Fashion in spanish


pronunciation: moʊdɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fashion1 = moda. 

Example: An appreciation of the fashions in terminology in a given subject field will contribute to successful searching.


» as though it/they is/are/was/were going out of fashion = como si se estuviera/estuviese acabando el mundo.

Example: Not only was his wife as ugly as sin, and twice as evil, but had a voracious appetite for spending cash as though it was going out of fashion.

» autumn fashion = moda de otoño.

Example: Most of the autumn fashion here focuses on shoes: high-heeled boots are a must in September.

» come into + fashion = ponerse de moda.

Example: When christening robes first came into fashion, they were invariably high-waisted and richly decorated with lace or embroidery.

» fall fashion = moda de otoño.

Example: This fall as the weather gets cooler be sure to make the most of fall fashion, read our guide on how to adjust stylishly to the weather.

» fall out of + fashion = caer en desuso, pasar de modo.

Example: Rotundas were widely used for all but the most formal texts in the fifteenth century, but fell out of fashion during the sixteenth century, surviving longest in Spain.

» fashion boutique = boutique de moda.

Example: I have a friend who is young and outgoing, her name is -- she could be the poster girl for any high-end fashion boutique.

» fashion-conscious = que siempre va a la última moda, que sigue la última moda, pendiente de seguir la última moda, pendiente de ir a la última moda.

Example: Most fashion-conscious shoppers will beaware of the palaver caused last month by the swastika design embroidered on a Zara handbag.

» fashion design = diseño de moda.

Example: In the design field periodicals hold a particularly important place and in certain areas such as industrial and fashion design, they are arguably the principal source of information.

» fashion designer = diseñador de moda.

Example: A number of sources of inspiration and information, in addition to books on costume history, are invaluable to the fashion designer and the historian of fashion.

» fashion designing = diseño de moda.

Example: And now the singer wants to turn her hand to fashion designing -- no doubt another trend that she will turn to gold.

» fashion industry, the = industria de la moda, la.

Example: The writer discusses the fashion industry's obsession with skinny models.

» fashion jewellery = bisutería.

Example: For a country obsessed with precious metals and stones, fashion jewellery comes as a pleasant option for those who prefer opulence at humble prices.

» fashion magazine = revista de modas.

Example: Sources include trade magazines, newspapers, advertising material, and fashion magazines.

» fashion plate = figurín, grabado de moda.

Example: Historical evidence includes portrait paintings, fashion plates and magazines, photographs, literary sources, pattern books, and trade catalogues.

» fashion retailer = tienda de moda(s).

Example: There are about 3 independent fashion retailers I shop in and always pop in when their sales are on.

» fashion show = desfile de modas, desfile de modelos.

Example: The author discusses the image of the US projected by the American Pavilion through its fashion shows, home furnishings and kitchen appliances exhibits and food.

» fashion statement = vestido a la última, vestido a la última moda.

Example: This fall season is all about making a bold fashion statement with trendy bright colors.

» fashion world, the = mundo de la moda, el.

Example: Unlike most of the fashion world, the styles of formal attire take their names from men's wear rather than female attire.

» go out of + fashion = volverse obsoleto, pasar de moda.

Example: Sawn-in cords, giving flat spines, were common in the mid seventeenth century, but then went out of fashion until they were reintroduced in about 1760.

» in fashion = de moda, en boga.

Example: Let us consider the wasp waist, beloved of the Victorians and in fashion up to the early years of this century.

» out of fashion = obsoleto, pasado de moda.

Example: Abstract art has lately been considered out of fashion in the art centers of New York.

» passing fashion = moda pasajera.

Example: Data warehousing has now become a deep seated trend rather than a passing fashion.

» ship-shape and Bristol fashion = todo ordenado y limpio, todo limpio y en su sitio.

Example: Bear with me for a few days while I try to get things ship-shape and Bristol fashion.

» spring fashion = moda de primavera.

Example: I can't talk about spring fashion without mentioning floral prints -- it seems like there were even more floral dresses on the runway than usual this spring.

» summer fashion = moda de verano.

Example: The 90's are long gone but the style trends are far from dead, take a look at these suggests and start living in the past this summer fashion.

» winter fashion = moda de invierno.

Example: Winter fashion is all about looking stylish while staying warm.

» women's fashion = moda femenina, la.

Example: In women's fashion the world has blurred the line between attractive and sluttish = En la moda femenina, el mundo ha confundido los límites entre ir vestida con atractivo e ir vestida de zorrilla.

» world of fashion, the = mundo de la moda, el.

