Feminist in spanish


pronunciation: feministɑ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

feminist1 = feminista. [Nombre]

Example: Most librarians, as well as most feminists, have long held liberal views on most issues, including freedom of information or free speech.


» cyberfeminist = ciberfeminista.

Example: By looking at the work of some cyberfeminists, the author attempts to give a clearer picture of key debates and strands of thought in cyberfeminism.

» pro-feminist = pro-feminista.

Example: So because we are respecting the right of an individual who happens to be female, we are being pro-feminists?.

feminist2 = feminista. [Adjetivo]

Example: The Fawcett Library's collection of materials concerning the feminist theorist and activist, Teresa Billington-Grieg, is described.


» feminist studies = estudios feministas.

Example: Though there are approximately 400 women's libraries internationally they are not generally the focus of research within either library studies or feminist studies.

» postfeminist [post-feminist] = postfeminista. [Lista de palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: Anne Bogart's novel combines avowed misogyny with postfeminist frolic = Las novelas de Anne Bogart combinan una misoginia declarada con retozos postfeministas.

Feminist synonyms

libber in spanish: partidario del feminismo, pronunciation: lɪbɜr part of speech: noun
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