Field in spanish


pronunciation: kɑmpoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

field1 = campo, terreno. 

Example: He was a loner himself, a small-town country boy who spent most of his time wandering about the hills and fields near his home.


» airfield = aeródromo, campo de aviación.

Example: The author describes, assesses and illustrates 216 sites which range from airfields and blockhouses, to searchlights and pillboxes, dating from the 16th c. to 1945.

» ash field = campo de ceniza volcánica.

Example: Following the narrator across endless ash fields, lava fields and steep rock faces, the reader easily gets lost in a dream in which the mysterious and the familiar merge.

» battlefield = campo de batalla.

Example: William Simpson (1823-189 9), a Glaswegian, was in effect the first war correspondent who sent back battlefield drawings of the Crimean War.

» be out in left field = estar en las nubes, vivir en las nubes, salir por peteneras.

Example: At times she's quite rational, but at other times she's out in left field.

» come out of/from + left field = ser algo totalmente inesperado, pillar desprevenido, coger desprevenido, sin venir a cuento, sin venir a pelo.

Example: I think the reason most people here are thinking that Rose and Nat might get back together is because their break up seemed to come out of left field.

» corn field = campo de maíz.

Example: More carbon dioxide is released from residential lawns than corn fields according to a new study.

» dirt field = campo de tierra.

Example: Matches between pugilists were settled in front of a roaring crowd in dirt fields and John L. Sullivan was often the one causing the roar.

» electromagnetic field = campo electromagnético.

Example: Static electricity and electromagnetic fields can destroy data held on disks and displayed on screens.

» field battle = batalla campal.

Example: This is a computer-aided instruction model that uses the simulation of field battles to analyze the dynamic interrelationship of space and time in historical events.

» field day = día de actividades extraescolares.

Example: On field days, students may change into shorts for outside activities.

» field day = día de maniobras.

Example: Every Friday we meet and learn about cool stuff like mines, bridges and booby traps then on field days we put all this into practice .

» field experience = experiencia práctica.

Example: From evaluation of findings, practical field experience is singled out as the most important prerequisite for effective university training in agricultural extension.

» fieldglasses = binoculares, gemelos, prismáticos, anteojos.

Example: On the treeless mound he took out his fieldglasses and began to survey the enemy's positions on the hills about 2 miles away.

» field guide = guía práctica.

Example: The article 'The birds and the bees' argues that children who use field guides may pick up information handling skills without noticing.

» field gun = cañón de campaña.

Example: A heart on a pink background thus indicates 'romance' (rather than medicine) and a magnifying glass or a gun might indicate a detective story though a gun might mean a 'western' if it is a revolver and a war story if it is a field gun.

» field hand = peón.

Example: During the harvest season the field hands work from sunrise to sunset.

» field hockey = hockey sobre hierba.

Example: Field hockey is a team sport which is becoming more popular every year.

» field marshal = mariscal de campo, capitán general.

Example: In 1793, during the French Revolution, the rank of field marshal was replaced by the rank of brigade general.

» field notebook = diario de campo.

Example: Here are some excerpts from the field notebooks that must be kept by all students taking the course.

» field of corn = maizal, campo de maíz.

Example: A strawberry field is not a beautiful sight -- it lacks the charm and character of a citrus grove, an apple orchard, or even a field of corn.

» field sobriety test = test de alcoholemia.

Example: Police officers often use field sobriety tests to measure a suspected drunk driver's balance, coordination and ability to perform two tasks at one time.

» field test = prueba sobre el terreno, prueba in situ, comprobación en la práctica real.

Example: This article contains the abstracts of the reports on the field tests and demonstration projects concerned with the effects of dredged material disposal in open water.

» field-test = comprobar en la práctica real.

Example: The 35 measures to assess digital reference services were field-tested by a number of libraries participating in the project.

» field trial = prueba, prueba sobre el terreno.

Example: Telidon was first demonstrated in 1978, and small-scale field trials videotex and teletext started in 1980.

» field trip = visita de trabajo, excursión. [Generalmente relacionada con el objeto de estudio de una disciplina]

Example: This course looks at this two-faced society with guided field trips to cemeteries and to the architecture of Edinburgh's underworld below the great banks and public buildings.

» fieldwork [field work] = trabajo de campo, trabajo práctico, prácticas de campo.

Example: The advise was based upon the assumption that students were taught, chalk in hand, in large classroom-based groups with little or no fieldwork or visits.

» fieldworker [field worker] = trabajador de campo, investigador de campo.

Example: The fieldworker can learn more from perturbing the system than from pretending to be an invisible fly on the wall.

» football field = campo de fútbol, terreno de fútbol.

