Feminine in spanish


pronunciation: femeninoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

feminine = femenino. 

Example: At the heart of the ancient Hippopotamian culture is the worship of the feminine principle.


» ultrafeminine = ultrafemenino.

Example: Ramberg depicts women's torsos clad in ultrafeminine undergarments and creates body metaphors from jackets, vests, breastplates, and fur pieces.

Feminine synonyms

distaff in spanish: rueca, pronunciation: dɪstəf part of speech: noun female in spanish: hembra, pronunciation: fimeɪl part of speech: adjective, noun matronly in spanish: matronal, pronunciation: meɪtrənli part of speech: adjective womanly in spanish: mujeril, pronunciation: wəmɑnli part of speech: adjective unaccented in spanish: inacentuado, pronunciation: ənəksenɪd part of speech: adjective unstressed in spanish: átono, pronunciation: ənstrest part of speech: adjective maidenly in spanish: virginal, pronunciation: meɪdənli part of speech: adjective womanlike in spanish: mujer, pronunciation: wəmænlaɪk part of speech: noun, adjective maidenlike in spanish: como doncella, pronunciation: meɪdənlaɪk part of speech: adjective powder-puff in spanish: borla para empolvarse, pronunciation: paʊdɜrpəf part of speech: adjective

Feminine antonyms

neuter pronunciation: nutɜr part of speech: adjective, noun masculine pronunciation: mæskjələn part of speech: adjective unwomanly pronunciation: ənwʊmənli part of speech: adjective
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