded data files.

» local copy file = fichero topográfico local.

Example: The local copy file is indexed by call number or shelf list number.

» log file = registro de transacciones, archivo log.

Example: With log file analysis tools, it's possible to get a good idea of where visitors are coming from, how often they return, and how they navigate through a site.

» machine file = fichero automatizado.

Example: However, it doesn't take very long before the supporting machine file attains greater importance than the manual catalog.

» machine-readable data file = archivo de ordenador, archivo electrónico. [Conjunto de información codificada por métodos que requieren la utilización de un ordenador]

Example: A machine-readable data file is a body of information coded by methods that require the use of a machine (typically but not always a computer) for processing.

» manual file = fichero manual.

Example: Then due to the difficulty of altering a manual file and the pressure to catalog more new books faster, s/he is administratively enjoined from attending to such details.

» master file = fichero central, fichero matriz. [Fichero común del que se sirven varios servicios]

Example: It is possible, in many network systems, to enter a centralized database online, to call up a record, to amend that record to suit the individual library's requirement and then to add the amended record to the library's master file.

» mega-file = megafichero. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: He predicts that on-line users will react against the mega-files with their huge number of false hits.

» multi-file item = unidad de archivos de ordenador múltiples. [Unidad bibliográfica que contiene más de un archivo de ordenador]

Example: A multifile item is a bibliographic entity that consists of more than one machine-readable data file.

» name authority file = fichero de autoridades de nombres.

Example: If original cataloguing is necessary the LC name authority file is available to help in establishing headings.

» name file = catálogo onomástico. [Catálogo en el cual los asientos están ordenados alfabéticamente por los nombres (de personas, organizaciones y lugares) citados en los documentos]

Example: The name file contains the names of personal as well as corporate authors.

» networked file = fichero con estructura de red.

Example: The structure of a networked file is similar to that of a hierarchical file except that each node can have more than one owner and movement between nodes can be in either direction.

» office file = archivo de oficina.

Example: Telephone books, office files, and mail order catalogs are all examples of commonly used databases.

» on file = archivado, en el archivo.

Example: Copies of the contents of any certificate on file in the department shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original = Las copias de los contenidos de cualquier certificado ubicado en los archivos del departamento tendrán, a todos los efectos, el mismo valor que el original.

» on-order file = fichero de pedidos. [Conjunto de registros que mantiene el departamento de adquisiciones con información sobre los documentos que se han pedido y que están en espera de ser recibidos]

Example: The acquisitions system operates in conjunction with on-line catalogue support systems, to give an integrated system for maintenance of library catalogue and on-order files.

» order file = fichero de pedidos.

Example: Because the order file was used by librarians outside the department it was necessary to provide access to the automated version = Puesto que los bibliotecarios usaban el fichero de pedidos fuera de la sección, fue necesario que tuvieran acceso a la versión automatizada.

» outgoing file = fichero de salida. [Fichero que recoge los datos de un proceso]

Example: The most important are that the program should recognise the various data elements in the incoming file and that it should produce an outgoing file according to requirements of the pertinent storage and retrieval program.

» periodical holdings file = fichero de control de publicaciones periódicas.

Example: The system uses programs written in Turbo Pascal to compare the publication year and ISSN in each downloaded record with periodical holdings files, and to add a message to the record if the periodical is available in the library.

» periodicals file [periodical file] = fichero de control publicaciones periódicas.

Example: The periodicals file is indexed indirectly by the bibliographic indexes.

» personnel file = expediente personal.

Example: A library personnel officer, for example, may have the responsibility of receiving applications, interviewing applicants, maintaining personnel files, recommending promotion, transfer, etc.

» picture file = archivo de imágenes.

Example: If space permits, pamphlet and picture files also may be housed.

» postings file = fichero de ocurrencias.

Example: The entries in the inverted lists are often linked to their respective records in the main file through a postings file which stores the record numbers corresponding to the entries in the inverted lists.

» programme file = archivo de programas. [Archivo de datos que contiene instrucciones para controlar las operaciones del ordenador de tal modo que éste realice de forma adecuada las tareas previstas]

Example: A program file is a machine-readable data file that contains the instructions that control the operation of a computer so that it performs the tasks required to produce the desired result.

» random access file = fichero de acceso aleatorio.

Example: This article considers a random access file which consists of a given number of buckets.

