Fighter in spanish


pronunciation: koʊmbɑtiente part of speech: noun
In gestures

fighter = luchador, combatiente. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: She has been voted librarian of the year because of her work as an advocate and fighter for the freedom of information for the prison population.


» bullfighter = torero. 

Example: At 67, Frank Evans is already one of the oldest bullfighters in the world.

» fighter aircraft = avión de caza, avión de combate.

Example: India has already signed a deal with Russia for the joint development of a fifth generation fighter aircraft.

» fighter jet = avión de caza, avión de combate.

Example: For this to occur, an air corridor would be needed that Israeli fighter jets could cross without being targeted by anti-aircraft missiles.

» fighter pilot = piloto de caza, piloto de combate, piloto de avión de caza, piloto de avión de combate.

Example: He's the fighter pilot who was ordered to fire at will against an unidentified flying object in British airspace.

» fighter plane = avión de caza, avión de combate.

Example: Some fighter planes have two vertical stabilizers and rudders because of the need to control the plane with multiple, very powerful engines.

» firefighter [fire fighter] = bombero.

Example: It's clear from the dust jacket and from the review that it deals with some topics that are particularly interesting now, specifically the effect of a firefighter's strike upon New York City.

» freedom fighter = guerrillero, defensor.

Example: As a freedom fighter at the end of World War 2 he resisted Dutch efforts to regain control of their former colony.

» guerrilla fighter = guerrillero.

Example: Argentina has granted political asylum to a former Chilean guerrilla fighter charged in his country with assassinating a senator.

» jet fighter = avión de caza.

Example: They are putting together a jet fighter that no one can match.

» jungle fighter = mercenario.

Example: The jungle fighter views his life and work in terms of winners and losers, with power as his goal.

» prizefighter = boxeador, boxeador profesional. 

Example: The prizefighter hit the yokel a hundred times while the yokel held up his arms in stunned surprise.

» rebel fighter = rebelde, combatiente rebelde.

Example: Two thirds of the rebel fighters in Syria are citizens of European countries.

» street fighter = camorrista.

Example: Anyway, she's not a 'street fighter'; she seems to believe that if you treat people decently, they'll treat you decently.

Fighter synonyms

belligerent in spanish: beligerante, pronunciation: bəlɪdʒɜrənt part of speech: adjective, noun hero in spanish: héroe, pronunciation: hɪroʊ part of speech: noun champion in spanish: campeón, pronunciation: tʃæmpiən part of speech: noun paladin in spanish: paladín, pronunciation: pælədɪn part of speech: noun combatant in spanish: combatiente, pronunciation: kəmbætənt part of speech: noun, adjective scrapper in spanish: peleón, pronunciation: skræpɜr part of speech: noun battler in spanish: luchador, pronunciation: bætlɜr part of speech: noun fighter aircraft in spanish: avión de combate, pronunciation: faɪtɜrerkræft part of speech: noun attack aircraft in spanish: aviones de ataque, pronunciation: ətækerkræft part of speech: noun
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