Feminism in spanish


pronunciation: feminismoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

feminism = feminismo. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: This article considers the role of feminism in the library profession with particular regard to the work done by the American Library Association to improve the lot of women librarians.


» cyberfeminism = ciberfeminismo. 

Example: By looking at the work of some cyberfeminists, the author attempts to give a clearer picture of key debates and strands of thought in cyberfeminism.

» pro-feminism = pro-feminismo.

Example: Let me say right away that I use the term 'pro-feminism' over the term 'gender equality' with a purpose.

Feminism synonyms

feminist movement in spanish: movimiento feminista, pronunciation: femənəstmuvmənt part of speech: noun
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