Feign in spanish


pronunciation: finxiɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

feign = fingir, aparentar, pretender, amagar, hacer como que. 

Example: 'You're sure you know what to do?' 'I'm sure,' she replied, with a confidence still slightly feigned = "¿Estás segura de que sabes qué hacer?" "Estoy segura", respondió con una seguridad todavía ligeramente fingida.


» feign + death = fingir estar muerto.

Example: The book has a blue mottled sheepskin binding signed by Antoine Menard, a famous bookbinder who was shot in Paris by a firing squad in 1871 but feigned death and escaped to Spain.

Feign synonyms

affect in spanish: afectar, pronunciation: əfekt part of speech: verb assume in spanish: asumir, pronunciation: əsum part of speech: verb sham in spanish: impostor, pronunciation: ʃæm part of speech: noun, adjective pretend in spanish: pretender, pronunciation: pritend part of speech: verb dissemble in spanish: disimular, pronunciation: dɪsembəl part of speech: verb simulate in spanish: simular, pronunciation: sɪmjələt part of speech: verb
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