Feud in spanish


pronunciation: feudoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

feud1 = enemistad, odio, contienda, rencilla. [Normalmente que se hereda de familia]

Example: In doing so, the library created a rift that prohibited dialogue and created something of a feud between the copyright owner and the library.


» blood feud = enemistad mortal, enemistad a muerte.

Example: Modernity & vendetta are contradictory social phenomena, & yet globalization brings to light the existence of blood feud in a modernized world.

» old feud = vieja rencilla.

Example: A common danger, a common enemy, a common hate, makes them forget old feuds, bury the war-hatchet, and unite on common ground for a common object.

feud2 = pelearse, querellarse. 

Example: They used these relics to compel Flemish knights to cease feuding & make peace with their enemies, exploiting the fear of the miraculous powers of saints.
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