Female in spanish


pronunciation: embɹ̩ɑ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

female1 = mujer, hembra. [Nombre]

Example: Most of them -- there are 24 people on the library staff; 6 in reference (3 males and 3 females) -- have not personally experienced sexual harassment and haven't been aware that it exists.

female2 = femenino. [Adjetivo]

Example: A balance should be preserved between male staff and female staff.


» female emancipation = emancipación de la mujer.

Example: For example, the outdated subject heading 'Female emancipation' could be changed to the newer term 'Women's liberation' with this function.

» female escort = chica de compañía.

Example: Female escorts are becoming increasingly common, with stories popping up in the news about women becoming escorts to pay their tuition fees.

» female librarian = bibliotecaria.

Example: To the general public 'the female librarian is still angular, elderly, acidulous and terrifying', to use Geoffrey Langley's words, 'and a male librarian is impossible under any hypothesis'.

» female partner = compañera, compañera sentimental.

Example: This paper examines interpersonal violence between middle-class African American male college students & their female partners.

» female sexual dysfunction = disfunción sexual femenina, disfunción sexual de la mujer.

Example: Female sexual dysfunction refers to the inability of a woman to function adequately in terms of sexual desire, sexual arousal, orgasm, or in coital situations.

Female synonyms

distaff in spanish: rueca, pronunciation: dɪstəf part of speech: noun feminine in spanish: femenino, pronunciation: femənən part of speech: adjective, noun pistillate in spanish: pistilado, pronunciation: pɪstəleɪt part of speech: adjective female person in spanish: persona femenina, pronunciation: fimeɪlpɜrsən part of speech: noun

Female antonyms

male pronunciation: meɪl part of speech: adjective, noun androgynous pronunciation: ændrɔdʒənəs part of speech: adjective male person pronunciation: meɪlpɜrsən part of speech: noun
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