Favour in spanish


pronunciation: fɑboʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

favour [favor, -USA]1 = favor. 

Example: Any favours librarians receive from vendors will be minimal.


» argue + in favour of = abogar por, defender.

Example: Despite the present financial straits of developing countries, she argues in favour of long-term plan for the acquisition of relevant rare book material.

» be in favour (of) = estar a favor (de).

Example: The pity is that more people are actually in favour of libraries than actually use them.

» be in + Posesivo + favour = favorecer a Alguien.

Example: The census report clearly shows that the increase in foreign population is alarming, and that in time the preponderance in our city at least will be largely in their favor.

» bestow + favour = conceder un favor.

Example: The questionnaire was trying to determine whether users thought library services were a favour bestowed by the authorities, or a community right.

» bias in favour of = preferencia por.

Example: These headings, therefore, in addition to exhibiting a bias in favor of the majority, actively hinder access.

» come down in + favour of = decidirse por, estar a favor de, defender.

Example: The author comes down in favour of adding notes to cataloguing records on the grounds that the educational purpose that they are intended to serve is clear.

» come out in + favour of = declararse a favor de, ponerse a favor de.

Example: He is the most senior politician to come out in favour of building a third runway at Heathrow airport.

» declare in + favour of = pronunciarse a/en favor de.

Example: Nor is the peace of the Reformed Churches abroad to be bought at the cost of an important truth, especially as some of their most eminent men have declared in favour of episcopacy.

» do + Nombre + a favour = hacer un favor a Alguien.

Example: By eating slugs and leatherjackets the centipedes are certainly doing the gardener a favour.

» do + the world a favour = hacerle un favor al mundo.

Example: Hopefully the producers will do the world a favor and give her the bounce tomorrow.

» fall out of + favour = caer en desgracia, caer en desuso, perder popularidad, pasar de moda.

Example: At first he was a close political advisor to Charles II, although he later fell out of favour and was forced into exile.

» gain + favour = ganar aceptación.

Example: One commercial application that is gaining favour in pig farming is the electronic sow feeder.

» gain + favour with/among + Nombre = ganarse la aceptación de Alguien.

Example: Industry analysts forecast that South Africa will gain favour with international travellers who perceive it to be a 'safe' destination.

» gain + Posesivo + favour = ganarse la aceptación de Alguien, congraciarse con.

Example: For the rich and powerful it was important to give an expensive gift to the king or queen to gain their favour.

» heap (up) + favours on/upon = colmar de favores.

Example: Domitian had been arbitrary and high-handed, and had heaped favours on the soldiery while humiliating the senate.

» in favour = a favor.

Example: The success of the project was demonstrated by a vote of more than 4 to 1 in favour.

» in favour of = a favor de, en favor de, en pro de.

Example: A good example is the British Catalogue of Music Classification which abandons expressiveness in favour of allocating brief notation to the most common concepts.

» in + Posesivo + favour = a + Posesivo + favor.

Example: A further point in its favour was that the International Labour Office used it, with small variations.

» lose + favour = caer en desgracia, perder el atractivo, perder aceptación, perder popularidad.

Example: However, and despite its popular currency, this perspective has largely lost favour in academic circles.

» odds in favour of = probabilidades, probabilidades a favor de.

Example: If the author was known but not the title the odds in favour of a positive response were two to one = Si el autor era conocido pero no el título las probabilidades a favor de una respuesta positiva eran de dos a una.

» owe + Nombre + a favour = deber un favor.

Example: We owe her a favour, but I'm disinclined to put our children at risk for anyone.

» present + arguments in favour of = presentar argumentos a favor de.

Example: This article presents arguments in favour of traditional methods of stock circulation, theft detection, and catalogue storage.

» return + a favour = devolver un favor.

Example: People tend to return favours, so the more you give, the more you are able to get back.

» rule in + favour of = fallar a favor de, resolver a favor de.

Example: An U.S. Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of scores of Chrysler dealers who were terminated during Chrysler's 2009 bankruptcy.

» say in + favour of = decir a favor de.

