Fast in spanish


pronunciation: rɑpidoʊ part of speech: adverb, adjective, noun
In gestures

fast [faster -comp., fastest -sup.]1 = rápido. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: This arrangement is faster than waiting until documents are ordered.


» bedfast = encamado, postrado en cama.

Example: This module discusses the importance of periodically changing the position of bedfast or wheelchair patients.

» be fast asleep = estar profundamente dormido.

Example: So fast asleep they were, they were not able to wake up for one hundred years.

» be fast becoming = estar convirtiéndose rápidamente.

Example: Image processing is fast becoming a major success in the hardware field, and in its footsteps could come the first significant attempt at image archiving and subsequent on-line retrieval.

» be off to a fast start = comenzar muy rápido.

Example: Ithaca was off to a fast start, scoring twice in the game's first two minutes.

» ever faster = cada vez más rápido.

Example: Today's world turns ever faster on the axis of change.

» fall + fast asleep = quedarse frito, quedarse como un tronco, quedarse como un lirón.

Example: Have you ever been lying in bed, about to fall fast asleep when your leg jerks suddenly, snapping you awake?.

» far faster = mucho más rápido.

Example: The treated film needs to be far faster in action than present examples.

» fast-access = de acceso rápido.

Example: Data which are to be permanently stored in directly addressable, fast-access storage can be placed in ROM.

» fast and furious = vertiginoso, dinámico, desenfrenado, impetuoso, trepidante.

Example: The pace was fast and furious and the noise was non-stop.

» fast-approaching = inminente, que se acerca rápidamente, que avanza rápidamente.

Example: The manufacturing industry readies itself for a fast-approaching future.

» fast-breaking = actual.

Example: Monitors tuned to television news may have to be located in areas that are less than accommodating to the large numbers of users who want to know the fast-breaking events which affect us all.

» fast changing [fast-changing] = en constante cambio, en continuo cambio.

Example: The author identifies fundamental attitudes necessary for information professionals to navigate 'nimbly' in a fast changing environment.

» fast + Color = inalterable, estable.

Example: A covering material of fast, even colour, was eventually produced that was impervious to the adhesive with which it was stuck to the boards.

» fast cooking = cocción rápida.

Example: Fast cooking and easy operation make this pressure cooker a really practical family accessory.

» fast-developing = cada vez más desarrollado, que avanza rápidamente.

Example: To meet the challenge and to anticipate problems associated with blacks adapting to a fast-developing world and entering the job market, attempts should be made to gain a thorough knowledge of their needs.

» fastest-growing = de crecimiento más rápido.

Example: We cannot figure out why you haven't realized that soccer is the fastest-growing preferred sport of most children.

» fast-evolving = de crecimiento rápido, de desarrollo rápido.

Example: To deal with these fast-evolving mobile markets, unique skill sets are needed.

» fast expanding = en rápida expansión.

Example: A fast expanding nightlife and a red-hot design district are making it one of the world's most glamorous destinations.

» fast-fact = de respuesta rápida.

Example: Two kinds of service were provided -- the fast-fact and the in-depth reference service -- for two kinds of users.

» fast food = comida rápida.

Example: The article 'Cold storage and fast food: the feeding of discovery' discusses some of the economic and social forces that tend to shape the library and information field.

» fast-forward = avanzar.

Example: Modern machines have an automatic facility for fast-forward and rewind as well as a manual control for slower, more precise location of the required information on the microfilm.

» fast-growing = de crecimiento rápido.

Example: Fixed location is difficult to maintain with a fast-growing collection.

» fast-increasing = cada vez mucho mayor.

Example: The impermanence of magnetic media has led to a concern in the library and information community with the fate of the fast-increasing amount of information which is electronically published.

» fast lane = carril de adelantamiento, a toda pastilla, a toda máquina, a tope.

Example: The article is entitled 'The news librarians: fast lane information professionals' = El artículo se titula "Los documentalistas de los medios de comunicación: profesionales de la información a toda pastilla".

