Few in spanish


pronunciation: poʊkoʊs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

few [fewer -comp., fewest -sup.] = pocos. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Incentives to earn more than a living were few, and if a man could get his bread by less than a whole week's work, he might well take the rest of the time off.


» a few = unos cuantos, algunos.

Example: Examine the definition of geography in a few dictionaries and encyclopaedias.

» a few days = unos cuantos días, unos pocos días.

Example: There were a few days last week where I felt like a walking dead person, but I am starting to feel better = La semana pasada hubo unos cuantos días que me sentí como un zombi, pero ya me estoy empezando a sentir mejor.

» a few days ago = hace unos días, hace unos pocos días, hace unos cuantos días.

Example: For example, a few days ago, he argued that McCain shouldn't choose Palin as his running mate.

» a few days from now = dentro de unos días, en un par de días, en un par de días a partir de ahora, de aquí a unos días.

Example: A few days from now you will be facing up to your boss for annual appraisal.

» a few days later = unos días más tarde.

Example: A few days later, they were out running errands when they stopped by the post office to pick up the envelope.

» a few minutes later = unos pocos minutos después, transcurridos unos pocos minutos.

Example: A few minutes later a woman came into the garage, chatted with Jimmy for a while and said that she'd like to arrange to have her car serviced.

» a few moments ago = hace unos momentos.

Example: A few moments ago I was all ready to give up reading because the book was not going to be to my taste.

» a few months back = hace unos pocos meses, hace unos cuantos meses.

Example: Woo dumped her controlling brain surgeon boyfriend a few months back claiming he spent more time in the mirror dolling himself up than she did.

» a few months back = hace unos pocos meses, hace unos cuantos meses.

Example: Woo dumped her controlling brain surgeon boyfriend a few months back claiming he spent more time in the mirror dolling himself up than she did.

» a few years ago = hace unos pocos años.

Example: Until a few years ago, the Internet was available only to institutions that could afford the high cost of an Internet mode.

» after a few fits and starts = después de algunas vicisitudes, después de algunos trompicones.

Example: Thankfully he's an easy-going kid and after a few fits and starts, he finally gave up and I didn't feel the need to pass him a binky either.

» all but a few = todos menos unos cuantos, todos menos unos pocos, todos excepto unos cuantos, todos excepto unos pocos.

Example: And, he plans to get rid of the Senate, all but a few, who will remain, according to his plans.

» all too few = demasiados pocos.

Example: Dealing with information products and services implicates practitioners in ethical as well as legal issues, although detailed instances of ethical dilemmas are all too few in the literature.

» and a few others = y unos cuantos más.

Example: The user has all the usual search commands at his disposal, and a few others in addition.

» a select few = una selecta minoría, una minoría selecta, unos pocos elegidos.

Example: In every community there are a select few individuals who give tirelessly of themselves to make the community better for all residents.

» as few as + Expresión Numérica = sólo.

Example: He showed that addingy as few as 20 well-selected terms could result in perfomance impovements of over 100%.

» at a few + Expresión Temporal + notice = con unos cuantos + Expresión de Tiempo + de antelación.

Example: A book fair cannot be put on at a few days' notice.

» be a man of few words = ser un hombre de pocas palabras.

Example: He is a man of few words being always difficult to get anything out of him at all and when he does speak it is with a total lack of bombast.

» be a woman of few words = ser una mujer de pocas palabras.

Example: But soft-spoken to the point of whispers, Dr Zul, as she is popularly known, is a woman of few words.

» be few and far between = ser escaso, escasear, ser habas contadas.

Example: Good bookshops are few and far between and the kind to be found in most towns are as educationally healthy as a river rich in industrial effluent is physically salubrious.

» be few in number = ser pocos, ser habas contadas.

Example: Whilst Prestel is in its infancy and subscribers few in number, costs are likely to be high, but they will only come down as the system moves into the mass market.

» break + a few rules = romper algunas reglas, romper algunas normas.

Example: I am looking for a zesty girl who isn't afraid to break a few rules and make a scene, spontaneity is huge for me.

» catch + a few Z's = echarse una cabezada, echarse una cabezadita, echarse un sueñecito.

Example: I think that's a good idea, but we shouldn't make any firm plans until you catch a few Z's; you must be totally bushed.

