Favoured in spanish


pronunciation: fɑboʊɹ̩eθidoʊ part of speech: verb, adjective
In gestures

favour [favor, -USA]3 = favorecer, promover, primar, propiciar. 

Example: Current trends favour cataloguing practices which can be applied to a variety of library materials.


» fortune favours the bold = fortuna favorece a los audaces, la; fortuna favorece a los valientes, la; fortuna favorece a los osados, la.

Example: So when you next want to do your Thing and help more people with it, remember that fortune favours the bold.

» fortune favours the brave = fortuna favorece a los audaces, la; fortuna favorece a los valientes, la; fortuna favorece a los osados, la.

Example: The first Nobel Prize winner of India might have written these words, as he knew that 'fortune favours the brave'.

favour [favor, -USA]4 = preferir. 

Example: The first countries to enter the information society will reap the greatests rewards whereas countries which temporise or favour half-hearted solutions could, in less than a decade, face disastrous declines in investment and a squeeze on jobs.


» favour + an idea = ser partidario de una idea, apoyar una idea, estar a favor de una idea.

Example: Half the respondents favoured the idea when it was explained; the rest opposed it, one of the main reasons given being that there was a lack of neighbour agreement.

favoured [favored, -USA] 


» ill-favoured [ill-favored, -USA] = poco agraciado, poco afortunado. 

Example: The writer lends support to the argument that the adjective brown in Elizabethan and Jacobean English to mean 'ill-favoured' or 'ugly'.

» less favoured [less favored] = menos favorecido.

Example: Even with these problems Fiji has a functioning medical library service; other areas in the Pacific are much less favoured.

» less favoured area = área menos favorecida, zona menos favorecida.

Example: Prominent examples are again the structural measures, such as those covering the modernization of farms and the less favoured areas.

» less favoured region (LFR) = región menos favorecida.

Example: Broadly the Bank may grant loans for the financing of projects for stimulating development in the less favoured regions (LFRs).
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