Fight in spanish


pronunciation: lutʃɑ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

fight1 = lucha, pelea, combate, lid. 

Example: The proud mother, as a result, had been a leader in the fight to establish a program for the 'gifted and talented' in the public school system.


» break up + a fight = separar una pelea.

Example: If you are trying to break up a cat fight or something to that nature pick it up by the scruff of the neck.

» bullfight = corrida de toros.

Example: The religious significance attached to the bullfight, flamenco & Passion Week celebrations in Andalusia, Spain, is examined.

» bunfight [bun fight] = recepción, comida corporativa.

Example: This years bunfight was a great success and we have since welcomed many new members to our meetings, speaker events, and to our email list.

» bunfight [bun fight] = disputa, altercado, contienda, pelotera.

Example: The man in the middle of the current bunfight over racing sports rights is Ian Frykberg.

» cockfight [cock-fight] = pelea de gallos.

Example: Dogfights and cockfights have been illegal for years, but police have often looked the other way.

» dogfight [dog fight] = pelea de perros.

Example: The author examines dogfights where the act of each dog provokes a response from the other dog in what is viewed as a 'conversation of gestures' similar to that found in boxing & fencing.

» dogfight [dog fight] = combate aéreo.

Example: But bats also appeared to capture insects near and possibly on the ground and near or in vegetation, flew low over water to drink, and pursued each other in aerial dogfights.

» dogfight [dog fight] = reyerta, refriega.

Example: The article recounts the 17-day political dogfight at which John W. Davis was eventually given the Democratic presidential nomination.

» fight or flight response = respuesta de lucha o huida, respuesta de enfrentamiento o huida. [También escrito flight or fight response]

Example: Another cause for chill bumps and shivers is your autonomic nervous system 'fight or flight' response = Una explicación para la piel de gallina y los escalofríos es la respuesta de "lucha o huída" por parte de nuestro sistema nervioso autónomo.

» fight + the good fight = luchar por una buena causa.

Example: Superman, Batman, Spider-Man and the rest continue to fight the good fight against world-conquering super-powered villains, offering their readers excitement, escape, and hopefully a bit more = Superman, Batman, Spideman y otros continúan luchando por una buena causa contra villanos superpoderosos deseosos de conquistar el mundo, ofreciendo a sus lectores emoción, evasión de la realidad y, es de esperar, un poco más.

» fight to (the) death = lucha hasta la muerte, lucha a muerte, pelea hasta la muerte, pelea a muerte.

Example: If they come face to face in a fight to death, is it really that hard to imagine who would win?.

» firefight = tiroteo, refriega.

Example: It is as if libraries find themselves once again mired down in the bureaucratic information policy firefights waged during the Reagan and Bush administrations (1980-1992).

» fistfight = pelea, pelea a puñetazos.

Example: Gone are the days of the good old fistfight, where instead of grabbing a gun, a knife or a bat to end an argument, you actually used your fist to make your point.

» food fight = guerra de comida, batalla de comida, pelea de comida.

Example: Food fights are a common staple in numerous low-budget American children films.

» get into + a fight to the death = enzarzarse en una lucha a muerte, luchar a muerte.

Example: If it doesn't, and she gets outvoted, she'll probably choose to give it to him instead of getting into a fight to the death over ten dollars.

» grudge fight = ajuste de cuentas, enfrentamiento entre rivales.

Example: Some fights are grudge fights and these guys hate each other and is a great way of settling things.

» gunfight = tiroteo.

Example: Current records of school gunfights are summarized, & the toll of gunfights on health care is assessed.

» hand-to-hand fight = lucha mano a mano, pelea mano a mano, lucha cuerpo a cuerpo, pelea cuerpo a cuerpo, lucha a brazo partido, pelea a brazo partido.

Example: They are obviously in love with the same man, and the hand-to-hand fight is the traditional gypsy way to solve the dispute.

» petty fight = disputa infantil, pelea infantil, disputa sin importancia, pelea sin importancia.