Example: The book 'If Looks Could Kill' is a juicy, tell-all, insider's look at the true world of fashion.

fashion2 = forma, modo, manera. 

Example: It was on the tip of his tongue to say: 'Must you speak to me in this uncivilized fashion?' But he discreetly forbore.


» after a fashion = más o menos, de algún modo, en cierto modo.

Example: Koenig had a flat-platen machine working after a fashion in 1811, and a prototype cylinder machine in 1812 = Koenig ya en 1811 tenía una máquina de presión plana que más o menos funcionaba y un prototipo de máquina rotativa en 1812.

» after the fashion of = al igual que, del mismo modo que.

Example: Invented around 1850 by two Americans, the platen jobber worked after the fashion of a bivalve shell = Inventada alrededor de 1850 por dos norteamericanos, la máquina de presión plana funcionaba del mismo modo que un bivalvo.

» in a by-the-way fashion = casualmente, de un modo casual.

Example: A few minutes spent with teacher and pupils talking about books conversationally in a by-the-way fashion serves the double purpose of preparing the right set of mind for reading while at the same time attracting attention to books that might be enjoyed.

» in a fashion = de un modo, de una forma, de una manera, de alguna forma, de algún modo, de alguna manera.

Example: The Internet has changed the economic ground rules of scholarly publishing in a fashion comparable to the deregulation of the airline industry in the USA.

» in alternating fashion = de forma alternada.

Example: Although theoretical and hands-on sessions will be presented in alternating fashion, they are listed sequentially for claity.

» in (an) exemplary fashion = de modo ejemplar, de forma ejemplar, de manera ejemplar.

Example: The Egyptian military has conducted itself in an exemplary fashion during the protests in Egypt.

» in an orderly fashion = ordenadamente, en orden, de manera ordenada.

Example: In an orderly fashion and much to my disbelief, the officers calmly disembarked the plane.

» in an organised fashion = de una forma organizada.

Example: The technique involves paying attention to ourselves in a very organized and systematic fashion.

» in a similar fashion = de una misma manera.

Example: These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.

» in a structured fashion = de forma estructurada, de modo estructurado.

Example: The economics journal system has not grown and developed in a structured fashion, which has resulted in overspill into report literature = El sistema de las revistas de economía no ha crecido y evolucionado de un modo estructurado, lo que ha dado como resultado una migración a las publicaciones de informes.

» in a systematic fashion = de forma sistemática.

Example: The technique involves paying attention to ourselves in a very organized and systematic fashion.

» in a tandem fashion = a la par, a la vez, conjuntamente, en colaboración.

Example: Most of them are mitotically stable, and the integration of the vector into the host genome frequently occurred in a tandem fashion.

» in a timely fashion = a su tiempo, sin retrasos, sin demoras, puntualmente.

Example: It is a recognized fact that the Library of Congress cannot possibly catalog all the books needed by all libraries in a timely fashion.

» in + Adjetivo + fashion = de un modo + Adjetivo, de una manera + Adjetivo.

Example: In more muted fashion the universities have displayed a similar interest.

» in like fashion = de igual modo, de igual manera, de igual forma, igualmente.

Example: Since Michigan's pioneering move, two other schools have re-baptized themselves in like fashion.

» in this fashion = de este modo, de esta manera, de esta forma.

Example: In fact, all he is doing by forming the exercise in this fashion is to teach a misuse, not to say a misunderstanding, of language.

» in timely fashion = a tiempo, en su momento.

Example: There was no dependable way to ensure that the recipient actually received the message in timely fashion.

» mirror-fashion = al revés, a la inversa.

Example: The composing stick contained a line of type which read (from his point of view) from left to right but of which the letters were upside down and mirror-fashion.

» parrot-fashion = como un loro, como un papagayo, de carretilla, de carrerilla, al dedillo, de forma mecánica, de manera mecánica.

Example: There is no easy way to learn your times tables -- you will have to try hard to memorise them 'parrot-fashion'.

fashion3 = forjar, crear. 

Example: The preliminary discussions and proposals which led up to the AACR, did start out with an attempt to fashion an ideology, a philosophical context, for those rules.


» refashion = remodelar, cambiar. 

Example: The basic thesis of the book under review is that throughout his career Rembrandt restlessly fashioned and refashioned his self.

Fashion synonyms

way in spanish: camino, pronunciation: weɪ part of speech: noun style in spanish: estilo, pronunciation: staɪl part of speech: noun mode in spanish: modo, pronunciation: moʊd part of speech: noun forge in spanish: fragua, pronunciation: fɔrdʒ part of speech: verb, noun manner in spanish: manera, pronunciation: mænɜr part of speech: noun
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