Fiddle in spanish


pronunciation: bioʊlin part of speech: noun
In gestures

fiddle1 = violín. 

Example: Departures from the norm included teaching of instruments like the dulcimer, harmonica, viol and fiddle.


» a face as long as a fiddle = cara larga.

Example: Whenever he went to the races and lost, he usually returned with a face as long as a fiddle.

» as fit as a fiddle = andar como un reloj, estar rebosante de salud.

Example: Tall, handsome, fit-as-a-fiddle Louis Ronsard is the French businessman who has been selling this application for huge profits.

» fiddle-like = parecido a un violín.

Example: This pear-shaped, fiddle-like musical instrument displays both 'Western' and 'Eastern' influences.

» play + second fiddle = desempeñar un papel secundario, ser el segundo de a bordo.

Example: His classification was an attempt to adapt knowledge to the decimal pattern, and ideas had to play second fiddle; which is not a formula for efficient classification or a model for others.

fiddle2 = engaño, chanchullo, amaño. 

Example: This paper reports a study based on an eight-week period of participant observation of a particular form of resistance, fiddles.


» be on the fiddle = llevarse dinero, hacer chanchullos, defraudar dinero, estafar.

Example: I gather then, from what you are saying, that he has been on the fiddle syphoning money from the company.

fiddle3 = manipular, amañar, engañar, hacer chanchullos, hacer trampa. 

Example: Thus, the wrong impression was gained, for instance, when the olive oil subsidies were being 'fiddled' in Italy.


» fiddle while + Rome burns = quedarse de brazos cruzados ante un problema, perder el tiempo con nimiedades ignorando el verdadero problema.

Example: American political theorists are basically fiddling while Rome burns, talking about pie-in-the-sky versions of democracy, when they can't even figure out how to keep crazy people out of positions of significant power.

» fiddle with = manipular, amañar, retocar.

Example: The writer bemoans record studios' tendency to chop up and fiddle with opera performances.

» fiddle with = juguetear con.

Example: If she's constantly fiddling with her hair while she's talking to you, or even adjusting her clothes, she's trying to make sure she looks her best in front of you!.

Fiddle synonyms

play in spanish: jugar, pronunciation: pleɪ part of speech: verb, noun toy in spanish: juguete, pronunciation: tɔɪ part of speech: noun diddle in spanish: estafar, pronunciation: dɪdəl part of speech: verb violin in spanish: violín, pronunciation: vaɪəlɪn part of speech: noun
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