Example: He looked up and descried a gym class, all wet and draggled, scurrying back across the sodden football field.

» force field = campo de fuerza.

Example: Theoretical studies of proteins based on empirical force field calculations offer a methodology to overcome both of these limitations.

» generate + magnetic field = generar un campo magnético.

Example: They should never be exposed to the magnetic fields which can be generated by a variety of devices, including fluorescent desk lights, fans and even piezo-electric lighters!.

» get in ahead of + the field = adelantarse a la competencia.

Example: The best that a British author or publisher could do was to authorize an American publisher to bring the book out in America, giving him an advance copy of the text so that he could get in ahead of the field.

» gravitational field = campo de gravedad, campo gravitatorio, campo gravitacional.

Example: Astronomers theorize that a black hole forms when a massive object shrinks catastrophically under its own gravity, leaving only a gravitational field so strong that nothing escapes it.

» greenfield = pradera.

Example: Here, families from many different communities were up-rooted and resettled on greenfield sites, many miles away from relatives and friends.

» have + a field day = pasárselo a lo grande, pasárselo en grande, disfrutar como un enano, divertirse de lo lindo, correrse una juerga, divertirse como nunca, pasárselo como nunca, pasárselo pipa, pasárselo de lo lindo, disfrutar de lo lindo, disfrutar muchísimo, pasárselo bomba, pasárselo cañón, gozar como un enano, gozar de lo lindo, pasárselo bárbaro, pasárselo de fábula, pasárselo de miedo.

Example: We had a field day buying all sorts of nice things for her and came out with some very heavy bags.

» landing field = pista de aterrizaje.

Example: The 37 relief projects involved the building of aerodrome, landing fields, barracks, a training camp, and a land-clearing project.

» lava field = campo de lava.

Example: Following the narrator across endless ash fields, lava fields and steep rock faces, the reader easily gets lost in a dream in which the mysterious and the familiar merge.

» let + the fields lie fallow = dejar los campos en barbecho.

Example: By crop rotation farmers can keep their fields under continuous production, without the need to let them lie fallow, and reducing the need for artificial fertilizers, both of which can be expensive.

» levelling of the playing field = igualdad de condiciones para todos.

Example: 'On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog -- the digital media has made possible the leveling of the playing field.

» level playing field = condiciones iguales para todos.

Example: If a truly integrated single market is to be achieved advertisers from all member states must be able to operate on a level playing field.

» level + the playing field = hacer tabla rasa, igualar las condiciones para todos.

Example: Technical standards are a good way to level the playing field among participating groups.

» list field = liza. [En la época medieval, terreno donde se disputaban las justas entre caballeros]

Example: Sometimes there was a wooden division in the lists or list field, to prevent the horses of the adverse knights from careering against one another.

» magnetic field = campo magnético.

Example: They should never be exposed to the magnetic fields which can be generated by a variety of devices, including fluorescent desk lights, fans and even piezo-electric lighters!.

» marginal field = campo petrolífero de producción regular.

Example: Priority is awarded to projects aiming to maximise the yield from oil reservoirs where the natural drive is weak so as to increase their flow rate and make marginal fields viable.

» minefield = campo de minas.

Example: The rules about surrounding proximity operators by spaces, sometimes required, sometimes optional, are rather confusing, and this guide is a help in this minefield.

» on-field = en el terreno de juego, en el campo de juego.

Example: With the recent on-field spat between teammates, it is evident that sometimes the intensity of the tournament gets the better of the players.

» paddy field = arrozal.

Example: The main canal emptying the paddy fields inland had served as the conduit for waves entering and destroying entirely the buildings beside it including the police station.

» playing field = campo de juego, terreno de juego.

Example: The article 'Off the sidelines, onto the playing field' discusses a recent project which commissioned 9 research papers to explore the future of libraries.

» play + the field = jugar a varias bandas, tantear el terreno, ir de flor en flor, saltar de flor en flor, ser un picaflor.

Example: In order to play the field, you need to become a good conversationalist.

» potter's field = campo de alfarero. [Nombre de origen biblíco y usado para designar los cementarios donde se entierran principalmente a los pobres y desconocidos]

Example: In some cases, the remains of unidentified individuals may be buried in mass graves in potter's fields, making exhumation and future identification troublesome.

» soccer field = campo de fútbol.

Example: Earth has had a close brush with an asteroid thrice the size of a soccer field = Un asteroide de tres veces el tamaño de un campo de fútbol ha pasado casi chocando con la tierra.

» sports field = campo de juego, terreno de juego.

Example: The foundation of a good sports field is the soil in which the grass is grown.

