Feast in spanish
pronunciation: bɑnkete part of speech: noun
feast1 = festividad, fiesta, festín, celebración, festejo.
Example: Sometimes this was done simply by staying away (Saint Monday was always a popular feast in the trade), but perhaps more often by contracting with the master to work less.more:
» Feast of Pentecost, the = fiesta de Pentecostés, la; festividad de Pentecostés, la; Pascua de Pentecostés, la.
Example: Whitsuntide, or the Feast of Pentecost, starts on the 7th Sunday after Easter, and celebrates the descent of the Holy Ghost to the 12 Apostles at Pentecost.feast2 = banquete, festín, ágape, comilona, atracón, bacanal.
Example: The article is entitled 'Digital feast and famine in US'.more:
» be a feast for the eyes (and (the) ears) = ser un placer para la vista (y los oídos), ser todo un espectáculo (visual), ser un regalo para la vista (y los oídos), regalar la vista (y los oídos).
Example: This will undoubtedly be a feast for the eyes and ears on the big screen that you won't want to miss.» be a feast for the eyes and the stomach = ser un placer para la vista y el estómago, ser todo un espectáculo gastronómico, ser un regalo para la vista y el estómago.
Example: This open air food market is a feast for the eyes and the stomach.feast on3 = devorar, alimentarse de, darse un festín de, cebarse con.
Example: The author reports work since 1991 on building information carnivores, which intelligently hunt and feast on herbivores in Unix, on the Internet, and on the WWW.more:
» feast + Posesivo + eyes on = recrearse mirando, recrearse la mirada en, deleitarse mirando, regalarse la vista con, regalarse los ojos con.
Example: This superb restaurant will tempt you with lavish buffets or set menus while feasting your eyes on the breathtaking view.