Fee in spanish


pronunciation: kuoʊtɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fee = cuota, tarifa, tasa, honorarios. 

Example: Information providers pay a fee to British Telecom, and may then charge users for each frame that they consult.


» administration fee = gasto de gestión.

Example: If your account balance is less than $1000, you will generally not be charged administration fees in excess of interest earned on your account.

» arrangement fee = cobro por los preparativos.

Example: There are no arrangement fees and there is no formal commitment until contract signature, which is normally shortly before the date of each disbursement.

» bank fee = comisión bancaria, tasa bancaria.

Example: One of the drawbacks the programme has is its hugely increased cost, particularly through bank fees.

» cancellation fees = gastos de cancelación.

Example: The implications of conference and function cancellation fees for customer goodwill are examined.

» charge + a fee = cobrar una cuota.

Example: Wilson charge a flat one-time fee for backfiles of each data base which equals a one-year subscription to that file.

» collection of fees = cobro de dinero.

Example: A debatable source of outside funding is the collection of fees for services rendered.

» connect fee = tarifa de conexión.

Example: The new pricing scheme will be phased in gradually, the plan being to reduce connect fees as other fees are increased.

» corkage fee = suplemento por descorche. [En aquellos restaurantes que permiten a los comensales traer su propia bebida alcohólica (generalmente vino), suplemento que se cobra al cliente]

Example: While many places charge a corkage fee in the ballpark of $20-$40, the fee can often be much more, which is why it's good to ask.

» corking fee = suplemento por descorche, suplemento por traer su propia bebida. [En aquellos restaurantes que permiten a los comensales traer su propia bebida alcohólica (generalmente vino), suplemento que se cobra al cliente]

Example: I don't drink wine but see corking fees on the menu sometimes as high as $35.

» cost-recovery fee = tasa para cubrir gastos.

Example: The board of regents may establish a cost-recovery fee for training of commercially employed firefighters, and such fees shall be deposited to the general fund.

» early-bird registration fee = tarifa especial por inscripción anticipada.

Example: Early-bird registration fees are available only until June 1.

» early registration fee = tarifa especial por inscripción anticipada.

Example: The early registration fee is $995 and the late registration fee $1095.

» enrolment fee = tasa de inscripción, tasa de matrícula, cuota de inscripción, cuota de matrícula.

Example: Beginning with the Fall 2006 semester, all students must pay all enrollment fees in full at the time of registration.

» entrance fee = entrada, precio de la entrada.

Example: Entrance to some events will only be granted upon payment of an entrance fee.

» exam fee(s) = gastos de examen, tasas de examen.

Example: If you have not paid your exam fees on time, you will be charged an extra fee per subject.

» examination fee(s) = gastos de examen, tasas de examen.

Example: Deposits, registration and tuition fees and examination fees are non refundable in any other circumstances.

» fee-based = de pago, con cobro, comercial.

Example: The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.

» fee for services = cobro por servicios, cobro por servicios prestados.

Example: This paper presents the results of an inquiry among libraries that have tried charging fees for services.

» fee-free = sin (gastos de) comisión, gratis.

Example: Changing cash is out of the ark -- get a decent fee-free card and withdraw cash locally.

» fee or free = de pago o gratis. [En el servicio bibliotecario, disyuntiva que se le presenta a la biblioteca sobre cobrar por algunos de los servicios que presta o no]

Example: This article examines the facets of the fee-or-free controversy and presents a compelling case that the issue is far from resolved.

» fee-related = relacionado con el pago de cuotas.

Example: The current technological scene is reviewed to bring fee-related issues into sharper focus.

» fee services = cobro de servicios, cobro por servicios. [En bibliotecas, servicios por los que hay que pagar]

Example: Fee services sap energies and attention from services responsive to other basic human values = El cobro de servicios merma las fuerzas y la atención que se le debería dedicar a servicios que atienden a otros valores humanos básicos.

» fee versus free = de pago o gratis. [En el servicio bibliotecario, disyuntiva que se le presenta a la biblioteca sobre cobrar por algunos de los servicios que presta o no]

Example: In the light of divergent approaches to video collection development based upon the fee versus free argument, it is time to reflect on the role of video in public libraries.

» flat fee = tarifa plana.

Example: Dialog has published plans for calculating flat fee annual subscriptions = Dialog ha publicado planes para calcular las suscripciones anuales con tarifa plana.

» flat one-time fee = cuota única.

Example: Wilson charge a flat one-time fee for backfiles of each data base which equals a one-year subscription to that file.

» for a fee = pagando.

Example: Copies of this article are available for a fee = Puede conseguir una copia de este artículo pagando por ello.

» for-fee = de pago.

Example: Online classified ads and for-fee information services that require the user to subscribe to a service have been widely available for decades.

» for fees = cobrando.

Example: Perhaps too, since their skills are identical, the advice here might benefit the new frontier of free-lance librarians, private researchers, information brokers, librarians-without-a-library, and so on, plying their trade on the open market, for fees.

» handling fee = gastos de gestión, comisión.

Example: Accommodation deposit will be refunded minus $25 handling fee = El depósito del alojamiento será reintegrado íntegramente, menos $25 de gastos de gestión.

» late registration fee = tarifa por inscripción fuera de plazo.

Example: These late registration fees do not apply to students who register prior to the beginning of the academic semester.

» lending fee = tasa de préstamo, cuota de préstamo, tarifa de préstamo.

Example: Most lenders will charge a higher lending fee when the amount you wish to borrow represents more than 90% of the cost of your home.

» licence fee = canon de televisión.

Example: This week thousands of us worked together to persuade the government not to top-slice the licence fee from the BBC funding.

» membership fee = cuota.

Example: In its early years it benefited from a variety of grants to support activities and developments, but since 1971, OCLC has been supported by membership fees and grants for specific research and development projects.

» nominal fee = cantidad simbólica, precio simbólico.

Example: This enormous amount of information is available to the public free or for nominal fees.

» overdraft fee = comisión por sobregiro.

Example: The banks were habitually charging exorbitant rates on overdraft fees without prior notice.

» parking fee = precio del aparcamiento.

Example: The Conference Centre car park has 650 parking places, with another 5000 places nearby and parking fees can be paid with notes or coins.

» pay + a fee = pagar un precio, pagar honorarios.

Example: Information providers pay a fee to British Telecom, and may then charge users for each frame that they consult.

» reduced fee = precio especial, descuento.

Example: We have exetended the registration deadline for reduced fee of 300 EUR instead of 350 EUR until April, 17th.

» registration fee(s) = gastos de matrícula, cuota de inscripción, tasa de inscripción, tasa de matrícula, cuota de matrícula.

Example: Registration fees for conferences and meetings will be raised.

» service fee = cuota, tarifa.

Example: Librarian in public libraries are faced with the prospect of service fees.

» sign-up fees = cuota de inscripción.

Example: It aims to provide small businesses with access to public records with a pay as you go plan and no sign-up fees.

» sliding fee scale = escala de tarifas según los ingresos.

Example: Most government-funded health centers offer sliding fee scales in order to make treatment more affordable for low-income individuals.

» tuition fee(s) = gastos de matrícula.

Example: Student numbers were limited to 30; those from New York State paid no tuition fee.

Fee synonyms

sign in spanish: firmar, pronunciation: saɪn part of speech: noun, verb contract in spanish: contrato, pronunciation: kɑntrækt part of speech: noun sign up in spanish: Regístrate, pronunciation: saɪnʌp part of speech: verb sign on in spanish: inscribirse, pronunciation: saɪnɑn part of speech: verb
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