Feed in spanish


pronunciation: ɑlimentɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures



» animal feed = comida para animales, pienso.

Example: The current agricultural research programme includes scientific and technical research to develop protein plants and animal feeds.

» be (just) chicken feed = ser pecata minuta, ser una miseria, no ser nada, ser insignificante.

Example: $2.5 million may be chicken feed to you, but here in the real world it is a big deal.

» chicken feed = pienso para gallinas, pienso para pollos.

Example: Commercially produced chicken feed has the right level of nutrients, but it is highly processed as well as cooked, leaching a lot of the nutrition.

» feed additive = aditivo para la alimentación animal, aditivo del pienso, aditivo para el pienso.

Example: This feed additive is nothing more than chicken feces, feathers and uneaten chicken feed collected from the floor of crowded chicken cages.

» feed bag = morral. [Bolsa que se coloca sobre el hocico de un animal para que coma]

Example: He used the money he earned to buy shirts since the only ones his parents were able to provide were made from feed bags.

» feed grain = grano para los animales, cereal para los animales, cereales pienso, grano forrajero.

Example: The growing of feed grains also requires huge quantities of pesticides and fertilizers, which often end up polluting the environment.

» feed tray = bandeja de alimentación de papel.

Example: A supply of copy paper should be fanned out and stacked in the feed tray and this must be raised to the correct level for feeding into the printer.

» linefeed = nueva línea. [En tecnología de la información, código que el ordenador introduce al final de una línea para indicar que ahí termina y que normalmente va acompañado del código de retorno de carro (en hexadecimal 0D0A)]

Example: Every record must be separated by a carriage return or a carriage return and a linefeed.

» line feed character = símbolo de avance de línea. [En tecnología de la información, código que en texto o programa informático significa que lo que viene a continuación debe comenzar en una nueva línea]

Example: Common tasks involved filtering data to remove a carriage return or line feed character, or reformatting text to produce more readable end products.

» livestock feed = pienso, comida para animales.

Example: Although pomace is high in fiber, it is used mostly in pet and livestock feeds.

» poultry feed = pienso para aves.

Example: Ingredients used in poultry feed range from dried cereals to oils, fats, molasses, and trace minerals.

» RSS feed = noticia web en formato RSS, contenido web en formato RSS.

Example: This article describes how to set up an aggregator to collect RSS feeds.

» syndication feed = envío de información por suscripción. [Aplicado generalmente a la web]

Example: However, the most popular syndication feed is RSS, and its development has been marked by in-fighting among those most interested in it.

feed2 = alimentar, introducir. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio fed]

Example: The computer merely needs to be fed with the source documents and their citation, and with the appropriate software, will generate the indexes.


» bottle-feed = dar el biberón.

Example: If you are breastfeeding or bottlefeeding your baby and they have diarrhoea, you should continue to feed them as normal.

» breast-feed [breastfeed] = amamantar, dar el pecho, dar de mamar a.

Example: Traditionally, Malaysian women breast-feed their infants for an extended period of time; only elite Chinese women resort to a wet-nurse.

» feed on + air = alimentarse del aire.

Example: Lichens are not parasitical, but instead feed on air, dust and ambient moisture.

» feed + the fire = alimentar el fuego.

Example: Clair lets Luther out, leaving the door slightly ajar, before feeding the fire and starting on the coffee.

» force-feed = alimentar a la fuerza.

Example: We ask those who force-feed geese and ducks to stop carrying out this abusive practice.

feed3 = dar de comer. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio fed]

Example: On one occasion we were also printing on our days off which meant that the journeymen had to be fed and paid overtime.


» bite + the hand that feeds + Pronombre = ser un ingrato, ser un desagradecido, ser un malagradecido, moder la mano del que + dar de comer.

Example: Moreover, it frees them from the fear that if they rattle the cages of city authorities they will be accused of biting the hand that feeds them.

» spoon-feed [spoon feed/spoonfeed] = malacostumbrar, dar las cosas masticadas.

Example: The author questions the policy of using assignments to teach library research and the attitude that students should not be spoon fed.

Feed synonyms

eat in spanish: comer, pronunciation: it part of speech: verb give in spanish: dar, pronunciation: gɪv part of speech: verb prey in spanish: presa, pronunciation: preɪ part of speech: noun feast in spanish: banquete, pronunciation: fist part of speech: noun grub in spanish: comida, pronunciation: grʌb part of speech: noun provender in spanish: forraje, pronunciation: prəvendɜr part of speech: noun fertilize in spanish: abonar, pronunciation: fɜrtəlaɪz part of speech: verb feed in in spanish: alimentar, pronunciation: fidɪn part of speech: verb

Feed antonyms

starve pronunciation: stɑrv part of speech: verb
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