Feathered in spanish


pronunciation: plumɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures



» feather-bed = favorecer, subvencionar, mimar. [Normalmente, aplicado a las políticas proteccionistas de los gobiernos]

Example: Consequently, it came as no surprise when the new Conservative Government was elected in 1979 on a ticket to cut public expenditure and stop feather-bedding consumers.

» feather + Posesivo/the + nest = barrer para dentro, barrer hacia dentro, barrer para casa, chupar de la teta, chupar del bote.

Example: The article 'Feathering the nest' explains how much publishers need their bestsellers in recessionary times.

» tar and feather = emplumar, emplumar con brea, humillar en público. [Práctica obsoleta para castigar y humillar a alguien en frente de todos]

Example: On Sunday evening, an alleged drug dealer was tarred and feathered in a Belfast street as passers-by looked on.

feathered = con plumas. 

Example: The mere thought of feathered things flying anywhere near her, particularly indoors, was enough to make her flesh creep.

Feathered synonyms

fledged in spanish: plumado, pronunciation: fledʒd part of speech: adjective adorned in spanish: adornado, pronunciation: ədɔrnd part of speech: adjective decorated in spanish: decorado, pronunciation: dekɜreɪtəd part of speech: adjective feathery in spanish: plumoso, pronunciation: feðɜri part of speech: adjective plumed in spanish: con penacho, pronunciation: plumd part of speech: adjective vaned in spanish: desaparecido, pronunciation: veɪnd part of speech: adjective pennate in spanish: Pennate, pronunciation: peneɪt part of speech: adjective plumose in spanish: plumosa, pronunciation: plumoʊz part of speech: adjective plumy in spanish: plumoso, pronunciation: plumi part of speech: adjective plumaged in spanish: plumaje, pronunciation: plumɪdʒd part of speech: adjective plumate in spanish: plumar, pronunciation: plumeɪt part of speech: adjective featherlike in spanish: pluma, pronunciation: feðɜrlaɪk part of speech: adjective plumelike in spanish: plumelike, pronunciation: plumlaɪk part of speech: adjective aftershafted in spanish: aftershafted, pronunciation: æftɜrʃæftɪd part of speech: adjective

Feathered antonyms

featherless pronunciation: feðɜrləs part of speech: adjective unfeathered pronunciation: ənfeðɜrd part of speech: adjective
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