Feasibility in spanish


pronunciation: fɑktibilidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

feasibility = viabilidad, posibilidad. 

Example: However, even with selective indexing in combination, the limit of feasibility is usually reckoned to be compound subjects consisting of five terms.


» feasibility study = estudio de viabilidad. [Estudio hecho para determinar la viabilidad de un proyecto]

Example: Support for a project or feasibility study takes the form of a contribution of up to 49% of the eligible costs of the project.

» unfeasibility = inviabilidad, imposibilidad.

Example: Fusion power is sometimes mocked for its alleged unfeasibility.

Feasibility synonyms

feasibleness in spanish: viabilidad, pronunciation: fizəbəlnəs part of speech: noun

Feasibility antonyms

infeasibility pronunciation: ɪnfiəsəbɪlɪti part of speech: noun unfeasibility pronunciation: ənfiəsəbɪlɪti part of speech: noun
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