Fence in spanish


pronunciation: θeɹ̩kɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fence1 = valla, cerca, verja, cerco. 

Example: I asked why Mr McGregor had a fence around the garden and whether or not Peter needed to go there for food.


» barbed-wire fence = alambrada de púas, cerca de alambre de púas, valla de alambre de púas, verja de alambre de púas.

Example: Many farmers and ranchers construct barbed-wire fences on their property to keep livestock in and unwelcome guests out.

» be on the fence about/on = estar indeciso sobre, no definirse.

Example: Analysts are also on the fence on this subject.

» both sides of the fence = ambos lados del argumento, ambas partes del argumento.

Example: The article 'Both sides of the fence: librarian and curator' advocates for further cooperation between libraries and museums.

» electrified fence = valla electrificada.

Example: I did what she wished obediently and touched the electrified fence with the head of my dick.

» fence building = creación de obstáculos, creación de impedimentos.

Example: Where one finds the defensiveness and fence building in libraries for the blind, they are almost all run by men.

» fence-sitting position = postura indefinida.

Example: AACR2 considers the main entry to be the heading of a bibliographical record, a fence-sitting position which has been called 'an incongrous compromise' = Las RRCAA2 consideran que el asiento principal es el encabezamiento del registro bibliográfico, una postura indefinida que se ha denominado "una transigencia incongrua".

» on the other side of the fence = al otro lado de la barrera.

Example: In the article 'On the other side of the fence: a lecturer in a library school' a librarian offers her impressions of work at a library school 18 years after graduating herself.

» over-the-fence friendliness = amabilidad entre vecinos.

Example: Indeed, she was delighted to forsake the urban reality of steel and glass, traffic and crime, aspirin and litter, for the sort of over-the-fence friendliness of the smaller city.

» picket fence = valla, cerca, verja.

Example: The barrier between religion & government in the US is described as a picket fence between accommodationists & separationists.

» sit on + the fence = nadar entre dos aguas, estar entre dos aguas, no definirse.

Example: However, some CD-ROM publishers have decided to sit on the fence and offer prices that are neither too high nor too low.

» the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence) = nadie está contento con lo que tiene, nadie esta contento con su suerte.

Example: This is one of those 'The grass is greener on the other side of the fence' situations.

» the other side of the fence = el otro lado de la barrera.

Example: The article 'The other side of the fence' discusses the process of getting a book published focusing on finding a publisher, the editing component, putting a contract together, getting an agent, and publicity.

» time to climb off the fence = ser hora de definirse.

Example: The article 'Time to climb off the fence' discusses the policy concerning publicly held data both in the USA and Europe.

» wattle fence = valla de zarzo, valla de caña trenzada.

Example: Wattle fences, traditionally made from willow, have been in use since medieval times.

» white picket fence = ciudad ideal. [Expresión utilizada para referirse al concepto semiutópico que hoy día se tiene de que en el pasado las ciudades no padecían de los problemas sociales, de tráfico, de inseguridad, etc. que hoy día padecen]

Example: This paper explores five scenarios of tomorrow's communities, one of them being a nostalgic return to the romantic notion of the white picket fence.

» wire fence = alambrada, cerca de alambre, verja de alambre, valla de alambre, cerca de tela metálica, verja de tela metálica, valla de tela metálica.

Example: Wire fences are a good idea if you are looking for to fence an area and have a limited budget.

fence2 = vallar, cercar. 

Example: In order to reducing disease risk to livestock scrubs were fenced to prevent expansion of rabbit burrows into grazing pastures.

Fence synonyms

wall in spanish: pared, pronunciation: wɔl part of speech: noun contend in spanish: contender, pronunciation: kəntend part of speech: verb argue in spanish: discutir, pronunciation: ɑrgju part of speech: verb debate in spanish: debate, pronunciation: dəbeɪt part of speech: noun surround in spanish: rodear, pronunciation: sɜraʊnd part of speech: verb palisade in spanish: empalizada, pronunciation: pælɪseɪd part of speech: noun fencing in spanish: Esgrima, pronunciation: fensɪŋ part of speech: noun fence in in spanish: valla en, pronunciation: fensɪn part of speech: verb
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