» strawberry field = fresal, campo de fresas.

Example: A strawberry field is not a beautiful sight -- it lacks the charm and character of a citrus grove, an apple orchard, or even a field of corn.

» take to + the field = salir a jugar, saltar al terreno de juego.

Example: It takes some bottle to take to the field every week knowing that you are likely to be on the end of another hiding.

» the field of = el abultado número de, el gran número de.

Example: Fit and fun-loving delegates are invited to accept to join the field of 10,000 entrants in this marathon to raise money for IFLA's own charity 'Books for All'.

» visual field = campo visual.

Example: Rather, binocularity is a consequence of the requirement of having a portion of the visual field that looks in the direction of travel.

» walk off + the field = abandonar el campo de juego, dejar el campo de juego, salir del campo de juego.

Example: As he walked off the field, I shook his hand and told him that I hadn't seen such a gutty performance in a long time, and I sincerely meant it.

» way out in/of left field = poco realista, extravagante, estrafalario, grotesco.

Example: From this chance observation, Kazantsev drew two conclusions: one dead on target, the other, way out in left field.

field2 = yacimiento. 

Example: In 1897 he quit a wretchedly underpaid job and set out to make his fortune as a prospector in the gemstone fields of Alice Springs.


» coal field = yacimiento de carbón.

Example: Deep in the rugged coal fields of West Virginia, the rumble of a steam locomotive mingles with the sound of the New River crashing through its steep rocky gorge.

» goldfield = yacimiento de oro, yacimiento aurífero.

Example: Based on real events on the Australian goldfields in the 1850s, 'Three Diggers' chronicles the adventures of three gold prospectors.

» oil field = yacimiento de petróleo, yacimiento petrolífero, campo de petróleo.

Example: This is a valuable quality control tool now finding commercial use in the oil field.

field3 = campo, disciplina, área, ámbito. [Ambito especializado de la actividad de la mente humana]

Example: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.


» academic field = disciplina académica, campo científico.

Example: The influence of muckrakers has been so great that, paradoxically, they seem easy to ignore in constructing a history of the academic field of communication.

» computing field = campo de la computación, computación, informática.

Example: The author summarises the subject coverage of the computing field, sources abstracted/indexed, content of the records and indexing practice.

» enter + the field = interesarse por el tema.

Example: The business community entered the field at a time when the world economy was shaken by the oil price rises of the seventies.

» field of activity = área del conocimiento.

Example: Thus all students will initially follow a common core syllabus, then opt for particular specialisms linked to specific fields of activity.

» field of application = campo de aplicación, ámbito de aplicación. [Materia o materias especiales cubiertas por un tesauro]

Example: The field of application is the special subject(s) covered by a thesaurus.

» field of endeavour = especialidad, campo de trabajo, ámbito de trabajo.

Example: Among the documents that are worthy of consideration for abstracting are the novel contributions to a given field of endeavour.

» field of enquiry = especialidad.

Example: Also, full-text searches tend to be better at finding specific topics, whereas index terms are better at finding documents relating to a field of enquiry.

» field of interest = área de interés.

Example: Guidelines can be expected to discuss some or all of the following: examples of abstracts in various fields of interest to the abstracting organisation.

» field of knowledge = campo del conocimiento.

Example: This implies that every field of knowledge should be available to everyone everywhere on the planet.

» field of practice = campo de aplicación.

Example: This has led to a fragmented field of practice characterized by short-term and small-scale projects.

» field of specialisation = campo de especialización.

Example: The author discusses some of the problems faced by scientists and researchers in Zambia in keeping up-to-date with new developments in their fields of specialisation.

» field of study = campo de estudio, disciplina de estudio, especialidad.

Example: For example, in an academic library, guides to literature searching in the various fields of study undertaken by the students in that institution are an effective means of explaining the use of various information retrieval tools.

» field of vision = campo visual, campo de visión, miras, actitud, planteamiento.

Example: Publishers, teachers and librarians need to adjust their field of vision and accept a trend away from Europe to one geared towards Africa, Asia, the Hispanic World, the Pacific Islands and Arabian countries.

» field of work = especialidad.

Example: Client needs and preferences concerning relatively briefer or longer abstracts may depend upon the field of work or the ease of access to originals or to library and information services.

» field research = investigación de campo.

Example: The article is entitled 'Field Research for Boneheads: From Naivete to Insight on the Green Tortoise'.

» heritage field = área de conservación del patrimonio.

Example: All those working in the heritage field are aware of the uncertain life-span of digital materials and the extreme complexities involved in keeping born-digital materials accessible over decades or even centuries.

» in the field of = en materia de, en el campo de.

