Fat in spanish


pronunciation: gɹ̩ɑsɑ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

fat1 = grasa, pringue. 

Example: In a subject headings list non-approved headings are normally shown in light face type and the indexer is directed towards the preferred heading, for example, Grease USE oils and fats.


» animal fat = grasa animal.

Example: Animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet = Las grasas animales y el colesterol no son perjudiciales sino elementos vitales en la dieta.

» body fat = grasa corporal.

Example: By limiting carbohydrates, dieters will decrease levels of insulin and body fat, and weight loss is the result of fat loss.

» butterfat = nata de la leche, grasa de la leche.

Example: Both fatty acids were provided as a natural component in butterfat.

» chew + the fat = parlotear, cascar, charlar, paliquear, darle a la lengua, darle al pico, darle al palique.

Example: It was the perfect time to chew the fat with Geoff and talk to him about his insatiable appetite for the macabre.

» cut + the fat = eliminar la grasa. [Generalmente referido a evitar comer alimentos grasos]

Example: By substituting avocado for some but not all of your butter in baking you can cut the fat by almost 40%.

» cut + the fat = eliminar gastos innecesarios, eliminar lo superfluo.

Example: When you cut too much, you are not cutting the fat, you are cutting the muscle of your company, and operationally, you will not be able to handle the upturn of your business.

» deep (fat) fryer = freidora.

Example: Deep fat fryers in the past were associated with unhealthy and greasy food.

» fatberg = fatberg, masa grasienta compacta de residuos. [Referido generalmente a la masa grasienta que se acumula en las alcantarillas o desagües obstruyéndolos. Su término inglés combina la palabra fat (grasa) con berg, abreviatura de iceberg]

Example: Fatbergs form when people flush unsuitable items down their toilets or pour oils and fats - which set hard and clog pipes when they cool - down their sinks.

» fat free = sin grasas. 

Example: A product labeled low fat must not contain more than 3 grams of fat per serving; and to be labeled fat free it must contain less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving.

» fat loss = pérdida de grasa.

Example: This involves manipulating your daily intake of carbohydrates in order to maximize fat loss.

» fat lump = bulto de grasa.

Example: I was told it was a fat lump but they also found one in her groin which they also removed.

» fat lump = gordo, foca, gordiflón.

Example: I saw her on the telly the other day and she still looked like a fat lump to me.

» fat lump of lard = gordo, foca, gordiflón.

Example: This brand new book is going to turn you from a useless fat lump of lard into a tender caring, satisfying, lover for the woman you love.

» fat lump sum = pago único y bien grande.

Example: Best of all, you get all the cash all at once, no annuities, just one big fat lump sum!.

» fat product = producto derivado de la grasa animal.

Example: The different methodologies and techniques used to extract and analyse lipids and lipid extracts from food (milk, milk products, oil seeds, fat products) and biological materials are discussed.

» fat-rich = rico en grasa.

Example: Large white sharks will also scavenge on the carcasses of whale sharks, and on the fat-rich blubber layer of dead whales.

» high-fat food = alimento con alto contenido graso, alimento con alto contenido en grasa.

Example: High-fat foods of all kinds are constipating, so avoid any food that is greasy or fried.

» lipid fat = grasa lípida.

Example: Myelin is a collection of lipid fats and proteins that sheathes the long extensions of nerve cells called axons.

» live off + the fat of the land = vivir de las rentas, vivir del cuento, vivir acomodadamente, vivir sin dar golpe.

Example: Unless more of us refuse to be content to coast along, living off the fat of the land and leaving others to pay the tab, there is no guarantee that America will be a better place for our children than it was for us.

» low fat = bajo en grasas, de bajo contenido en grasas.

Example: For example in the U.S. a product labeled low fat must not contain more than 3 grams of fat per serving; and to be labeled fat free it must contain less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving.

» milk fat = nata de la leche, grasa de la leche.

Example: An account is given of the manufacture of caramel, toffee and fudge products, which contain milk solids and milk fat as basic ingredients.

» nonfat = sin grasas, sin grasa, desnatado.

Example: While trying to figure out ways to cut fat from my diet, I stumbled on a great basic nonfat salad dressing that is terrific all by itself.

» pork fat = grasa de cerdo.

Example: Black pudding, as made in the UK, is a blend of onions, pork fat, oatmeal, flavourings -- and blood (usually from a pig).

» saturated fat = grasas saturadas.

