Feature in spanish


pronunciation: kɑɹ̩ɑkteɹ̩istikɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

feature1 = característica, rasgo, facción. 

Example: The features which contribute to UDC's suitability for detailed indexing are particularly valued in special libraries.


» animated feature = película de animación, película de dibujos animados.

Example: After grossing 600 million worldwide it is the 2nd most successful animated feature of all time from Disney.

» become + a common feature = ser algo normal, ser algo común, ser algo habitual.

Example: Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.

» characteristic feature = rasgo característico.

Example: The purpose of this study is to bring out the characteristic features and restrictions of children's websites.

» chiselled features = rasgos marcados, facciones marcadas.

Example: He was once famous for his chiselled features and dark curls.

» distinctive feature = característica distintiva, característica.

Example: The distinctive feature of the library is the dome-shaped ceiling with cross beams in stained pine.

» feature article = artículo especial, artículo de fondo, artículo de opinión.

Example: The author reviews some of the periodicals that contain an increasing number of feature articles about the Internet.

» feature card = guía.

Example: The provision of 'guide' or 'feature' cards, displaying class numbers and their verbal translations, break up the classified sequence into manageable proportions and help in the process of guiding.

» feature extraction = extracción de características.

Example: Feature extraction has long been an important topic in pattern recognition.

» feature film = largometraje, película.

Example: The selection, which also takes account of the Corporation's user survey, will prioritise feature, cartoon and puppet films for children.

» feature-length = de larga duración.

Example: Feature-length episodes are special episodes that, instead of a single hour, are two hours; the same length as a feature film.

» feature matching = correspondencia de rasgos. [Función usada en el 'reconocimiento de imágenes por ordenador' computer vision para identificar similitudes entre objetos]

Example: In feature matching, the computer uses certain attributes, e.g. the number of edges, corners, enclosed spaces, etc. to overcome problems of variability of size and orientation of objects which should belong to the same category.

» geographical feature = accidente geográfico.

Example: Some gazetteers include entries for rivers, capes and other geographical features.

» lay down + features = establecer características.

Example: The promulgation of Community law represents the culmination of an often tortuous legal process whose main features are laid down in the Treaty of Rome.

» stylistic feature = rasgo estilístico.

Example: Length is also a function of style and most abstracts, though avoiding clipped telegraphese, have certain stylistic features which help to keep wordage to a minimum.

» technical features = características técnicas. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: Its technical features include minimum hardware requirements, large database capacity, variable length fields, repeatable fields, subfields, powerful indexing, and rapid searching.

feature2 = función, prestación, servicio. 

Example: Another way of doing this search is to use the lateral searching feature.


» feature-filled = con muchas prestaciones.

Example: More powerful, feature-filled hardware and software is coming onto the market daily and merely keeping up with what is new is taking up more and more time.

feature4 = figurar, aparecer. 

Example: If a corporate body is deemed to have some intellectual responsibility for the content of a work, then the name of that body will usually feature as a heading on either a main or added entry.

feature5 = ofrecer, presentar. 

Example: Other catalogues and bibliographies only feature added entries under title where it is deemed that the author main entry heading is not likely to be obvious to the users.

Feature synonyms

have in spanish: tener, pronunciation: hæv part of speech: verb sport in spanish: deporte, pronunciation: spɔrt part of speech: noun characteristic in spanish: característica, pronunciation: kerəktɜrɪstɪk part of speech: adjective, noun boast in spanish: alarde, pronunciation: boʊst part of speech: verb, noun lineament in spanish: lineamiento, pronunciation: lɪnimənt part of speech: noun feature film in spanish: largometraje, pronunciation: fitʃɜrfɪlm part of speech: noun feature article in spanish: artículo principal, pronunciation: fitʃɜrɑrtəkəl part of speech: noun

Feature antonyms

miss pronunciation: mɪs part of speech: noun, verb lack pronunciation: læk part of speech: noun, verb
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