Fiction in spanish


pronunciation: fikθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

fiction = obras de ficción, literatura narrativa, obras de creación literaria, ficción narrativa, literatura de imaginación, ficción. [Obras literarias en prosa que presentan caracteres y acontecimientos imaginados por el autor con objeto de entretener al lector]

Example: It is widely recognised that it is difficult and unhelpful to categorise fiction according to a subject classification = Es un hecho ampliamente reconocido la dificultad y la poca utilidad de clasificar la literatura narrativa de acuerdo con una clasificación por materias.


» adult fiction = literatura para adultos, ficción para adultos.

Example: This bibliography covers the work of 123 women authors of adult fiction and poetry who published one or more books between 1962-1992.

» autofiction = autoficción.

Example: Autofiction is a term used in literary criticism to refer to a form of fictionalized autobiography.

» be fiction = ser ficticio.

Example: Sometimes librarians have to explain to enquirers who will almost certainly not believe them that ostriches do not put their heads in the sand, that in Britain at least, doctors do not take the Hippocratic oath, and that both the yeti and Sweeney Todd's baber's shop are fiction.

» children's fiction = ficción infantil, literatura infantil.

Example: The article 'Telling Brown Owl to scoot: on the virtues of disobedience in children's fiction' discusses a range of children's fiction for the presence of mischievousness in the main characters.

» distinguish + fact from fiction = separar la realidad de la ficción.

Example: The author, a dietitian, distinguishes fact from fiction with statements regarding a variety of foods -- potatoes, honey, carrots, lemon and grapefruit juices, white bread, garlic, red meat and oranges.

» fiction book = obra de creación literaria.

Example: Susan Blanch is a fairly steady customer, taking only fiction books.

» fiction classification = clasificación de la literatura narrativa.

Example: Fiction classifications are used extensively in public libraries.

» fiction section = sección de literatura narrativa.

Example: Some librarians anxious to make the transfer from the children's to the adult department as smooth as possible, often create a 'young adults' fiction section within the children's department.

» fiction writer = escritor de novelas, novelista.

Example: And like fiction writers, they will attempt to imbue them with life and meaning and value for the people who are investing their thoughts and time in their analysis.

» fiction writing = narrativa.

Example: Novelists, being writers who create books from their own imagination, are frequently introspective people who can cope with the solitariness of fiction writing.

» formula fiction = novela escrita a base de fórmulas o clichés.

Example: The article 'Why girls flock to Sweet Valley High' investigates the appeal to girls of adolescent romances and what, if anything, could be done to broaden the reading habits of such fans of formula fiction.

» genre fiction = literatura narrativa.

Example: Should we ignore the major trade publishers for almost everything except genre fiction, blockbusters, popular self-help, celebrity biographies and exposés?.

» historical fiction = novela histórica.

Example: I have myself a well-known dislike for historical fiction; it is a genre that on the whole gives me little pleasure.

» horror fiction = novelas de horror.

Example: Horror fiction has been slated by book reviewers and a similar prejudice among librarians could explain its under-representation in library stocks.

» juvenile fiction = literatura juvenil.

Example: Also, even juvenile fiction could be better accessed by applying more specific descriptors when possible; for example, TEDDY BEARS instead of TOYS.

» literary fiction = ficción literaria.

Example: It is quite pointless to write of 'authors' as if that term and that term alone is reserved for the writers of literary fiction.

» love fiction = novela de amor.

Example: Mystery and detective stories, love and romance fiction, adventure and western stories, recent novels widely publicized but of little literary distinction, popularizations of current affairs characterized by sensationalism and easy dogmatism rather than by dispassionate and qualified analysis -- these and similar books are widely circulated by the public library.

» non-fiction [nonfiction] = literatura no ficticia, obras de no ficción. [Cualquier documento cuyo objetivo es divulgar el conocimiento sobre algo o alquien real]

Example: To take some common examples, fiction is often organised by author, periodicals by their titles, and non-fiction by subject.

» non-fiction book = libro de literatura no ficticia.

Example: A borrowing of a non-fiction book could be the autobiography of a near-illiterate footballer ghosted by a hack journalist.

» pulp fiction = literatura barata. [Novela que se escribe en poco tiempo, se publica de un modo barato y cuyo contenido tiende a ser sensacionalista]

Example: In contemporary terms, how many private library catalogues record the presence of pulp fiction.

» romance fiction = novela romántica.

Example: Mystery and detective stories, love and romance fiction, adventure and western stories, recent novels widely publicized but of little literary distinction, popularizations of current affairs characterized by sensationalism and easy dogmatism rather than by dispassionate and qualified analysis -- these and similar books are widely circulated by the public library.

» romantic fiction = novela rosa.

Example: If no such standards can be observed then, it would seem, romantic fiction along with westerns and detective stories must be regarded as some sort of cul-de-sac and rather stagnant backwater quite separate from the main stream of 'literature'.

» science fiction = ciencia ficción.

Example: Does this all sound like fantasy or science fiction?.

» science fiction film = película de ciencia ficción.

Example: The history of science fiction films parallels that of the motion picture industry as a whole, although it took several decades before the genre was taken seriously.

» science fiction movie = película de ciencia ficción.

Example: There are so many amazing science fiction movies that it's hard to include all the greats in a list of 50.

» serial fiction = literatura seriada. [Todo tipo de publicación narrativa publicada en partes]

Example: The success of the shilling part-issues of the 1840s prompted the appearance of shilling magazines carrying two or three serialized novels in each monthly number, and these in turn recaptured the bulk of the serial fiction market from the part-issues during the 1860s.

» spy fiction = novela de espionaje.

Example: This article advises readers on choosing spy and crime fiction.

» sudden fiction = microrrelato.

Example: With sudden fiction, much like with poetry, much is left for the reader to interpret.

» truth is stranger than fiction = la realidad supera a la ficción, la verdad es más extraña que la ficción.

Example: But so far, no one has imagined a scenario where people might be playing ping-pong with robots, which just goes to prove that truth is often stranger than fiction.

» young adult fiction = literatura para adolescentes, ficción para adolescentes.

Example: Perhaps future works of young adult fiction will contribute more to the understanding of the mother/daughter relationship.

Fiction synonyms

fable in spanish: fábula, pronunciation: feɪbəl part of speech: noun fabrication in spanish: fabricación, pronunciation: fæbrɪkeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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