Figure in spanish


pronunciation: figuɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

Fig. (Figure)2 = Fig. (Figura). [Abreviatura]

Example: An outline of the main components of a microcomputer is shown in Fig. 2.1.

figure1 = cantidad, datos, números, cifras. [Generalmente usado en el plural]

Example: I do not remember the exact figures, but it was found that about 16 percent of the approaches to the catalog were by way of subject headings.


» add up + figures = cuadrar números.

Example: Publishers are finding that the answer to making the figures add up lies largely with their production teams.

» attendance figures = cifras de asistencia.

Example: Attendance figures indicated the beginnings of a return to participation by many of the big publishers that shunned the show in recent years, although the mammoth stands of yesteryear remained absent = Las cifras de asistencia mostraban el comienzo de una vuelta a la participación de muchos de los editores que no habían asistido a la exposición en los últimos años, aunque los estands gigantescos de antaño seguían estando ausentes.

» ballpark figure = cifra aproximada, cantidad aproximada, estimación aproximada.

Example: Most sellers think they know at least a ballpark figure for their house, but most are way off.

» benchmark figures = controles de rendimiento, indicadores de rendimiento.

Example: Such statistics can be used to establish benchmark figures for staff productivity.

» break + the six figures = ganar más de un millón, pasar de un millón, sobrepasar el millón, ganar por encima de un millón.

Example: Less than 20 percent of American households even break the six figures.

» circulation figures = número de préstamos, total de préstamos.

Example: A less rigorous interpretation of the data indicates a negative relationship between circulation figures and local unemployment rates.

» double figure = por encima del 10 por ciento, más del 10 por ciento.

Example: In the non-fiction categories only one class, that of 'education', reached double figures, and all others were in single figures, so that it is difficult to say what is really important in people's non-fiction reading.

» earn + six figures = ganar una millonada.

Example: This is exactly what I did to earn six figures in seven years.

» export figures = número de exportaciones.

Example: Enquiries such as 'Can you make me a list of the export figures for umbrellas for each year since 1880?' goes beyond what is reasonable to ask a librarian.

» gross up + a figure = redondear una cantidad.

Example: The resultant figure is grossed up so that payment can be calculated.

» in round figures = en números redondos.

Example: In round figures, half the visitors went out of the shop without buying or ordering the book they wanted.

» make + six figures = ganar una millonada.

Example: One such author says he makes six figures per month.

» pay + six figures = pagar una millonada.

Example: Believe it or not, many jobs that pay six figures do not require a four-year college degree.

» precision figure = índice de precisión.

Example: The ranked output also allowed Salton to develop the normalized recall measure used in a modified form by Cleverdon in Cranfield II, and a corresponding normalized precision figure.

» rainfall figure = índice de precipitación.

Example: The lower monthly rainfall figures for July are made much worse by the incidence of strong westerly winds causing high evaporation rates.

» sales figures = ventas.

Example: As the sales figures show, DC is very much alive, despite pessimistic forecasts in the 1960s.

» single figure = por debajo del 10 por ciento, de menos del 10 por ciento.

Example: In the non-fiction categories only one class, that of 'education', reached double figures, and all others were in single figures, so that it is difficult to say what is really important in people's non-fiction reading.

» six figures = por debajo de un millón.

Example: These solopreneurs have many things in common, most notably, they all show annual profits in the six figures.

» spend + six figures = gastarse una millonada.

Example: Companies promoting 'weight loss breakthroughs' can spend six figures on commercials and still have money to burn.

» television viewing figures = audiencia televisiva.

Example: Even seemingly innocuous information such as certain television viewing figures or the name of the person who has bought a particular old master at auction or the unlisted telephone number of a famous author is sometimes kept secret.

figure2 = figura, ilustración. [Ilustración con objeto de explicar o completar el texto]

Example: Figure 16 on page 24 gives an overview of searching.


» figure of speech = figura retórica, metáfora.

Example: The same spelling may arise by a figure of speech such as metonymy or synecdoche, in which we use part of a description to mean the whole = La misma ortografía puede ocurrir en las figuras retóricas como, por ejemplo, la metonimia o el sinécdoque, en donde utilizamos parte de una descripción para referirnos al todo.

