Fear in spanish


pronunciation: temoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

fear1 = temor, miedo. 

Example: Many respondents confessed to well-justified fears that if they lose their existing specialists, the 'cut and squeeze' method of reducing establishments would not allow them to replace such staff.


» allay + fear = disipar un temor.

Example: In addition, their involvement in the planning process will go a long way towards allaying any fears over automation and will ensure that staff are aware of the reasons behind the decision to automate.

» assuage + fear = disipar un temor, disipar el miedo.

Example: But the real challenge to get it started is first to find the measures that can assuage the fear of the first-world nations.

» beat + Posesivo + fear(s) = dominar el miedo, superar el miedo, vencer el miedo.

Example: A pensioner who had never been on a plane before has finally beaten her fear of flying -- and even got her hands on the cockpit controls.

» be beside + Reflexivo + with fear = estar muy atemorizado, estar muy asustado.

Example: One of the riots happened right outside my daughter's apartment and she was beside herself with fear.

» be in fear = sentir miedo, tener miedo.

Example: Balzac not only presented the appearance, but reinforced it with the appropriate manner, of the severe 'pater familias' of whom most of the staff was in awe and in fear.

» be pale with fear = estar pálido de miedo.

Example: Her face was pale with fear and her steps were rapid, as if there was some invisible rapist after her.

» be white with fear = estar blanco de miedo.

Example: He was white with fear and shaking like a leaf.

» conquer + Posesivo + fear(s) = dominar el miedo, superar el miedo, vencer el miedo.

Example: A lot of dogs are fearful of going up and down the stairs and, as a responsible and considerate dog owner, you should help your dog conquer his or her fears.

» cringe with + fear = encogerse de miedo, encogerse de terror.

Example: With his eerie green eyes and ferocious and deadly fangs and claws you just cringe with fear every time the big cat comes on the screen.

» dispel + fear = disipar un temor.

Example: The pace of Germany's recovery is helping dispel fears of a 'double dip' recession across the continent.

» express + fear = expresar miedo.

Example: This fear was expressed by publishers and booksellers when the first lending libraries were established and by and large it has proved to be unfounded.

» face + Posesivo + fears = coger el toro por los cuernos, vencer el miedo.

Example: By gathering up courage to face their fears, international contractors operating in China may begin to detect new possibilities of doing business there.

» fear + grow = aumentar + el temor.

Example: Nepal earthquake: fears grow over fate of thousands near epicentre.

» fear-inducing = aterrador, terrorífico, espantoso.

Example: The author suggests that the ability to enjoy fear-inducing media increases with age.

» fear of dead bodies = miedo de los muertos.

Example: Necrophobia and thanatophobia are allied maladies, one being the fear of dead bodies and the other the fear of death itself.

» fear of death = miedo a la muerte.

Example: The fear of death is a common cause and effect of anxiety, and even those without anxiety often experience this fear in some ways.

» fear of failure = miedo al fracaso, temor al fracaso.

Example: These women have many things in common but the one that stood out the most was them overcoming their fear of failure.

» fear of flying = miedo a volar.

Example: It's not a new phobia, aviophobia, but a fear of flying can take over lives meaning holidays and business trips abroad are out of the question.

» fear of snakes = miedo a las serpientes, miedo a las culebras.

Example: Humans may be born with a fear of spiders and snakes, healthy phobias that up the odds of survival in the wild.

» fear of spiders = miedo a las arañas, miedo de las arañas.

Example: Humans may be born with a fear of spiders and snakes, healthy phobias that up the odds of survival in the wild.

» fear of the dead = miedo de los muertos.

Example: Necrophobia, or the fear of the dead, is a concept that has been present in Greek culture since the Neolithic period.

» fear of the unknown = miedo a lo desconocido, miedo hacia lo desconocido.

Example: Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Otro problema era la existencia de hábitos de catalogación divergentes y ya arraigados entre el personal multinacional, por no mencionar su miedo hacia lo desconocido.

» for fear of/that = por temor a, por temor de, por miedo de, por miedo a.

Example: It is therefore often hard to escape the grip of the official phraseology for fear that, in doing so, the meaning of the material will be altered or lost.

» harbour + fear = albergar un temor.

Example: Harboring the employee's instinctive fear of abrupt summonses like this, she asked if the secretary knew why Rachel Bough wanted to see her.

» have + no sense of fear = no tener sentido del miedo.