» fast living = vida fácil, libertinaje.

Example: Las Vegas was once notorious for loose morals, fast living and financial transactions murky enough to blot out the desert sun.

» fast motion = avance rápido de imágenes.

Example: For example, the most recent range of video recorders includes features like freeze frame, slow motion, fast motion and rapid search for individual frames.

» fast-moving = que progresa rápidamente, que avanza rápidamente, cada vez más avanzado, vertiginoso, cambiante, rápido, veloz.

Example: I have also taken the opportunity to up-date every chapter of the book so as to help the reader keep track of this fast-moving technology.

» fastness = estabilidad, inalterabilidad. 

Example: This paper discusses the influence of fixing treatments on the fastness of ink dyes on paper in aqueous deacidification.

» fast on the heels of = inmediatamente después de, seguir inmediatamente.

Example: Fast on the heels of its bicentennial census, the US Census Bureau is at a crossroads with regard to conducting the next census.

» fast-paced [fast paced] = apresurado, presuroso, célere, vertiginoso, rápido, acelerado.

Example: Access to current, reliable quality news is an important need in the fast-paced environment of all large corporations and service organisations.

» fast-talk = hablar nuy rápidamente, decir rápidamente sin parar.

Example: She fast-talked deals like an auctioneer -- you could tell the lady knew how to hustle.

» fast-talk = labia, palabrería, charlatanería, engatusamiento, embaucamiento.

Example: It was obvious to some that his fast talk and clever references conspicuously failed to hide his insecurity.

» fast-talk = camelar, embaucar, engatusar.

Example: And is it fair for someone who barely knows the subjetc to pass because he fast talked his teachers?.

» fast-talker = persona con/de mucha labia, persona con/de mucha palabrería.

Example: Beware the fast-talker, the person with the gift of the gab -- the friendly salesman, the oily politician -- running through the 'facts' faster than you can keep up.

» fast-talker = persona que habla muy rápido.

Example: Fast talkers that talk fast in their native language is quite a natural behavior.

» fast-talking = labia, palabrería, charlatanería, engatusamiento, embaucamiento.

Example: They had to do some fast-talking to gain access to the facilities.

» fast-talking = que habla muy rápido.

Example: Apparently Mike couldn't understand his fast-talking southern accent.

» fast-talking = con mucha labia, embaucador, engatusador, elocuente, persuasivo.

Example: After inheriting her father's run-down circus, a woman and her fast-talking manager struggle to keep it afloat.

» fast-talking = habla rápida.

Example: She is known today for her fast-talking but when she recalls her early years, she speaks slowly, thoughtfully.

» fast track = acelerar, agilizar, tratar de un modo urgente.

Example: The author describes a novel approach which uses the power of household brands as a springboard to fast track adults into reading and writing everyday functional English = El autor describe un método novedoso que utiliza el poder de las marcas muy conocidas como trampolín para acelerar el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura del inglés básico en los adultos.

» fast track = vía de acceso rápido, tratamiento urgente, procedimiento rápido.

Example: The recently announced plan calls for creating a fast track for approving drugs for life threatening diseases = El plan anunciado recientemente demanda la creación de un procedimiento rápido para aprobar el uso de fármacos para enfermedades mortales.

» fast track = carril de adelantamiento.

Example: The article 'A fast track over rocky roads: continuing education for reference librarians' argues that for reference librarianship to be successful, it has to be seen as a valuable and convenient commodity to the user.

» go + faster = ir más rápido, acelerar la marcha, acelerar el ritmo.

Example: Many, I would venture to say most, people would like to make their car go faster.

» grow + faster = aumentar la velocidad.

Example: Newsprint machines, on the other hand, have grown ever larger and faster, and there are newsprint Fourdriniers working today which can eject a web 1,000 cm. wide at speeds of up to 1,000 metres per minute (which is 60 k.p.h.).

» hard and fast = invariable, inflexible, rígido, absoluto, que se puede aplicar a rajatabla.