Example: What can be said in favor of ISBD is that it represents an international agreement; but an agreement on inadequate rules is worse than a disagreement.

» sexual favour = favor sexual.

Example: However, as with some recent controversies about sexual harassment, it is uncertain whether Dewey's behaviour was pressure for sexual favours or attempted gallantry.

» side in + Posesivo + favour = ponerse del lado de, tomar partido por, darle la razón a, ponerse de parte de, pronunciarse a favor de.

Example: If someone does slip on your wet floors and the area is marked correctly with warning signs the court will usually side in your favor.

» speak out in + favour of = hablar a favor de, defender, pronunciarse a/en favor de.

Example: Professor Stephen Hawking has spoken out in favour of assisted suicide for people with terminal illnesses.

» tip + the balance + favour/towards = inclinar la balanza a favor de, favorecer a.

Example: By analysing huge volumes of digital data, they were able to identify any trend or method that could tip the balance in the Democrat's favour.

» tip + the scales + favour/towards = inclinar la balanza a favor de, favorecer a.

Example: It was above all her air of not being touched by anything, her manner of seeming as it were above everything, that tipped the scales in favour of her rival.

» try to + win the favour of = intentar ganarse el favor de, intentar congraciarse con, hacer un guiño a.

Example: They are not alone among political parties in trying to win the favour of ethnic minorities.

» win + the favour of = ganarse el favor de.

Example: The Celts were notorious for the bloody rituals with which they tried to win the favor of their gods.

favour [favor, -USA]2 = aceptación. 

Example: Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.


» curry + favour with + Alguien = hacerle la pelota a, hacerle la pelotilla a.

Example: Some even go so far as to curry favor with him, to keep him off their backs.

» disfavour = desuso, desaprobación. [Sin contar con apoyo. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: It seems a pity that the notation of these headings remains in disfavour.

» find + favour = encontrar aceptación.

Example: Menu-based information retrieval system have found favour because of their apparent simplicity.

» find + favour = ser popular.

Example: Thus Dewey' policy of integrity of numbers has found great favour.

» go out of + favour = caer en desuso, pasar de moda, perder popularidad.

Example: The author follows the history through to the point, in the latter part of the nineteenth century, when mirror-image monograms went out of favour and were replaced by straightforward monograms.

» return to + favour = volver a la popularidad.

Example: Despite the incompetence of most eighteenth-century block-makers, woodcuts never quite disappeared, and they returned to favour in the delicate form called 'wood-engraving' at the end of the hand-press period.

favour [favor, -USA]3 = favorecer, promover, primar, propiciar. 

Example: Current trends favour cataloguing practices which can be applied to a variety of library materials.


» fortune favours the bold = fortuna favorece a los audaces, la; fortuna favorece a los valientes, la; fortuna favorece a los osados, la.

Example: So when you next want to do your Thing and help more people with it, remember that fortune favours the bold.

» fortune favours the brave = fortuna favorece a los audaces, la; fortuna favorece a los valientes, la; fortuna favorece a los osados, la.

Example: The first Nobel Prize winner of India might have written these words, as he knew that 'fortune favours the brave'.

favour [favor, -USA]4 = preferir. 

Example: The first countries to enter the information society will reap the greatests rewards whereas countries which temporise or favour half-hearted solutions could, in less than a decade, face disastrous declines in investment and a squeeze on jobs.


» favour + an idea = ser partidario de una idea, apoyar una idea, estar a favor de una idea.

Example: Half the respondents favoured the idea when it was explained; the rest opposed it, one of the main reasons given being that there was a lack of neighbour agreement.

Favour synonyms

grace in spanish: gracia, pronunciation: greɪs part of speech: noun privilege in spanish: privilegio, pronunciation: prɪvlədʒ part of speech: noun honor in spanish: honor, pronunciation: ɑnɜr part of speech: noun, verb favor in spanish: favor, pronunciation: feɪvɜr part of speech: noun, verb prefer in spanish: preferir, pronunciation: prəfɜr part of speech: verb honour in spanish: honor, pronunciation: ɑnɜr part of speech: noun
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