Fever in spanish


pronunciation: fiebɹ̩e part of speech: noun
In gestures

fever = calentura, fiebre. 

Example: Startlingly, we find also that Rule 2.44 would permit either Horses -- Diseases or Horse -- Diseases -- Strangles for a document on strangles in horses (an infectious streptococcal fever); the first of these is blatantly class entry rather than specific, while the second is equally blatantly alphabetico classed.


» be ill with fever = estar enfermo de fiebre, estar enfermo con fiebre.

Example: Yes, it's fine to have the flu jab while you are taking a course of antibiotics, provided you are not ill with fever.

» breakbone fever = fiebre rompehuesos, fiebre quebrantahuesos. [También conocida como dengue fever (fiebre del dengue)]

Example: Hawaii has been hit by an outbreak of dengue fever, a mosquito-borne illness also known as 'breakbone fever' because of the debilitating joint pain it causes.

» catarrhal fever = fiebre catarral.

Example: Bluetongue disease (also called catarrhal fever) is a non-contagious, insect-borne viral disease of ruminants.

» catch + the fever = contagiarse, engancharse al carro, subirse al tren, aprovecharse de una oportunidad pasajera, seguir la moda.

Example: Everyone is riding the hype of 'An Inconvenient Truth,' and even Congress has caught the fever... but it doesn't feel rigth yet.

» come down with + a fever = enfermar de/con fiebre, caer enfermo de/con fiebre, ponerse enfermo de/con fiebre.

Example: Unfortunately, he came down with a fever forcing him to decline her invitation on Saturday after he initially accepted.

» dengue fever = fiebre de dengue. [También conocida como breakbone fever (fiebre rompehuesos/quebrantahuesos)]

Example: The author presents a discussion of endemic tropical diseases including cholera, dengue fever, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, malaria, meningitis, rabies, tapeworms, travelers' diarrhea, typhoid fever, and yellow fever.

» fever blister = herpes oral, herpes labial, herpes bucal, herpes de la boca.

Example: Both canker sores and fever blisters have plagued mankind for thousands of years.

» fevers of = ataques de.

Example: Senior staff members said that these fevers of truculent behavior had manifested themselves only within the past two or three years.

» glandular fever = mononucleosis, mononucleosis infecciosa.

Example: Glandular fever is a viral infection that causes an illness similar to influenza.

» have + a fever = tener fiebre, tener calentura.

Example: Parents were asked to subjectively assess whether their child had a fever.

» hay fever = alergia al polen, fiebre del heno.

Example: R. Shaw examined a collection of documents on hay fever in detail, and came to the conclusion that all the information to be found was contained in 96 of the total of four thousand!.

» malarial fever = malaria, paludismo, fiebre palúdica.

Example: He also argues that inducing high malarial fevers can stimulate the immune system to fight AIDS.

» paludic fever = fiebre palúdica, malaria, paludismo.

Example: Goiter, paludic fever and brucellosis were common in the region.

» rheumatic fever = fiebre reumática.

Example: The nine diseases for which statistics are reported are: ear infection, tonsillitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, urinary tract infection, mononucleosis, hepatitis, meningitis, and rheumatic fever.

» scarlet fever = escarlatina.

Example: Evidence is slight that books ever helped spread the epidemics of smallpox, tuberculosis, and scarlet fever that raged in US and European cities at the turn of the century = Existen escasas pruebas de que los libros ayudaran alguna vez a extender las epidemias de viruela, tuberculosis y escarlatina que se propagaron por ciudades estadounidenses y europeas a finales de siglo .

» shopping fever = fiebre consumista, fiebre de las compras.

Example: Malls with hundreds of stores offering the latest designs and pleasant surroundings all under one roof can spark shopping fever.

» swine fever = fiebre porcina, gripe porcina.

Example: The latest swine fever scare scythed through stock markets, cutting back gains made last week.

» typhoid fever = fiebre tifoidea, tifoidea.

Example: The author presents a discussion of endemic tropical diseases including cholera, dengue fever, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, malaria, meningitis, rabies, tapeworms, travelers' diarrhea, typhoid fever, and yellow fever.

» yellow fever = fiebre amarilla.

Example: The question can be raised about whether the 'noise' created by Beauperthuy drowned out the cries of pain and suffering of the victims of yellow fever.

Fever synonyms

pyrexia in spanish: pirexia, pronunciation: pɪreksiə part of speech: noun feverishness in spanish: fiebre, pronunciation: fevrɪʃnəs part of speech: noun febricity in spanish: febricidad, pronunciation: fəbrɪsɪti part of speech: noun
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