Example: There is no hard and fast answer to this question.

» hold fast = resistir.

Example: He tried to hold fast defending the cause of the Church and avoiding debates on particular cases of intolerance or persecution.

» hold fast to = aferrarse a, agarrarse a.

Example: In holding fast to a belief in health promotion, they resisted being coopted by a now discredited market system.

» hold fast to + an idea = aferrarse a una idea.

Example: Finlay held fast to his ideas despite incredulity and ridicule.

» in the fast lane = a la vanguardia, a toda pastilla, a toda máquina, a tope.

Example: The article 'A charmed brew: document delivery and collection in the fast lane' examines the implications of the proliferation of document delivery services and types of access available for librarians.

» life in the fast lane = vida a toda pastilla, vida desenfrenada, vida disoluta.

Example: The article 'Life in the fast lane: reference in a business archives' is devoted to archival reference services = El artículo "La vida desenfrenada: la referencia en un archivo de empresa" trata de los servicios de referencia de archivo.

» make + a fast buck = hacer dinero fácil, ganar dinero fácil.

Example: They are in a race to make a fast buck and make it big.

» on the fast track = a toda pastilla, a la vanguardia, a la última.

Example: The article 'On the fast track or the road to nowhere' points to the growing practice of subsuming public libraries into larger departments headed by non-librarians = El artículo "A la vanguardia o en un camino sin rumbo" pone de manifiesto la costumbre cada vez más frecuente de incluir las bibliotecas públicas dentro de órganismos más grandes dirigidos por personal no bibliotecario.

» play + fast and loose with = jugar con, manipular, actuar con poca consideración hacia, actuar con irresponsabilidad hacia.

Example: Journalists are still playing fast and loose with the truth.

» pull + a fast one (on + Nombre) = engañar, timar, estafar, tomar el pelo, dar gato por liebre, llevar al huerto, metérsela doblada, meter un gol a.

Example: This is the problem -- she has a history of appearing to 'pull a fast one on' the American people.

» sell + fast = venderse rápido.

Example: Homes are selling fast in Amarillo according to local realtors showing that now is the perfect time to buy a house.

» stick fast to = aferrarse a.

Example: Until the appearance of the online catalogue, entire libraries had actually been 'frozen' for generations, stuck fast to their major commodity - books.

» superfast = superrápido.

Example: From mainframe and mini-computers in the 60s and 70s the trend of the 80s is towards micro-based, self-contained personal computers on the one hand, and superfast, high-performance computers on the other.

» the clock + be fast = el reloj ir adelantado, el reloj estar adelantado.

Example: I once came in late and my excuse was that the clock was fast.

fast2 = ayuno. 

Example: At the beginning of the fast, you burn glycogen, fat, and protein for energy but after approximately two weeks you burn mainly fat.

fast3 = ayunar. 

Example: Since the dawn of recorded time, in fact since before the word 'doctor' came into existence, priests provided sanctuaries where people could go to fast.

