Fastness in spanish


pronunciation: soʊlideθ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fastness = estabilidad, inalterabilidad. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: This paper discusses the influence of fixing treatments on the fastness of ink dyes on paper in aqueous deacidification.

Fastness synonyms

speed in spanish: velocidad, pronunciation: spid part of speech: noun stronghold in spanish: fortaleza, pronunciation: strɔŋhoʊld part of speech: noun fixity in spanish: fijeza, pronunciation: fɪksəti part of speech: noun swiftness in spanish: rapidez, pronunciation: swɪftnəs part of speech: noun secureness in spanish: seguridad, pronunciation: sekjɜrnəs part of speech: noun fixedness in spanish: fijeza, pronunciation: fɪksədnes part of speech: noun
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