» figure skating = patinaje artístico.

Example: A recent spate of book projects on the rising stars of women's figure skating and gymnastics has emerged as a mini-genre with appeal to both children and adults.

» hourglass figure = figura de ánfora, figura de guitarra.

Example: The stereotypic female hourglass figure has often been attributed to sexual selection.

» press-figure = símbolo de imprenta. [En imprenta, símbolo usado por los impresores británicos del siglo XVIII para identificar las formas de imprenta]

Example: A few forward-looking eighteenth-century typographers had occasionally used numerals as signatures, but numerals were unlikely to appeal to the trade so long as press-figures were used.

figure3 = persona, figura, personaje. 

Example: Much potentially valuable historical material is lost to posterity because of the attitude to the collection of primary sources which always gives pride of place to the ephemeral as long as it is compiled by a well-known figure.


» authority figure = autoridad.

Example: The constituent networks may have presidents and CEO's (chief executive officers), but that's a different issue; there's no single authority figure for the Internet as a whole.

» cult figure = ídolo, figura de culto.

Example: In his early years he consciously emulated both the painterly style and persona of the much-admired artist Drouais, who became something of a cult figure in early 19th c. Paris.

» enhance + Posesivo + figure = realzar la figura, mejorar la figura.

Example: She wore a bright pink ankle-length dress, laden with bows and lace enhancing her figure.

» father figure = figura paterna.

Example: That simply doesn't jibe with sociological and psychological facts since most people want -- and need -- an idealized father figure as a leader = Eso simplemente no cuadra con los factores sociológicos y sicológicos pues la mayoría de la gente desea, y necesita, una figura paterna idealizada como líder.

» figurehead = mascarón de proa.

Example: On July 2, 1834, the figurehead of President Andrew Jackson on the U.S. frigate Constitution was beheaded.

» figurehead = emblema, representante.

Example: This book is a biography of Mary Baker Eddy, a woman who became the figurehead for the medico-religious movement of Christian Science.

» figurehead = figura decorativa.

Example: Brodetsky is portrayed here as an active determinant of the tone of the Zionist struggle & not merely as a figurehead.

» figure sculpture = escultura de figura humana.

Example: The author examines the background to Ireland's public memorials (crosses, obelisks, cenotaphs and figure sculptures) to those who died in World War I.

» flatter + Posesivo + figure = realzar la figura.

Example: Our dress pants are available in a variety of great fits that will flatter your figure.

» historical figure = figura histórica.

Example: While Lillian Smith was the major historical figure in the development of Canada's children's library services, the work of Patricia Spereman d. 1946 merits recognition.

» improve + Posesivo + figure = mejorar la figura, realzar la figura.

Example: A boob job should have improved her figure and given her back her confidence but instead she has painful, lopsided boobs and an addiction to painkillers.

» leading figure = figura destacada, personalidad, líder.

Example: The history of this map collection began with donations by members of the Academy and other leading figures in the country.

» local figure = personalidad local, personaje local.

Example: The advantages of a foundation include tax-deductible donations, increased eligibility for grants, and the involvement of affluent and influential local figures as advocates for the public library service.

» mediating figure = figura mediadora, mediador.

Example: In anthropology, there has been concern with mediating figures and other ritual specialists who tread across natural and cultural boundaries.

» mother figure = figura materna.

Example: Almost invariably, good mother figures produce good children while bad mothers yield sinister offspring.

» parental figure = figura paterna.

Example: A perusal of book reviews shows that many parental figures fall into one of two categories -- ineffectual or antagonistic.

» political figure = figura política, personaje político.

Example: Material has also been received from Congressman Madden (the central political figure in the area).

» public figure = personaje público.

Example: There is an increasing trend for public figures to take legal action to limit access to their papers.

» straw figure = quimera, testaferro, hombre de paja.

Example: The form this 'hypothesis' has come to take is easily dismissed as a straw figure and serious consideration of the relation between language diversity and thinking has largely tumbled with it.

figure4 = figurar, constar. 