Example: Because of this, it is very important that couples learn how to handle petty fights in their relationship = Debido a esto, es muy importante que las parejas aprendan a tratar las disputas sin importancia que surjan en sus relaciones.

» pick + a fight = provocar una pelea, buscar pelea, buscar camorra.

Example: Machiavelli advised rulers facing unpopularity at home to consider picking a fight with some other nation, noting that a threat from some foreign power tends to unite people and help them to forget their differences.

» pillow fight = pelea de almohadas, combate de almohadas, guerra de almohadas.

Example: In this room we've had so many pillow fights and pyjamas parties, so many good times.

» prize fight = combate de boxeo, pelea de boxeo.

Example: Coverage of the Jack Dempsey-Gene Tunney prize fight appealed to publishers of all stripe.

» put up + a brave fight = luchar con arrojo, pelear con arrojo, luchar con ahínco, pelear con ahínco, luchar con garra, pelear con garra.

Example: Sadly her winning run came to an end today but not before she had put up a brave fight to finish a gallant 2nd!.

» put up + a (good) fight = oponer resistencia, ofrecer resistencia, defenderse, defenderse bien, dar la cara.

Example: Americans are such suckers, being taken over by foreigners and their children and won't even put up a fight.

» start up + a fight = empezar una pelea, comenzar una pelea, iniciar una pelea.

Example: A tanked-up mob forced their way into the football grounds and started up the fight.

» street fight = pelea callejera, riña callejera.

Example: The number of people so seriously injured in street fights that they need hospital treatment has increased by almost half.

fight2 = combatir, luchar, guerrear. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio fought]

Example: This article deals with the cultural elitism implicit in a willingness to fight censorship of books but not videos.


» bullfight = torear.

Example: He has camel trekked the Sahara Desert in Northern Africa, learned to bullfight in Spain and hang-glided from the cliffs of Rio de Janeiro.

» fight + a fire = luchar contra un fuego.

Example: Sprinkler systems fight fire, and transmit alarm at the same time, immediately after the beginning of a fire.

» fight + a losing battle = luchar una batalla perdida, luchar por una causa perdida, tener todas las de perder, luchar en vano.

Example: However, with the increasing numbers of periodicals, censorship was fighting a losing battle.

» fight + an election = presentarse a unas elecciones, disputar unas elecciones.

Example: She fought the election on the basis that it was her campaign -- it was her decision to call the election.

» fight + an infection = luchar contra una infección, combatir una infección.

Example: The discovery of bitter taste receptors' role in fighting infections paves the way for new treatments for sinusitis.

» fight + an urge = resistir un impulso, contenerse las ganas.

Example: If you're feeling so nauseous you think you need to vomit, don't fight the urge = Si tienes tantas náuseas que crees que necesitas vomitar, no te contegas.

» fight + authority = oponerse a la autoridad, desacatar la autoridad.

Example: Your righteous indignation I can understand, and even sympathise, but getting stroppy and fighting authority will only exacerbate the situation.

» fight back = defenderse, luchar, contraatacar, sacar pecho.

Example: In the meanwhile, librarians could fight back by means of their chequebooks but need to be alert to the strategies by which vendors could take over their functions.

» fight + crime = luchar contra la delincuencia.

Example: By leveraging digital tools, police forces may free up more officers to be visible on the streets fighting crime.

» fight + depression = combatir la depresión, luchar contra la depresión.

Example: Petting animals creates a hormonal response in humans that can help fight depression.

» fight for = luchar por, defender, pelear por.

Example: The poor thing had been cast aside and her paramour had not even endeavoured to fight for her = La pobre había sido rechazada y su amante ni incluso se había esforzado por defenderla.

» fight for + justice = luchar por la justicia.

Example: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.

» fight for + Posesivo + life = defenderse, luchar por la vida, luchar entre la vida y la muerte.

Example: The bear was shot in his cage and was never given a sporting chance to fight for his life.

» fight + hand to hand = luchar mano a mano, luchar cuerpo a cuerpo, luchar a brazo partido, pelear a brazo partido, luchar con uñas y dientes.