» registration file = fichero de lectores.

Example: The services centre on an online short title catalogue and an online registration file.

» relational file = fichero relacional.

Example: In an relational file all information is held in a form that can be represented by two-dimensional tables and the relationship of a record in one table to a record in another is indicated by having similar fields in each table.

» resource file = fichero de recursos humanos. [Lista de las personas, instituciones, asociaciones, etc. de una comunidad a las que el usuario puede dirigirse para cualquier tipo de ayuda o interés]

Example: And in chapter five mention was also made of the central feature of such services -- the specially compiled resource file or index of names and places to which enquirers can be referred for specialist advice and help.

» Select a File menu = menú de Seleccione un Fichero.

Example: The Select a File menu lists the names of all available databases and specifies the DCROM drives on which they currently reside.

» shelf list file = catálogo topográfico.

Example: This study intended to determine the cost-efficiency of using the CD-ROM Bibliofile system to convert a shelf list file into a machine-readable data base in MARC format.

» signature file = fichero de identificaciones documentales. [En indización, fichero que contiene las palabras que identifican a un documento]

Example: Signature files is a probabilistic method for indexing text.

» sound file = fichero de sonido.

Example: The user may open, close, record and play sound files as well as import them from an audio CD.

» store + search results + in disc file = guardar los resultados de una búsqueda en un fichero.

Example: Many searchers find it convenient to store search results in a disk file.

» subfile = subfichero.

Example: The data base holds 18 subject-oriented subfiles covering over 5,000 sources.

» subject file = fichero ordenado por materias.

Example: If we decide to take on making up a subject file there'd be a lot of footwork even if we use that list as a basis = Si decidimos aceptar crear un fichero ordenado por materias habría mucho trabajo incluso si usamos esta lista como base.

» systematic file = fichero sistemático.

Example: In an alphabetical file, words may be misspelt, while in a systematic file notation may be incorrectly typed or copied.

» system holdings file = fichero de existencias del sistema.

Example: For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.

» system user file = fichero de usuarios del sistema.

Example: When you log on, DOBIS/LIBIS checks your name and password in the system user file before allowing you to use the system.

» term record file = fichero de registro por término.

Example: A 'term record file' conversely, is a file that is ordered by index terms, with each entry an index term and the document representations 'listed' in association with that term.

» text file = fichero de texto. [Fichero cuyo contenido es principalmente texto]

Example: Print records or save them in a text file for use with your word-processing or database-management software.

» tickler file = agenda. [Carpeta subdividida en apartados por fechas de tareas a realizar]

Example: Your tickler file system needs enough room so you do not have to wedge things in or struggle to take things out.

» TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) = TIFF (Formato de Fichero de Imágenes con Códigos Identificativos). [En informática, modo de codificación y compresión de imágenes en ficheros]

Example: Libraries may conveniently digitize and supply small collections of high demand materials in text and Tagged Image File Format (TIFF).

» transaction file = fichero de operaciones realizadas.

Example: For other reasons it is also necessary to have a fireproof safe elsewhere in the building to hold security copies of data and transaction files.

» trolley file = archivador abierto sobre ruedas.

Example: The information centres are supplied with a basic set of reference books and an information package in a transportable trolley file.

» unzip + a file = descomprimir un fichero, descomprimir un archivo.

Example: These files must be unzipped before they can be used.

» vertical file = archivador, archivo.

Example: The fugitive literature of acid rain: making use of nonconventional information sources in a vertical file.

» video file = fichero de vídeo.

Example: The technique of streaming enables Internet users to speed up the viewing of video files almost as quickly as the data is being received.

» working file = archivo.

Example: The archives contain mainly the Papal working files of other days.

» zip + a file = comprimir un fichero, comprimir un archivo.

Example: I used a USB stick to do this, after zipping the files so they'd fit.

» zip file = fichero comprimido, archivo comprimido.

Example: Python can work directly with data in zip files.

file3 = lima. 

Example: The piece was fashioned by hand with the use of a file and accurately measured with the use of a digital micrometer.


» nail file = lima de uñas.

Example: Most women use nail files that are made from emery or steel.

file4 = archivar, incluir, guardar. 

Example: File boxes can be used and filed on shelves, if appropriate, interfiled with the books.


