Festival in spanish


pronunciation: festibɑl part of speech: noun
In gestures

festival = festival. 

Example: The concept of corporate body includes named occasional groups and events, such as meetings, conferences, congresses, expeditions, exhibitions, festivals, and fairs.


» dance festival = festival de baile, festival de danza.

Example: This dance festival bigs up the diverse and exciting range of high quality dance theatre talent we've got on our very own doorstep.

» festival-goer = asistente a festival.

Example: There will be a free shuttle service provided for all festival-goers who want to avoid the downtown congestion and catch a free ride.

» film festival = festival de cine, festival cinematográfico.

Example: She looked like a million bucks when she walked the red carpet for the opening ceremony of the Film Festival last night.

» music festival = festival de música.

Example: Despite its low international profile, Danish music is always in evidence in music catalogues and at music festivals.

» pop festival = festival de música pop.

Example: The librarian searching for material on pop festivals who finds three substantial reports listed in the annual Government publications may be hard put to explain why he looked in such an apparently unlikely source.

» short film festival = festival de cortos, festival de cortometrajes, festival de cine corto.

Example: Founded in 1993, Australia's Tropfest has grown to be the largest short film festival in the world.

» solar festival = festival solar, festival en honor del sol, fiesta en honor al sol.

Example: The spring equinox is one of the four great solar festivals of the year.

Festival synonyms

fete in spanish: fiesta, pronunciation: feɪt part of speech: noun feast in spanish: banquete, pronunciation: fist part of speech: noun fiesta in spanish: fiesta, pronunciation: fiestə part of speech: noun
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