Example: Sgt. Joe Harris and a cornered burglar fought hand-to-hand in the struggle leading to their deaths from gunshot wounds.

» fight + hard = luchar a brazo partido, pelear a brazo partido.

Example: Up to this date, women are still fighting hard to be on equal footing with men.

» fight + illiteracy = luchar contra el analfabetismo.

Example: This article mentions the libraries of the Arab Cultural Centres referring particularly to their role in fighting illiteracy and cultivating reading habits in different groups of the population.

» fight + inflation = luchar contra la inflación.

Example: An interest-rate increase is a weapon to fight inflation which will cast an impact on all industries.

» fight + obesity = luchar contra la obesidad.

Example: If you have tried and failed at weight loss, bariatrics can help end your battle to fight obesity.

» fight off = rechazar, repeler, combatir.

Example: These pillboxes were originally built to help fight off a Nazi invasion.

» fight + Posesivo + way = abrirse paso, abrirse camino, luchar por conseguir, luchar por.

Example: She has fought her way to be in the top four in the country in her age group, and now she is striving to reach higher.

» fight + poverty = luchar contra la pobreza.

Example: Some people may not regard librarianship and the transfer of information as any help in fighting poverty or for supporting the economic development in the world.

» fight + shy of = intentar evitar.

Example: The Social Security Administration has fought shy of providing I & R services through its many district offices because of heavy work loads.

» fight + the good fight = luchar por una buena causa.

Example: Superman, Batman, Spider-Man and the rest continue to fight the good fight against world-conquering super-powered villains, offering their readers excitement, escape, and hopefully a bit more = Superman, Batman, Spideman y otros continúan luchando por una buena causa contra villanos superpoderosos deseosos de conquistar el mundo, ofreciendo a sus lectores emoción, evasión de la realidad y, es de esperar, un poco más.

» fight + tooth and nail = luchar a brazo partido, pelear a brazo partido, luchar con uñas y dientes.

Example: In fact, it was the right-wing that fought tooth and nail against those who sought to outlaw child labor in this country.

» fight + tooth and nail to defend = luchar a brazo partido para defender, defender a toda ultranza, defender como gato panza arriba, defender a capa y espada, defender con uñas y dientes.

Example: I know folk are very passionate about politics and can fight tooth and nail to defend their particular ideological stance.

» fight to + (the) death = luchar hasta la muerte, luchar a muerte, pelear hasta la muerte, pelear a muerte, luchar sin cuartel, no dar cuartel.

Example: Hitler ordered his Nazi troops at Stalingrad to fight to death.

» fight until/till + the end = luchar hasta el final.

Example: Although they fought until the end, they could not get back into the game and succumbed to a 61-37 defeat.

Fight synonyms

struggle in spanish: lucha, pronunciation: strʌgəl part of speech: noun conflict in spanish: conflicto, pronunciation: kɑnflɪkt part of speech: noun campaign in spanish: Campaña, pronunciation: kæmpeɪn part of speech: noun engagement in spanish: compromiso, pronunciation: engeɪdʒmənt part of speech: noun push in spanish: empujar, pronunciation: pʊʃ part of speech: verb, noun battle in spanish: batalla, pronunciation: bætəl part of speech: noun bout in spanish: combate, pronunciation: baʊt part of speech: noun agitate in spanish: agitar, pronunciation: ædʒəteɪt part of speech: verb crusade in spanish: cruzada, pronunciation: kruseɪd part of speech: noun oppose in spanish: oponerse a, pronunciation: əpoʊz part of speech: verb combat in spanish: combate, pronunciation: kɑmbæt part of speech: noun, verb defend in spanish: defender, pronunciation: dɪfend part of speech: verb fighting in spanish: lucha, pronunciation: faɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun competitiveness in spanish: competitividad, pronunciation: kəmpetɪtɪvnɪs part of speech: noun fight back in spanish: luchar, pronunciation: faɪtbæk part of speech: verb fight down in spanish: reprimir, pronunciation: faɪtdaʊn part of speech: verb
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