Fellow in spanish


pronunciation: koʊmpɑnjeɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fellow1 = compañero. 

Example: Some children are swayed more than others by the attitudes, opinions, behavior of friends and fellows, but none escapes unaffected, not even the outsider, the loner.


» bedfellow = compañero, combinación, pareja.

Example: I would like to devote a couple of moments each to what may seem strange bedfellows at first: Sholom Aleichem, Melvil's Rib, the CIA, and La Jolla, California.

» fellow citizen = conciudadano.

Example: Sidney Ditzion's assessment of Ticknor as a man who 'loved and trusted the great majority of his fellow citizens' just will not stand the test when compared with the testimony of Ticknor's contemporaries.

» fellow countryman = paisano, compatriota.

Example: Perhaps a shared ancestry is the only thing that connects these 'fellow countrymen' living abroad.

» fellow-man [fellow-men, -pl.] = conciudadano.

Example: Like many whose vocation is to serve their fellow-man, from New York cab drivers to Parisian cafe waiters, they do not always feel like smiling.

» fellow + Profesión = colega.

Example: As a communications device, Internet allows you to reach your fellow librarians with messages and documents independent of the constraints of mail, telegraph, or fax.

» fellows = contemporáneos.

Example: Many Americans were soon asking the same question that Ticknor and his fellows had asked 30 years earlier.

» fellow traveller = compañero de viaje.

Example: She comments on the attitudes of her fellow travelers, mostly people on all-inclusive package holidays, toward the local people, noting an unjustified sense of superiority on the part of the Europeans.

» fellow worker = colega, compañero de trabajo.

Example: Unlike most of their fellow workers, they have 'primitive' social interests, limited to games of cards & dominoes, & are heavy drinkers.

fellow2 = tío, tipo, persona. 

Example: From the skimming he had given their writings he knew that something like a chemical agent was working in Balzac's defenseless mind, and that the hapless fellow was trying not to succumb to it.


» fellow inmate = recluso.

Example: One of the problems to be anticipated once a prison law library has been established is the possible 'extortion' by jailhouse lawyers demanding compensation from fellow inmates they legally advise.

» poor fellow = pobre hombre.

Example: The space man, poor fellow, has presumably wandered up and somehow indicated that his UFO has conked out.

fellow3 = miembro. 

Example: He was also Council on Library Resources fellow, and he's published several articles, the most recent with Whitney Coe.

fellow4 = profesor invitado. 

Example: The following highlights are what this first class of fellows recall of their time overseas.


» research fellow = investigador invitado, colaborador de investigación.

Example: Ed Walley's contribution came about as the result of research he had been conducting into community information services whilst research fellow at the School of Librarianship, Leeds Polytechnic.

» visiting fellow = profesor invitado.

Example: Scientists, visiting fellows, and doctoral candidates participated in the survey.

fellow5 = becario. 

Example: Fellows are expected to return to Australia at the end of the fellowship to continue to do work of a similar nature.

fellow6 = semejante, prójimo. 

Example: Cave paintings, baked clay tablets, papyrus rolls, vellum, parchment and paper manuscripts, movable type printing; these have been the material objects by means of which man have communicated with their fellows.


» fellow being = prójimo, semejante.

Example: Immorality and general disrespect for our fellow beings is just about the norm in this day and age.

» fellow human being = semejante, prójimo.

Example: What is our responsibility to a fellow human being, who in this case happens to be a respected library director who is also our boss?.

Fellow synonyms

colleague in spanish: colega, pronunciation: kɑlig part of speech: noun associate in spanish: asociar, pronunciation: əsoʊsiət part of speech: noun, verb familiar in spanish: familiar, pronunciation: fəmɪljɜr part of speech: adjective companion in spanish: compañero, pronunciation: kəmpænjən part of speech: noun beau in spanish: galán, pronunciation: boʊ part of speech: noun brother in spanish: hermano, pronunciation: brʌðɜr part of speech: noun comrade in spanish: camarada, pronunciation: kɑmræd part of speech: noun sister in spanish: hermana, pronunciation: sɪstɜr part of speech: noun lad in spanish: muchacho, pronunciation: læd part of speech: noun chap in spanish: Cap, pronunciation: tʃæp part of speech: noun cuss in spanish: tipo de, pronunciation: kʌs part of speech: noun, verb swain in spanish: zagal, pronunciation: sweɪn part of speech: noun fella in spanish: amigo, pronunciation: felə part of speech: noun gent in spanish: caballero, pronunciation: dʒent part of speech: noun blighter in spanish: sinvergüenza, pronunciation: blaɪtɜr part of speech: noun boyfriend in spanish: novio, pronunciation: bɔɪfrend part of speech: noun confrere in spanish: cohermano, pronunciation: kɑnfrer part of speech: noun young man in spanish: hombre joven, pronunciation: jʌŋmæn part of speech: noun
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