» chosen few = minoría selecta, minoría privilegiada.

Example: A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.

» during the next few years = durante los próximos años.

Example: Of all the factors influencing the on-line information services industry during the next few years, telephone deregulation could well be the most important.

» during the past few years = durante los últimos años, en los últimos años.

Example: During the past few years much importance has been attached to the study of the number, structure and behavior of the chromosomes.

» every few minutes = cada tantos minutos, cada dos por tres.

Example: Teachers across Britain are subjected to foul language, personal abuse, sexual insults and threats of violence by pupils every few minutes.

» every few + Nombre = cada cuantos + Nombre.

Example: They agreed to publish a new edition at appropriate intervals, for example every few years.

» every few + Período de Tiempo = cada tantos + Período de Tiempo.

Example: LCSH revision is continuous, and may be quite large scale, though this is less obvious because it does not take place in one lump every few years.

» every few years = cada pocos años.

Example: They agreed to publish a new edition at appropriate intervals, for example every few years.

» fewer than + Cantidad = menos de + Cantidad, por debajo de + Cantidad. [Comparativo de few (poco)]

Example: Those eligible normally include only companies with less than 45 million of net fixed assets and fewer than 500 employees.

» for a few moments = por unos momentos.

Example: Jay thought hard for a few moments.

» for the next few years = durante los próximos años.

Example: There is no doubt that this scheme deserves to succeed, but we live in a harsh world, where success tends to go to the successful rather than to the deserving, and one can only reserve judgement for the next few years.

» for the past few years = en los últimos años, durante los últimos años.

Example: For the past few years or so, I have noticed that I can hear and feel my femur occasionally popping out of my hip socket = Durante los últimos años, más o menos, he notado que puedo escuchar y sentir cómo el fémur se me sale de la cadera.

» in a few cases = en unos pocos casos.

Example: In a few cases, exposure to chicken faeces in an area frequented by free-ranging poultry is thought to have been the source of infection.

» in a few days from now = dentro de unos días, en un par de días, en un par de días a partir de ahora, de aquí a unos días.

Example: Asin is keeping her fingers crossed -- the verdict will be out in a few days from now.

» in a few words = en una palabra, en dos palabras, en resumidas cuentas, en pocas palabras, en cuatro palabras, escuetamente, para ser escueto.

Example: Recently, someone asked me if I could explain chi-square in a few words.

» in a few years' time = en unos cuantos años, dentro de unos cuantos años, en unos años, dentro de unos años.

Example: Further research will also require a follow-up survey in a few years' time = Además, se realizará un estudio de seguimiento dentro de unos cuantos años.

» in the last few years = en los últimos años.

Example: Much has been written in the last few years about the so-called strategic role of information in the enterprise.

» in the next few days = en los próximos días, durante los próximos días.

Example: And again, if anything seems strange in the next few days, please bear with us and let us know.

» in the next few years = en los próximos años.

Example: Again, this method looks very attractive compared with manual methods, and is likely to become available to large numbers of people in the next few years.

» in the past few years = durante los últimos años, en los últimos años.

Example: In the past few years, the mortality rates associated with infectious diseases have decreased, making cancer the leading cause of death in children.

» just to name a few = por mencionar unos pocos.

Example: The new technologies for information storage and retrieval which have burst upon the scene in only the past few years are mind boggling: electronic mail, synchronous and asynchronous communications networks, computer imaging, desktop publishing, facsimile transmission, just to name a few.

» next few years, the = próximos años, los. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: In the course of the next few years it became clear that a detailed revision of the classification scheme was becoming essential.

» not a few + Nombre = más de unos cuantos + Nombre.

Example: Not a few course leaders in the high technology end of the information education market were, in fact, somewhat envious of the clear focus in an application of the technology represented by SLIS.

» over the course of a few months = en cuestión de meses, en cuestión de unos cuantos meses.

Example: Over the course of a few months, her life became a shambles.

» over the last few days = en los últimos días, durante los últimos días.

Example: The Syrian military has pushed forward with its offensive in Aleppo and liberated several neighborhoods from the militants over the last few days.

» over the last few decades = durante las últimas décadas, en las últimas décadas.

Example: This paper provides a survey of the main developments in the iron and steel industry over the last few decades.

» over the last few years = durante los últimos años, en los últimos años.