Example: This list of open access journals in the field of education will be served from a database driven webpage.

» library computing field = informática documental.

Example: These complex and interactive technologies should alert managers, educators and participants in the library computing field to several key trends.

» library field = área de la biblioteconomía.

Example: With healthy roots in the library field, optical disc technology is on the verge of exponential growth into broader markets.

» museum computing field = informática aplicada a los museos.

Example: Workshops will be given by leaders in the museum computing field.

» scientific field = campo científico.

Example: Results indicate that the patterns of cross-fertilization vary greatly among these scientific fields.

» subject field = campo temático, área temática, disciplina, área del conocimiento.

Example: Subject field to be covered must be determined by making explicit statements concerning the limits of topic coverage, and the depth in which various aspects of the subject are to be treated.

» twin field = campo afín.

Example: Instead, the author has attempted to present a readable account of some of the key practices in the twin fields of abstracting and indexing.

field4 = campo. [Aplicado a una parte de un registro de una base de datos]

Example: Records are normally divided into fields.


» bibliographic field = campo bibliográfico.

Example: The directory, record identifier, reserved fields and bibliographic fields are terminated by the field separator.

» control field = campo de control.

Example: The control fields contain coded data such as the record control number, ISBN, language of the text, an intellectual level code, and a country of publication code.

» data field = campo de información.

Example: In UNIMARC the linking entry block, block 4 -- , contains data fields with embedded tags, indicators and subfield codes that identify the item to which the link is being made.

» datafield = campo de datos. [Sección del registro bibliográfico de longitud variable que contiene un tipo determinado de información, que sigue al directorio y que está asociado a una entrada del directorio]

Example: A datafield is a variable length portion of a bibliographic record containing a particular category of data, following the directory and associated with one entry of the directory.

» embedded field = campo inserto.

Example: A linking field is composed of subfields, each of which contains an embedded field made up of tag, indicators, and field content including subfield markers.

» ERASE FIELD key = tecla de borrado de campo.

Example: The ERASE FIELD key erases all characters in the input field to the right of where the cursor is located.

» field code = código de campo. [En bases de datos, abreviatura, normalmente compuesta de dos letras, que se utiliza para referirse a los campos de los registros]

Example: A user-defined format uses two-letter display codes, which in most cases are identical to the database's field codes (without the slash or equal sign, eg., TI, AU).

» field content = contenido del campo.

Example: A linking field is composed of subfields, each of which contains an embedded field made up of tag, indicators, and field content including subfield markers.

» field data = información.

Example: This paper discusses the technological revolution in field data collection systems for health sciences.

» field delimiter = delimitador de campo.

Example: A field delimiter marks the end of a field.

» field indicator = indicador de campo. [Primer elemento de un campo que añade información sobre el contenido del campo, sobre la relación entre un campo y otros del mismo registro o que indica la acción a seguir en cierto tipo de gestión de datos]

Example: In addition to a tag, each of the main fields also has two field indicators; indicators are used to distinguish between the different types of information that can be entered in the same field.

» field label = identificador de campo. [Término que se utiliza en un registro de una base de datos delante del contenido de un campo para indentificar su contenido; por ej. "autor" o "au"]

Example: To search a limit field use 'in' or '=' with field label, e.g. FIND: french in la; FIND: da=1979.

» field label = etiqueta de campo.

Example: Field labels are characters that identify specific fields.

» field name = nombre del campo.

Example: Hard copy print-out may allow a more 'conventional' catalogue type layout and will probably not require labels for field names.

» field searching = búsqueda por campos.

Example: Field searching: the ability to search for the occurrence of terms in specific fields within the record makes it possible to be more precise in searching.

» field separator = separador de campo.

Example: The directory, record identifier, reserved fields and bibliographic fields are terminated by the field separator.

» field size = tamaño del campo.

Example: Frequently it is necessary for the librarian or information worker to make choices concerning record size and field size.

» field suffix code = sufijo de campo.

Example: If you include a field suffix code (e.g., /TI) in an EXPLODEd command, the suffix will be ignored, because EXPLODE searches only thesaurus entries.

» field tag = etiqueta de campo. [Tres caracteres asociados a un campo y usados para identificarlo]

Example: In order to signal the beginning of each field each field is identified by a three character tag followed by two numeric indicators.

» fixed-field = de campos fijos.

Example: Dbase data bases are fixed-length, fixed-field files in which all records must contain the same fields and be of the same length.

» fixed length field = campo de longitud fija.

Example: A fixed length field is a field which has the same length, that is, contains the same number of characters in each record.

» free-text field = campo de texto libre.

Example: Omitting the field label retrieves information from 'free-text' fields only.