Example: I have walked in civilized cultures where women have no sense of fear, where they can walk alone at night knowing their gender does not make them a target.

» instil + fear = infundir miedo.

Example: Christiane Northrup, an obstetrician with 20 years of clinical and medical teaching experience, discusses how the medical profession has instilled fear of our bodies and of illness.

» lend + fears = hacer temer, hacer sospechar.

Example: A peak in worldwide production of rock phosphate is expected by 2030, which lends fears over how much food the world will be able to grow in the future.

» live in + fear = vivir atemorizado, vivir asustado, vivir con miedo.

Example: Our area has been like a war-zone for the last six weeks and our pensioners live in fear of the children they fought to defend.

» mortal fear = miedo mortal.

Example: As I have a mortal fear of dentists this would have put me in a cold sweat.

» nagging fear = miedo continuo, temor continuo.

Example: Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence -- a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights = Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence -- a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights.

» nuclear fear = miedo nuclear.

Example: In a world divided by ideology, by trade barriers, by military threats and nuclear fears, we librarians are not powerless.

» out of fear = por miedo, por susto, por temor.

Example: She had a coterie of friends in Hollywood and New York who were always bowing and scraping to her for decades out of fear.

» overcome + Posesivo + fear = superar el miedo, vencer el miedo.

Example: These women have many things in common but the one that stood out the most was them overcoming their fear of failure.

» quake with + fear = temblar de miedo, temblar de susto.

Example: She has made people quake with fear and roar with laughter since 1986, when her first horror novel hit bookstores.

» regard + Nombre + with fear = tener miedo a Alguien.

Example: The Persian and the Siamese regarded him with fear.

» shake with + fear = temblar de miedo, temblar de susto.

Example: I can still remember sitting in the dentist chair shaking with fear.

» show + fear = mostrar miedo, mostrar temor.

Example: Critics of the digital world show fear of depersonalization, inauthenticty, subjugation to the mechanical and the substitution of quantity over quality.

» spread + fear = sembrar el miedo.

Example: The global outbreak of swine flu has spread fear through the travel sector, blighting any green shoots of recovery from the financial crisis.

» techno-fear [technofear] = miedo a la tecnología.

Example: Issues and barriers to be dealt with include profit motives, teleliteracy and technofear.

» tremble with + fear = temblar de miedo, temblar de susto.

Example: What is it about bats that make us tremble with fear?.

» turn + pale with fear = palidecer de miedo, ponerse pálido de miedo.

Example: His teeth chattered, and he turned pale with fear.

» turn + white with fear = ponerse blanco de miedo.

Example: Paul turned white with fear and hid his head beneath the bed sheets.

» voice + Posesivo + fear(s) = expresar + Posesivo + temor(es).

Example: Many people voiced fears that volunteers would be used to take over paid jobs from the workforce, but others spoke up for volunteers saying that in many cases they had created extra jobs for the permanent staff.

fear2 = temer. 

Example: For example, an unwed woman who fears she is pregnant may have appointments made for her at a medical clinic.


» fear for + Posesivo + life = temer por + Posesivo + vida.

Example: The woman reported that she and her ex had a history of domestic disputes, causing both she and her new boyfriend to fear for their lives.

» fear + Nombre + dead = temer por la muerte de Alguien.

Example: Police feared her dead, as her car was found abandoned near a lake.

» fear + the consequences = temer a las consecuencias.

Example: Do people comply with the law because they fear the consequences?.

» fear to + tread = no atreverse a tratar, temer tratar.

Example: The director goes where even the previous two movies feared to tread -- to an exquisitely off-beam imaginary world of arrested adolescence.

Fear synonyms

care in spanish: cuidado, pronunciation: ker part of speech: noun, verb concern in spanish: preocupación, pronunciation: kənsɜrn part of speech: noun dread in spanish: pavor, pronunciation: dred part of speech: noun reverence in spanish: reverencia, pronunciation: revɜrəns part of speech: noun revere in spanish: reverenciar, pronunciation: rɪvɪr part of speech: verb, noun venerate in spanish: venerar, pronunciation: venɜreɪt part of speech: verb fright in spanish: susto, pronunciation: fraɪt part of speech: noun fearfulness in spanish: espanto, pronunciation: fɪrfəlnəs part of speech: noun

Fear antonyms

bravery pronunciation: breɪvɜri part of speech: noun fearlessness pronunciation: ferləsnəs part of speech: noun
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