Feather in spanish


pronunciation: plumɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

feather1 = pluma. 

Example: If none of these terms is appropriate, give the specific name of the item or the names of the parts of the item as concisely as possible; e.g., 2 feather headbands, 1 pair beaded moccasins.


» a feather in + Posesivo + cap = logro personal, triunfo personal.

Example: It's definitely a feather in her cap but only she knows the truth, it was a shot in the dark .

» be birds of a feather = ser pájaros del mismo plumaje, ser lobos de una camada, ser como uña y carne.

Example: Kindred spirits are 'birds of a feather' listening to the same voice within.

» birds-of-a-feather = para personas con intereses similares.

Example: This paper outlines the papers delivered at the conference, tutorials, and birds-of-a-feather sessions.

» birds of a feather flock together = Dios los cría y ellos se juntan, los pájaros del mismo plumaje vuelan juntos.

Example: I have always believed that, as the old sayings go, 'You are known by the company you keep', 'Birds of a feather flock together', 'Lie down with dogs and you get fleas', etc, etc.

» feather duster = plumero.

Example: Feather dusters use the principles of static electricity to take up small debris such as dander.

» light as a feather = ligero como una pluma.

Example: What is light as feather but even the strongest man cannot hold it more than minute? His breath.

» ruffle + Posesivo + feathers = enojar a Alguien, irritar a Alguien, ofender a Alguien, herir susceptibilidades, levantar ampollas.

Example: She's taken to her blog to defend her new music video, because she's sure the content matter is going to 'ruffle some feathers'.

» spit + feathers = montar en cólera, cabrearse.

Example: It makes me laugh to think of you poor losers spitting feathers about the government.

» spit + feathers = estar muerto de sed, estar sediento, estar frito de sed.

Example: I ended up parking about two miles away, and by the time I'd lugged the cases through the labyrinth of alleyways and switchbacks, I was spitting feathers.

» You could have pushed + Nombre + over with a feather = quedarse completamente atónito, quedarse de piedra.

Example: You could have pushed the young man over with a feather.

feather2 = pluma. [En encuadernación, decoración de la cubierta con líneas curvas dando la impresión de plumas superpuestas]

Example: The contrast between the fine feathers of these superb bindings and their jackdaw contents is often quaint.



» feather-bed = favorecer, subvencionar, mimar. [Normalmente, aplicado a las políticas proteccionistas de los gobiernos]

Example: Consequently, it came as no surprise when the new Conservative Government was elected in 1979 on a ticket to cut public expenditure and stop feather-bedding consumers.

» feather + Posesivo/the + nest = barrer para dentro, barrer hacia dentro, barrer para casa, chupar de la teta, chupar del bote.

Example: The article 'Feathering the nest' explains how much publishers need their bestsellers in recessionary times.

» tar and feather = emplumar, emplumar con brea, humillar en público. [Práctica obsoleta para castigar y humillar a alguien en frente de todos]

Example: On Sunday evening, an alleged drug dealer was tarred and feathered in a Belfast street as passers-by looked on.

Feather synonyms

square in spanish: cuadrado, pronunciation: skwer part of speech: noun, adjective plume in spanish: penacho, pronunciation: plum part of speech: noun fledge in spanish: plumar, pronunciation: fledʒ part of speech: verb plumage in spanish: plumaje, pronunciation: plumədʒ part of speech: noun feathering in spanish: plumaje, pronunciation: feðɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun
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