Fearful in spanish


pronunciation: temeɹ̩oʊsoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

fearful = miedoso, temeroso. 

Example: From my observations, most employees are inherently fearful and immature.


» be fearful of = tener miedo a, asustarse de.

Example: A lot of dogs are fearful of going up and down the stairs and, as a responsible and considerate dog owner, you should help your dog conquer his or her fears.

Fearful synonyms

bad in spanish: malo, pronunciation: bæd part of speech: adjective dire in spanish: terrible, pronunciation: daɪr part of speech: adjective dread in spanish: pavor, pronunciation: dred part of speech: noun pusillanimous in spanish: pusilánime, pronunciation: pjusəlænəməs part of speech: adjective awful in spanish: horrible, pronunciation: ɑfəl part of speech: adjective faint in spanish: débil, pronunciation: feɪnt part of speech: adjective chicken in spanish: pollo, pronunciation: tʃɪkən part of speech: noun craven in spanish: cobarde, pronunciation: kreɪvən part of speech: noun timid in spanish: tímido, pronunciation: tɪmɪd part of speech: adjective yellow in spanish: amarillo, pronunciation: jeloʊ part of speech: adjective, noun dreadful in spanish: terrible, pronunciation: dredfəl part of speech: adjective poltroon in spanish: cobarde, pronunciation: poʊltrun part of speech: noun terrible in spanish: terrible, pronunciation: terəbəl part of speech: adjective funky in spanish: miedoso, pronunciation: fʌŋki part of speech: adjective coward in spanish: cobarde, pronunciation: kaʊɜrd part of speech: noun horrendous in spanish: horrendo, pronunciation: hɔrendəs part of speech: adjective timorous in spanish: timorato, pronunciation: tɪmɜrəs part of speech: adjective dreaded in spanish: temido, pronunciation: dredɪd part of speech: adjective dastardly in spanish: ruin, pronunciation: dæstɜrdli part of speech: adjective horrific in spanish: horrendo, pronunciation: hɔrɪfɪk part of speech: adjective recreant in spanish: cobarde, pronunciation: rikriənt part of speech: adjective cowardly in spanish: cobardemente, pronunciation: kaʊɜrdli part of speech: adjective fearsome in spanish: temible, pronunciation: fɪrsəm part of speech: adjective caitiff in spanish: mísero, pronunciation: keɪtɪf part of speech: noun frightening in spanish: aterrador, pronunciation: fraɪtənɪŋ part of speech: adjective trepid in spanish: trepidante, pronunciation: trepəd part of speech: adjective alarming in spanish: alarmante, pronunciation: əlɑrmɪŋ part of speech: adjective frightful in spanish: espantoso, pronunciation: fraɪtfəl part of speech: adjective direful in spanish: horrible, pronunciation: daɪrfəl part of speech: adjective unmanly in spanish: afeminado, pronunciation: ənmænli part of speech: adjective fainthearted in spanish: Débil de corazón, pronunciation: feɪnthɑrtɪd part of speech: adjective lily-livered in spanish: lirio de hígado, pronunciation: lɪlilɪvɜrd part of speech: adjective yellow-bellied in spanish: de vientre amarillo, pronunciation: jeloʊbelid part of speech: adjective white-livered in spanish: hígado blanco, pronunciation: waɪtlɪvɜrd part of speech: adjective chickenhearted in spanish: corazon de pollo, pronunciation: tʃɪkɪnhɑrtɪd part of speech: adjective poor-spirited in spanish: poco animado, pronunciation: purspɪrɪtɪd part of speech: adjective

Fearful antonyms

brave pronunciation: breɪv part of speech: adjective courageous pronunciation: kɜreɪdʒəs part of speech: adjective fearless pronunciation: fɪrləs part of speech: adjective
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