Example: Nine out of ten children take packed lunches to school that contain too much saturated fat, sugar and salt.

» trans fat = grasa trans.

Example: Trans and saturated fats get a bad rap because they raise your cholesterol.

» unsaturated fat = grasas insaturadas.

Example: Pecans are high in healthy unsaturated fat and just a small handful a day can lower 'bad' cholesterol.

fat [fatter -comp., fattest -sup.]2 = gordo, grueso, voluminoso, gordinflón, gordiflón, metido en carnes, entrado en carnes. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: The article is entitled 'America the slim: or, where are the fat children in picture books'.


» as fat as a pig = como una foca, hecho una foca, gordo como una foca, como una foca de gordo, como una vaca de gordo.

Example: She was as fat as a pig and as mean as a junkyard dog.

» big fat lie = una mentira (muy) gorda, una gran mentira, una mentira como una casa, una mentira como un templo, una mentira como una catedral, una mentira como un burro, una mentira como un cañón.

Example: I had simply realized by then that everything an Indian girl is promised about her wedding and consequent marriage is a big fat lie = Para entonces ya me había dado cuenta de que todo lo se le promete a una chica india sobre su boda y el matrimonio es una mentira muy gorda.

» cut + a fat hog = meterse en un aprieto, meterse en apuros, meterse en problemas, meterse en follones, meterse en líos, meterse en belenes, meterse en camisa de once varas.

Example: You, however, are more than welcome to head for Kasab to immediately engage the enemy and 'cut a fat hog'.

» cut + a fat hog (in the ass) = tener (mucha) suerte, darse con un canto en los dientes, considerarse afortunado, darse por afortunado.

Example: Nobody is so dumb that they don't see that the Federal Government employees at every level have been cut a fat hog -- good salaries, no layoffs.

» fat cat = ricachón, peso pesado, pez gordo, potentado.

Example: The fat cats who placed the entire economy at risk with their greed and manic irresponsibility are trying to lay claim to every last dime in the national Treasury.

» fat-cat salary = sueldo de pez gordo, sueldo de potentados.

Example: As debate rages about fat-cat salaries, a newspaper has revealed that the 10 highest paid chief executives receive, on average, more than 200 times the average workers' salary.

» fat chance = ninguna probabilidad.

Example: The article 'Fat chance' argues that the advantages of client server computing have not been realized because of the costs of management and tools.

» fat face [fat-face] = carácter de líneas gruesas.

Example: There were, first, the traditional serifed roman exaggerated by about 1806 into fat face by a great increase in contrast between thick and thin strokes.

» fat salary = salario abultado.

Example: Doctors are now making fat salaries and in my opinion couldn't care a hoot about patients.

» fat Tuesday = martes de carnaval.

Example: Mardi Gras, fat Tuesday or pancake Tuesday is a boisterous celebration held annually on Shrove Tuesday, the day before the season of Lent begins in the liturgical calendar.

» grow + fat = engordar.

Example: Having grown fat on federal grants, some libraries have not been able to adjust to the recent lean years of reduced or withdrawn federal funds.

