Fertility in spanish


pronunciation: feɹ̩tilidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

fertility = fertilidad. 

Example: POPLINE covers references on fertility, contraception and demography.


» fertility clinic = clínica de fertilidad.

Example: There are dozens of fertility clinics and surrogacy agencies to choose from.

» fertility rite = rito de la fertilidad.

Example: Primitive war dances, fertility rites, hunting games are all rituals human beings develop in their corporate as well as their private lives.

» fertility symbol = símbolo de fertilidad.

Example: This silver Anglo-Saxon amulet has features suggesting it may have been a fertility symbol or cult object.

» fertility treatment = tratamiento de fertilidad.

Example: The granddaddy of all fertility treatments, artificial insemination, dates to the early 1900s.

» god of fertility, the = dios de la fertilidad, el.

Example: Due to his many children and multiple affairs, he also came to be worshipped as the god of fertility.

» infertility = infertilidad, infecundidad, esterilidad.

Example: The author describes the scope of consumer health information relating to fertility and infertility on the Internet.

» soil fertility = fertilidad del suelo, fertilidad de la tierra.

Example: Soil fertility refers to the amount of nutrients in the soil, which is sufficient to support plant life.

Fertility synonyms

fecundity in spanish: fecundidad, pronunciation: fəkʌndɪti part of speech: noun richness in spanish: riqueza, pronunciation: rɪtʃnəs part of speech: noun birthrate in spanish: tasa de natalidad, pronunciation: bɜrθreɪt part of speech: noun prolificacy in spanish: prolificidad, pronunciation: prəlɪfəkəsi part of speech: noun birth rate in spanish: tasa de natalidad, pronunciation: bɜrθreɪt part of speech: noun fertility rate in spanish: tasa de fertilidad, pronunciation: fɜrtɪlətɪreɪt part of speech: noun

Fertility antonyms

sterility pronunciation: stɜrɪlɪti part of speech: noun infertility pronunciation: ɪnfɜrtɪlɪti part of speech: noun
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