Fast synonyms

prompt in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: prɑmpt part of speech: adjective, verb true in spanish: cierto, pronunciation: tru part of speech: adjective hot in spanish: caliente, pronunciation: hɑt part of speech: adjective firm in spanish: firma, pronunciation: fɜrm part of speech: noun, adjective tight in spanish: apretado, pronunciation: taɪt part of speech: adjective smooth in spanish: suave, pronunciation: smuð part of speech: adjective quick in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: kwɪk part of speech: adjective fleet in spanish: flota, pronunciation: flit part of speech: noun swift in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: swɪft part of speech: adjective, noun profligate in spanish: libertino, pronunciation: prɔflɪgeɪt part of speech: adjective loyal in spanish: leal, pronunciation: lɔɪəl part of speech: adjective faithful in spanish: fiel, pronunciation: feɪθfəl part of speech: adjective degenerate in spanish: degenerar, pronunciation: dɪdʒenɜrət part of speech: adjective, verb dissolute in spanish: disoluto, pronunciation: dɪsəlut part of speech: adjective rapid in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: ræpəd part of speech: adjective immediate in spanish: inmediato, pronunciation: ɪmidiət part of speech: adjective libertine in spanish: libertino, pronunciation: lɪbɜrtin part of speech: noun immoral in spanish: inmoral, pronunciation: ɪmɔrəl part of speech: adjective fixed in spanish: fijo, pronunciation: fɪkst part of speech: adjective presto in spanish: presto, pronunciation: prestoʊ part of speech: adjective, adverb allegro in spanish: alegro, pronunciation: əlegroʊ part of speech: noun barred in spanish: prohibido, pronunciation: bɑrd part of speech: adjective flying in spanish: volador, pronunciation: flaɪɪŋ part of speech: noun dissipated in spanish: disipado, pronunciation: dɪsəpeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective blistering in spanish: abrasador, pronunciation: blɪstɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun instantaneous in spanish: instantáneo, pronunciation: ɪnstəntæniəs part of speech: adjective riotous in spanish: desenfrenado, pronunciation: raɪətəs part of speech: adjective fasting in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: fæstɪŋ part of speech: noun speedy in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: spidi part of speech: adjective straightaway in spanish: inmediatamente, pronunciation: streɪtəweɪ part of speech: adverb, noun vivace in spanish: vivace, pronunciation: vaɪvəs part of speech: adjective, adverb degraded in spanish: degradado, pronunciation: dɪgreɪdəd part of speech: adjective immobile in spanish: inmóvil, pronunciation: ɪmoʊbəl part of speech: adjective meteoric in spanish: meteórico, pronunciation: mitiɔrɪk part of speech: adjective winged in spanish: con alas, pronunciation: wɪŋd part of speech: adjective accelerated in spanish: acelerado, pronunciation: ækselɜreɪtɪd part of speech: adjective bolted in spanish: atornillado, pronunciation: boʊltəd part of speech: adjective hurried in spanish: apresurado, pronunciation: hɜrid part of speech: adjective secured in spanish: asegurado, pronunciation: sɪkjʊrd part of speech: adjective debauched in spanish: perverso, pronunciation: dəbaʊtʃt part of speech: adjective dyed in spanish: teñido, pronunciation: daɪd part of speech: adjective allegretto in spanish: alegreto, pronunciation: æləgretoʊ part of speech: noun tinted in spanish: teñido, pronunciation: tɪntɪd part of speech: adjective, verb locked in spanish: bloqueado, pronunciation: lɑkt part of speech: adjective fastened in spanish: pegado, pronunciation: fæsənd part of speech: adjective red-hot in spanish: al rojo vivo, pronunciation: redhɑt part of speech: adjective alacritous in spanish: elogioso, pronunciation: əlækrɪtəs part of speech: adjective accelerating in spanish: acelerador, pronunciation: ækselɜreɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective speeding in spanish: exceso de velocidad, pronunciation: spidɪŋ part of speech: noun scurrying in spanish: corriendo, pronunciation: skɜriɪŋ part of speech: adjective andantino in spanish: andantino, pronunciation: ɑndɑntinoʊ part of speech: adjective hastening in spanish: apresurarse, pronunciation: heɪsənɪŋ part of speech: adjective prestissimo in spanish: prestísimo, pronunciation: prestɪsəmoʊ part of speech: adjective, adverb colorfast in spanish: colorfast, pronunciation: kʌlɜrfæst part of speech: adjective high-speed in spanish: alta velocidad, pronunciation: haɪspid part of speech: adjective latched in spanish: trabado, pronunciation: lætʃt part of speech: adjective hurrying in spanish: apresurándose, pronunciation: hɜriɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective double-quick in spanish: doble rápido, pronunciation: dʌbəlkwɪk part of speech: adjective jet-propelled in spanish: propulsión a chorro, pronunciation: dʒeprəpəld part of speech: adjective

Fast antonyms

slow pronunciation: sloʊ part of speech: adjective
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