Example: Over the last few years people from all parts of the globe have experienced violence, abuse, loss and tragedy.

» over the next few days = en los próximos días, durante los próximos días.

Example: The weather across Germany is expected to be warm and summery over the next few days.

» over the next few months = durante los próximos meses, en los próximos meses.

Example: Over the next few months, they will be donating thousands of pounds to help warm-hearted people and community projects.

» over the next few weeks = en las próximas semanas, durante las próximas semanas.

Example: With schools about to break up for the summer, millions of Brits will be packing their suitcases and jetting off on holiday over the next few weeks.

» over the next few years = durante los próximos años, en los próximos años.

Example: However, as the proportion of elderly people in the population rises sharply over next few years advertising and retail executives will need to rethink their sales strategies.

» over the past few days = durante los últimos días, en los últimos días.

Example: Rain and snowfall over the past few days has made a significant dent in the water deficit around California.

» over the past few decades = durante las últimas décadas, en las últimas décadas.

Example: Over the past few decades, Judeo-Spanish traditional songs have received a great deal of attention from scholars.

» over the past few months = durante los últimos meses, en los últimos meses.

Example: Russia's behavior over the past few weeks and months has to a certain extent facilitated the difficult task of forging a common European position.

» over the past few weeks = durante las últimas semanas, en las últimas semanas.

Example: Russia's behavior over the past few weeks and months has to a certain extent facilitated the difficult task of forging a common European position.

» over the past few years = durante los últimos años, en los últimos años.

Example: While there have been some praiseworthy improvements over the past few years, many biased headings persist which demean the very people who use the catalog.

» privileged few, a = minoría privilegiada, una.

Example: The library has no centralised card catalogue and stacks are open only to a privileged few.

» privileged few, the = minoría privilegiada, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: You can imagine how those who couldn't go felt, many of whom worked as hard or harder than the privileged few.

» put + a few things together = preparar algo.

Example: It would be of enormous help to us if you could put a few things together for us to look over.

» quite a few = bastantes, unos cuantos.

Example: One day, quite a few years ago now, a middle-aged mother discovered that her teenage daughter sometimes smoked pot with her friends after school.

» set + Nombre + back a few + Nombre = costar unos cuantos + Nombre.

Example: He says he has a special surprise lined up that has set him back a few thousand dollars.

» take + a few cracks at = hacer algunos comentarios sobre lo que Alguien ha dicho, rebatir a Alguien.

Example: However, I would like to take a few cracks at Ms. Lipow.

» take + a few minutes = dedicar unos minutos.

Example: I think it would be useful to take just a few minutes to talk about how our institutions come into being.

» take + a few moments = dedicar unos minutos.

Example: Then, take a few moments to think about the terms that you can use to state the topic.

» the first few times = las primeras veces.

Example: It was funny the first few times you said it, now it's annoying.

» to mention but a few of = por mencionar sólo algunos, por mencionar sólo unos cuantos.

Example: The library may have music scores, books on music, sound discs and sound tapes, to mention but a few of the possible media.

» to mention only a few = por mencionar sólo algunos, por mencionar sólo unos cuantos.

Example: Those researchers include Herbert Simon, Chris Argyris and Rensis Likert, to mention only a few.

» to name a few = por nombrar sólo unos pocos, por mencionar sólo unos pocos.

Example: Titles in different subject fields such as printing, education, Africa, and technology, to name a few, are extracted from the original work.

» to name but a few = por nombrar sólo unos pocos, por mencionar sólo unos pocos.

Example: Printed indexes that incorporate to varying degrees the principles of pre-coordinate indexing are to be found in abstracting and indexing journals, national bibliographies, and indexes to journals, to name but a few examples.

» with a few exceptions = salvo contadas excepciones, con muy pocas excepciones.

Example: With a few exceptions, copies of patents are easy and relatively cheap to acquire.

» with few exceptions = salvo contadas excepciones, con muy pocas excepciones.

Example: With few exceptions the new display types, which proliferated exuberantly during the first quarter of the century, were of three basic varieties.

» within a few years = en unos años, en unos cuantos años, en unos pocos años.

Example: Recently, a new and devastating disease of almond and nectarine trees leading to their death within a few years has emerged in Lebanon.

Few antonyms

many pronunciation: meni part of speech: adjective
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