Felony in spanish


pronunciation: delitoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

felony = felonía, delito grave, crimen. 

Example: Every state has its own statutes and codes that may make the theft or mutilation of library materials a misdemeanor or even a felony.


» face + felony charges = ser acusado de delitos graves.

Example: An elderly couple is facing felony charges after police pulled them over and discovered the Christmas presents they planned on delivering to their family were actually just 60 pounds of marijuana.

» felony charges = cargos de delitos graves, cargos por delitos graves.

Example: Criminal fines may also be imposed for felony charges, often in the amounts of thousands of dollars.

» felony conviction = condena por delito grave, declaración de culpabilidad por delito grave.

Example: Aggravating factors are those factors that make a crime seem more egregious, such as prior felony convictions or choosing an especially vulnerable victim.
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