Father in spanish


pronunciation: pɑdɹ̩e part of speech: noun
In gestures

father1 = padre. 

Example: A patronymic is the name derived from the given name of the father, often by the addition of a suffix.


» adoptive father = padre adoptivo.

Example: Interviews were conducted with adoptive fathers, adoptive mothers, adopted children, birth mothers, and birth fathers across the US, about their experiences & relationships.

» biological father = padre biológico.

Example: Because little is known about physical child abuse by fathers and stepparents, the model was tested separately for abusivey biological mothers, abusive biological fathers, and abusive stepfathers.

» birth father = padre de nacimiento, padre natural.

Example: Interviews were conducted with adoptive fathers, adoptive mothers, adopted children, birth mothers, and birth fathers across the US, about their experiences & relationships.

» city fathers = autoridades municipales.

Example: The city fathers endorsed this project with the stipulation that a librarian or 'book-lover' should be available to assist patrons.

» Father Christmas = Papá Noel, Santa Claus.

Example: This is when children are not really concerned with scientific truth; they believe in Father Christmas anyway, even if there lurks the suspicion that there is something rather fishy about it all.

» father figure = figura paterna.

Example: That simply doesn't jibe with sociological and psychological facts since most people want -- and need -- an idealized father figure as a leader = Eso simplemente no cuadra con los factores sociológicos y sicológicos pues la mayoría de la gente desea, y necesita, una figura paterna idealizada como líder.

» father-in-law = suegro.

Example: Obligation was greatest to offspring, followed by fathers, stepfathers, & former fathers-in-law.

» fatherland = patria, madre patria, tierra natal, terruño, país natal.

Example: Hitler referred to Germany as the fatherland because that's where his father came from -- his mother was Austrian.

» Father's Day = día del padre, el.

Example: The focus is on St. Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, but consideration is also given to other events such as the Fourth of July and Father's Day.

» forefather = antepasado, antecesor, progenitor, predecesor. 

Example: I will stand for your rights as my forefathers did before me!.

» foster father = padre adoptivo.

Example: Foster mothers felt that they must provide constant supervision, both for the girl & the foster father-child relationship.

» founding father = padre fundador.

Example: The history and proper study of popular literature generally dates only from the middle of the nineteenth century and the founding father of the discipline was Charles Nisard.

» godfather = padrino.

Example: Moreover, he reminded the godfathers and godmothers they too have an irreplaceable task of support to their godchildren.

» grandfather = abuelo.

Example: Their grandfathers and great-grandfathers are dead, and the library belongs to the living, who inhabit a different world.

» great-grandfather = bisabuelo.

Example: Their grandfathers and great-grandfathers are dead, and the library belongs to the living, who inhabit a different world.

» like father, like son = de tal palo tal astilla.

Example: 'Like father, like son' is the favorite cliche of sons who 'have a conflict with authority' = "De tal palo, tal astilla" es la cita favorita de los hijos que "tienen un conflicto de autoridad".

» Our Father = padrenuestro.

Example: The Our Father is a prayer by Jesus Christ, used by Christians from all confessions.

» single father = padre soltero.

Example: Sidel, who was raised by a single father, said the difference is that single fathers are lionized for stepping into the role while single mothers can be vilified as welfare queens or worse.

» stepfather = padrasto.

Example: Obligation was greatest to offspring, followed by fathers, stepfathers, & former fathers-in-law.

» the child is father of the man = lo que se mama de niño dura toda la vida.

Example: The truth of the saying that 'the child is father of the man' will hardly be questioned by anyone who has observed life carefully.

» the father of = el padre de.

Example: Fred Kilgour, the modern father of networking, made a speech which described the inutility of traditional rules of cataloging which focused on bringing together all of the works of an author under the same heading.

» working father = padre trabajador, padre que trabaja.

Example: Working fathers are paid a fifth more than childless men in similar jobs, according to a new study.

father2 = crear, engendrar, procrear. 

Example: Her son was fathered by her husband and her daughter was fathered by the man with whom she was reportedly having an affair.


» father + children = tener hijos.

Example: This is a technique which allows men with a low sperm count to father children.

Father synonyms

get in spanish: obtener, pronunciation: get part of speech: verb engender in spanish: engendrar, pronunciation: endʒendɜr part of speech: verb mother in spanish: madre, pronunciation: mʌðɜr part of speech: noun beget in spanish: engendrar, pronunciation: bɪget part of speech: verb generate in spanish: generar, pronunciation: dʒenɜreɪt part of speech: verb founder in spanish: fundador, pronunciation: faʊndɜr part of speech: noun sire in spanish: padre, pronunciation: saɪɜr part of speech: noun padre in spanish: capellán, pronunciation: pædreɪ part of speech: noun beginner in spanish: principiante, pronunciation: bɪgɪnɜr part of speech: noun forefather in spanish: antepasado, pronunciation: fɔrfɑðɜr part of speech: noun bring forth in spanish: producir, pronunciation: brɪŋfɔrθ part of speech: verb begetter in spanish: engendrar, pronunciation: begɪtɜr part of speech: noun founding father in spanish: padre fundador, pronunciation: faʊndɪŋfɑðɜr part of speech: noun church father in spanish: padre de la iglesia, pronunciation: tʃɜrtʃfɑðɜr part of speech: noun father-god in spanish: Dios padre, pronunciation: fɑðɜrgɑd part of speech: noun male parent in spanish: Padre, pronunciation: meɪlperənt part of speech: noun

Father antonyms

mother pronunciation: mʌðɜr part of speech: noun female parent pronunciation: fimeɪlperənt part of speech: noun
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