» indexing field = campo indizable.

Example: This article discusses the limitations implicit in the indexing of chemical information suggesting that the principal solution for these problems is to load this class of information into separate, chemical, indexing fields.

» leader field = campo de cabecera.

Example: Leader fields contain coded information required at the beginning of all MARC records.

» limit field = campo restringido.

Example: The highlighted fields on the previous screen are limit fields: the data in these fields have been specially indexed for more efficient retrieval.

» linking field = campo de relación.

Example: A linking field is composed of subfields, each of which contains an embedded field made up of tag, indicators, and field content including subfield markers.

» long field label = identificador de campo desarrollado. [Término completo que se utiliza en un registro de una base de datos delante del contenido de un campo para indentificar su contenido; por ej. "autor"]

Example: If your system administrator has set the Show options to display long field labels, you will se the full field names rather than the abbreviations.

» notes field = campo de notas.

Example: This therefore includes more information than is included in notes field of MARC or on a catalog card.

» reserved field = campo reservado.

Example: The directory, record identifier, reserved fields and bibliographic fields are terminated by the field separator.

» short field label = identificador de campo abreviado. [Término abreviado que se utiliza en un registro de una base de datos delante del contenido de un campo para indentificar su contenido; por ej. "au" para indicar "autor"]

Example: The two- to four-letter abbreviations on the left side of the screen are the short field lables - the abbreviated field names.

» subfield = subcampo. [Parte de un campo que contiene una unidad específica de información]

Example: Information is held in files or databases, which are comprise of records, which in turn are comprised of fields or data items, which again may be comprised of subfields or data elements.

» variable length field = campo de longitud variable.

Example: Variable length fields are fields where the length of any given field varies from one record to another.



» field + a comment = responder a un comentario.

Example: After she started fielding all the comments, she realized that the problem was more widespread than was anticipated.

» field + a player = alinear a un jugador.

Example: Wimbledon have been deducted three points by the Football League for fielding an ineligible player.

» field + a question = sortear un pregunta, responder a una pregunta.

Example: Questions concerning stock, hours, staffing and so on cannot be fielded at random, nor with any degree of authority, if institutional priorities are not solidly in place.

Field synonyms

area in spanish: zona, pronunciation: eriə part of speech: noun study in spanish: estudiar, pronunciation: stʌdi part of speech: noun subject in spanish: tema, pronunciation: səbdʒekt part of speech: noun, adjective discipline in spanish: disciplina, pronunciation: dɪsəplən part of speech: noun domain in spanish: dominio, pronunciation: doʊmeɪn part of speech: noun plain in spanish: llanura, pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: adjective, noun sphere in spanish: esfera, pronunciation: sfɪr part of speech: noun orbit in spanish: orbita, pronunciation: ɔrbət part of speech: noun arena in spanish: arena, pronunciation: ɜrinə part of speech: noun battlefield in spanish: campo de batalla, pronunciation: bætəlfild part of speech: noun airfield in spanish: aeródromo, pronunciation: erfild part of speech: noun champaign in spanish: champaign, pronunciation: tʃæmpeɪn part of speech: noun battleground in spanish: campo de batalla, pronunciation: bætəlgraʊnd part of speech: noun athletic field in spanish: Campo de atletismo, pronunciation: æθletɪkfild part of speech: noun force field in spanish: campo de fuerza, pronunciation: fɔrsfild part of speech: noun field of view in spanish: campo de visión, pronunciation: fildʌvvju part of speech: noun line of business in spanish: línea de negocio, pronunciation: laɪnʌvbɪznəs part of speech: noun playing field in spanish: campo de juego, pronunciation: pleɪɪŋfild part of speech: noun landing field in spanish: campo de aterrizaje, pronunciation: lændɪŋfild part of speech: noun field of study in spanish: campo de estudio, pronunciation: fildʌvstʌdi part of speech: noun flying field in spanish: campo volador, pronunciation: flaɪɪŋfild part of speech: noun branch of knowledge in spanish: rama del conocimiento, pronunciation: bræntʃʌvnɑlədʒ part of speech: noun field of force in spanish: campo de fuerza, pronunciation: fildʌvfɔrs part of speech: noun subject area in spanish: área temática, pronunciation: səbdʒekteriə part of speech: noun field of battle in spanish: campo de batalla, pronunciation: fildʌvbætəl part of speech: noun subject field in spanish: campo sujeto, pronunciation: səbdʒektfild part of speech: noun field of operation in spanish: campo de operación, pronunciation: fildʌvɑpɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun playing area in spanish: Area de juego, pronunciation: pleɪɪŋeriə part of speech: noun
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