Fat synonyms

gross in spanish: bruto, pronunciation: groʊs part of speech: adjective, noun rich in spanish: Rico, pronunciation: rɪtʃ part of speech: adjective heavy in spanish: pesado, pronunciation: hevi part of speech: adjective plump in spanish: rechoncho, pronunciation: plʌmp part of speech: adjective compact in spanish: compacto, pronunciation: kɑmpækt part of speech: adjective, noun stout in spanish: cerveza negra, pronunciation: staʊt part of speech: noun, adjective thick in spanish: grueso, pronunciation: θɪk part of speech: adjective productive in spanish: productivo, pronunciation: prədʌktɪv part of speech: adjective corpulent in spanish: corpulento, pronunciation: kɔrpjələnt part of speech: adjective chubby in spanish: regordete, pronunciation: tʃʌbi part of speech: adjective fertile in spanish: fértil, pronunciation: fɜrtəl part of speech: adjective adipose in spanish: adiposo, pronunciation: ædəpoʊs part of speech: adjective profitable in spanish: rentable, pronunciation: prɑfətəbəl part of speech: adjective obese in spanish: obeso, pronunciation: oʊbis part of speech: adjective buxom in spanish: exuberante, pronunciation: bʌksəm part of speech: adjective fruitful in spanish: fructífero, pronunciation: frutfəl part of speech: adjective overweight in spanish: exceso de peso, pronunciation: oʊvɜrweɪt part of speech: adjective juicy in spanish: jugoso, pronunciation: dʒusi part of speech: adjective rounded in spanish: redondeado, pronunciation: raʊndəd part of speech: adjective blubber in spanish: grasa de ballena, pronunciation: blʌbɜr part of speech: noun stocky in spanish: rechoncho, pronunciation: stɑki part of speech: adjective oleaginous in spanish: oleoso, pronunciation: oʊliædʒənəs part of speech: adjective porcine in spanish: porcino, pronunciation: pɔrsin part of speech: adjective pudgy in spanish: rechoncho, pronunciation: pʌdʒi part of speech: adjective zaftig in spanish: zaftig, pronunciation: zæftɪg part of speech: adjective portly in spanish: corpulento, pronunciation: pɔrtli part of speech: adjective rotund in spanish: rotundo, pronunciation: roʊtʌnd part of speech: adjective greasy in spanish: grasiento, pronunciation: grisi part of speech: adjective embonpoint in spanish: embonpoint, pronunciation: embənpɔɪnt part of speech: noun oily in spanish: aceitoso, pronunciation: ɔɪli part of speech: adjective weighty in spanish: pesado, pronunciation: weɪti part of speech: adjective avoirdupois in spanish: avoirdupois, pronunciation: əvwɔrdəpɔɪ part of speech: noun buttery in spanish: mantecoso, pronunciation: bʌtɜri part of speech: noun, adjective fleshy in spanish: carnoso, pronunciation: fleʃi part of speech: adjective heavyset in spanish: corpulento, pronunciation: heviset part of speech: adjective abdominous in spanish: barrigudo, pronunciation: æbdɑmənəs part of speech: adjective fatty in spanish: graso, pronunciation: fæti part of speech: noun sebaceous in spanish: sebáceo, pronunciation: səbeɪʃəs part of speech: adjective fill out in spanish: llenar, pronunciation: fɪlaʊt part of speech: verb dumpy in spanish: regordete, pronunciation: dʌmpi part of speech: adjective thickset in spanish: rechoncho, pronunciation: θɪkset part of speech: adjective tubby in spanish: rechoncho, pronunciation: tʌbi part of speech: adjective jowly in spanish: jowly, pronunciation: dʒaʊli part of speech: adjective podgy in spanish: gordinflón, pronunciation: pɑdʒi part of speech: adjective flesh out in spanish: Carne hacia fuera, pronunciation: fleʃaʊt part of speech: verb fatten in spanish: engordar, pronunciation: fætən part of speech: verb paunchy in spanish: barrigón, pronunciation: pɔntʃi part of speech: adjective zoftig in spanish: zoftig, pronunciation: zɔftɪg part of speech: adjective endomorphic in spanish: endomorfo, pronunciation: endəmɔrfɪk part of speech: adjective pyknic in spanish: pícnico, pronunciation: pɪknɪk part of speech: adjective fatness in spanish: gordura, pronunciation: fætnəs part of speech: noun blubbery in spanish: blubbery, pronunciation: blʌbɜri part of speech: adjective suety in spanish: seboso, pronunciation: suti part of speech: adjective potbellied in spanish: barrigudo, pronunciation: pɑtbelid part of speech: adjective adipose tissue in spanish: tejido adiposo, pronunciation: ædəpoʊstɪsju part of speech: noun plump out in spanish: hincharse, pronunciation: plʌmpaʊt part of speech: verb fattish in spanish: regordete, pronunciation: fætɪʃ part of speech: adjective fatten up in spanish: engordar, pronunciation: fætənʌp part of speech: verb loose-jowled in spanish: suelto, pronunciation: lusdʒaʊld part of speech: adjective superfatted in spanish: con exceso de grasas, pronunciation: supɜrfætɪd part of speech: adjective double-chinned in spanish: doble mentón, pronunciation: dʌbəltʃɪnd part of speech: adjective fatty tissue in spanish: tejido graso, pronunciation: fætitɪsju part of speech: noun fatten out in spanish: engordar, pronunciation: fætənaʊt part of speech: verb

Fat antonyms

lean pronunciation: lin part of speech: adjective, verb thin pronunciation: θɪn part of speech: adjective fatless pronunciation: fætləs part of speech: adjective nonfat pronunciation: nɑnfæt part of speech: adjective leanness pronunciation: linəs part of speech: noun thinness pronunciation: θɪnnɪs part of speech: noun fat-free pronunciation: fætfri part of speech: adjective
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