Example: It is important not to let the early sections figure disproportionately in the final abstract merely because they are encountered first.


» figure out = averiguar.

Example: It turns out that the public, the students, have figured out that that's a way of doing some kind of subject searching, and they do it all the time.

» figure out + a mystery = esclarecer un misterio.

Example: In addition to convincing the assembly to vote against war, they must figure out the mystery of the burned bodies without implicating themselves.

» figure out + a plan = tener un plan, hacer un plan.

Example: Tiff smiled a little superciliously intimating that he had a plan all figured out already.

» figure out how = ingeniárselas para, averiguar cómo.

Example: As she tried to figure out how to change her and the library's image, she made some interesting observations.

» have + Nombre + figured out = conocer de lo que Alguien o Algo es capaz, conocer lo que Alguien o Algo es capaz de hacer.

Example: Or still others think they have the library figured out, probably because of recent cuts in the book budget they read about in the campus newspaper.

figure5 = pensar. 

Example: I was skeptical, but I figured I'd give it a try.

Figure synonyms

number in spanish: número, pronunciation: nʌmbɜr part of speech: noun see in spanish: ver, pronunciation: si part of speech: verb name in spanish: nombre, pronunciation: neɪm part of speech: noun form in spanish: formar, pronunciation: fɔrm part of speech: noun, verb design in spanish: diseño, pronunciation: dɪzaɪn part of speech: noun frame in spanish: cuadro, pronunciation: freɪm part of speech: noun trope in spanish: tropo, pronunciation: troʊp part of speech: noun build in spanish: construir, pronunciation: bɪld part of speech: verb project in spanish: proyecto, pronunciation: prɑdʒekt part of speech: noun pattern in spanish: modelo, pronunciation: pætɜrn part of speech: noun image in spanish: imagen, pronunciation: ɪmədʒ part of speech: noun forecast in spanish: pronóstico, pronunciation: fɔrkæst part of speech: noun, verb fancy in spanish: lujoso, pronunciation: fænsi part of speech: noun, adjective, verb picture in spanish: imagen, pronunciation: pɪktʃɜr part of speech: noun shape in spanish: forma, pronunciation: ʃeɪp part of speech: noun reckon in spanish: contar, pronunciation: rekən part of speech: verb estimate in spanish: estimar, pronunciation: estəmət part of speech: noun, verb cipher in spanish: cifrar, pronunciation: saɪfɜr part of speech: noun envision in spanish: guardar, pronunciation: envɪʒən part of speech: verb enter in spanish: entrar, pronunciation: entɜr part of speech: verb chassis in spanish: chasis, pronunciation: tʃæsi part of speech: noun flesh in spanish: carne, pronunciation: fleʃ part of speech: noun fig in spanish: higo, pronunciation: fɪg part of speech: noun anatomy in spanish: anatomía, pronunciation: ənætəmi part of speech: noun calculate in spanish: calcular, pronunciation: kælkjəleɪt part of speech: verb soma in spanish: soma, pronunciation: soʊmə part of speech: noun bod in spanish: cuerpo, pronunciation: bɑd part of speech: noun compute in spanish: calcular, pronunciation: kəmpjut part of speech: verb cypher in spanish: cifrar, pronunciation: saɪfɜr part of speech: noun physique in spanish: físico, pronunciation: fəzik part of speech: noun visualize in spanish: visualizar, pronunciation: vɪʒwəlaɪz part of speech: verb figure of speech in spanish: figura del discurso, pronunciation: fɪgjɜrʌvspitʃ part of speech: noun count on in spanish: contar con, pronunciation: kaʊntɑn part of speech: verb material body in spanish: cuerpo material, pronunciation: mətɪriəlbɑdi part of speech: noun human body in spanish: cuerpo humano, pronunciation: hjumənbɑdi part of speech: noun decimal digit in spanish: dígito decimal, pronunciation: desəməldɪdʒət part of speech: noun physical body in spanish: cuerpo físico, pronunciation: fɪzɪkəlbɑdi part of speech: noun

Figure antonyms

ground pronunciation: graʊnd part of speech: noun
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