» file + a case (against) = demandar, llevar a juicio, interponer una demanda (judicial), entablar una demanda (judicial), presentar una demanda (judicial), entablar un pleito, querellarse contra.

Example: If you file an eviction case and you decide you do not want to move forward, you can ask the court to dismiss the case.

» file + a civil lawsuit = demandar, llevar a juicio, presentar una demanda (judicial), interponer una demanda (judicial), entablar un juicio, entablar un pleito, entablar una demanda (judicial), querellarse contra.

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

» file + a claim = reclamar, presentar una reclamación, hacer una reclamación, poner una reclamación.

Example: If your shipment is damaged, lost, or missing contents, you can now file a claim online in less time, with fewer steps, and without logging in.

» file + a complaint = interponer una queja, interponer una reclamación, presentar una queja, presentar una reclamación, hacer una reclamación.

Example: Mechanisms for appealing decisions and filing complaints and grievances are also critical to the integrity of any accreditation process.

» file + a countersuit = interponer una contrademanda.

Example: In August 1990 ACS filed countersuit against DIALOG, alleging fraudulent and deceptive accounting procedures by DIALOG which, says ACS, have resulted in a multi-million-dollar underpayment of royalties to ACS.

» file + a grievance = interponer una queja, presentar una queja.

Example: Mechanisms for appealing decisions and filing complaints and grievances are also critical to the integrity of any accreditation process.

» file + a lawsuit against = demandar, llevar a juicio, presentar una demanda (judicial), interponer una demanda (judicial), entablar un juicio, entablar un pleito, entablar una demanda (judicial), querellarse contra.

Example: This paper details the attempt by Boston University to strike back at such agencies by filing a lawsuit against Internet term paper companies in the USA.

» file + an insurance claim = hacer una reclamación del seguro.

Example: If you need to file an insurance claim after something happens to your car or house, we're here whenever you need us.

» file + a petition for divorce = pedir el divorcio, solicitar el divorcio, entablar pleito de divorcio.

Example: In order to entitle you to file a petition for divorce, you would be required to prove that your wife has deserted you without any reasonable cause.

» file + a police report = hacer una denuncia, presentar una denuncia, poner una denuncia.

Example: Filing a false police report is a felony, punishable by one to three years in prison.

» file + a suit (against) = demandar, llevar a juicio, interponer una demanda (judicial), entablar una demanda (judicial), presentar una demanda (judicial), entablar un pleito, querellarse contra.

Example: In June '90, DIALOG Information services filed an antitrust suit against the American Chemical Society (ACS) charging that the Society had damaged the company.

» file for + bankruptcy = declararse en bancarrota, declararse en quiebra.

Example: The bottom line is this: the decision to file for bankruptcy is not an easy one, so weigh the pros and cons carefully before signing on the dotted line.

» file for + divorce = pedir el divorcio, solicitar el divorcio, entablar pleito de divorcio.

Example: There is no easy way to deal with being under the same roof after the divorce has been filed.

» re-file = volver a presentar. 

Example: Sometimes after the paperwork is filed, new facts come to light or problems surface, resulting in a dismissed case and the need to re-file the divorce paperwork.

file5 = ordenar. 

Example: Numbers expressed in digits file before alphabetic characters, so it may be necessary to look in two different places for, say, a date -- 1984 will not file in the same place as ninenteen eighty four.


» file in + order of = ordenar por.

Example: The catalogue in which the entries are filed in order of the dates of publication of the documents, actual or established by the catalogue is known as chronological catalogue.

» misfile = ordenar mal, archivar mal, intercalar mal. 

Example: Sets of fiche are inclined to become misfiled, and odd fiches may be lost.

File synonyms

charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun register in spanish: registro, pronunciation: redʒɪstɜr part of speech: noun, verb lodge in spanish: presentar, pronunciation: lɑdʒ part of speech: noun file away in spanish: encarpetar, pronunciation: faɪləweɪ part of speech: verb indian file in spanish: archivo indio, pronunciation: ɪndiənfaɪl part of speech: noun filing cabinet in spanish: Archivador, pronunciation: faɪlɪŋkæbənət part of speech: noun single file in spanish: solo archivo, pronunciation: sɪŋgəlfaɪl part of speech: noun data file in spanish: archivo de datos, pronunciation: deɪtəfaɪl part of speech: noun file cabinet in spanish: archivador, pronunciation: faɪlkæbənət part of speech: noun
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