Family in spanish


pronunciation: fɑmiliɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

family = familia. 

Example: Proper names, for example, names of persons, names of families, names of places.


» adopted family = familia adoptiva, familia de adopción.

Example: Rebellious, copper-haired teenager Niamh Keegan feels like a spare part in her boring, staid adopted family.

» adoptive family = familia adoptiva, familia de adopción.

Example: The article 'Periodicals for adoptive families' is intended to help adoptive families locate current literature on adoption and other adoptive families.

» all in the family = todo queda en casa.

Example: The article is entitled 'All in the family: parents in teen fiction'.

» be born into + a family of = nacer en el seno de una familia de.

Example: Born into a family of tailors, fashion was in her blood, but in her true spirit of contradiction, this was not a path she intended to follow.

» biological family = familia biológica.

Example: Imagining themselves as the doctor at the hospital, students were no more likely to be suspicious of the bruises when the boy was believed to be from a stepfather family than from a biological family.

» black sheep of the family, the = oveja negra de la familia, la.

Example: As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend.

» broken family = familia rota.

Example: Her books reflect many children's current reality with little money, broken families and school bullies.

» close family member = familiar cercano.

Example: I have written screeds and screeds, straight from the heart, even voicing my opinions on close family members.

» death in the family = muerte de un familiar.

Example: Payment for time not worked includes vacations, sick leave, holidays, and leave because of National Guard duty, jury duty, death in the family, and personal business.

» divided family = familia dividida.

Example: The problems posed by these divided families is a pressing humanitarian issue that has been used for political ends by both countries.

» dual-income family = familia en la que los dos padres trabajan.

Example: The middle class holds on by the skin of its teeth, saved from a real downward slide only by record increases in the number of dual-income families.

» extended family = familiares, parientes, parentela.

Example: One of the advantages of having an extended family is the stability and consistency that it can bring to the life of the children.

» family affair = asunto familiar.

Example: Some people maintain that reading must be a 'family affair'.

» family allowance = prestación familiar.

Example: During the two decades prior to the 1970s there were negligible family allowances and no reliable or universal provisions for social work, pre-schooling or child care in Australia.

» family archive = archivo particular.

Example: The Portland Archive is one of the most valuable family and estate archives in the country describing how the Porland family built up its estates.

» family bond = lazo familiar.

Example: There is an increasing need to strengthen family bonds in a society marked by escalating violence.

» family breakdown = desintegración familiar, desintegración de la familia.

Example: Problems resulting from family breakdown are caused when relationships end with hostility, without talking through the situation.

» family business = negocio familiar, empresa familiar.

Example: His wife ran the company for ten years until her son was ready to assume the responsibilities of the family business.

» family car = coche familiar.

Example: In most households the family car disappears with the breadwinner each morning leaving the rest of the family isolated from many essential services.

» family conflict = conflicto familiar.

Example: The author compares learning achievement, social adjustment, and family conflict among 146 Bedouin students from polygamous and monogamous families.

» family court = juzgado de familia.

Example: This isn't always possible and disputes end up with lawyers and judges in the family court.

» family crisis = problemas familiares.

Example: This library serves a population displaying all the familiar features of low income, family social and financial crises, juvenile delinquency, and landlord/tenant problems.

» family doctor = médico de familia, médico de cabecera. [Término coloquial]

Example: The data showed that family doctors used colleagues most often as information sources followed by periodicals and books.

» family event = evento familiar.

Example: This highly anticipated family event has attracted consumers by the carload.

» family friend = amigo de la familia.

Example: She and her mother were shot in their vehicle by a family friend who then turned the gun on himself.

» family-friendly = apto para toda la familia, idóneo para toda la familia, ideal para toda la familia, apropiado para las familias, pensado para familias, con ambiente familiar, familiar.

Example: Making healthy, family-friendly veggie soups and fruit smoothies or whipping cream is fast and fuss-free with a hand blender.

» family fun = diversión familiar, entretenimiento familiar, diversión de toda la familia, entretenimiento de toda la familia.

Example: This is a great destination for some family fun with many attractions aimed at the family market and many fun-filled events and action-packed outdoor activities.

» family gathering = reunión familiar.

Example: A silver wedding usually means a family gathering -- difficult occasions at the best of times.

» family genealogy = genealogía familiar.

Example: On and off for the past two decades, her father has been gathering information about their family genealogy.

» family historian = biógrafo de familias.

Example: When death certificates are unavailable due to cost, law, practice, legibility, time or proximity, the identification and availability of mortuary, cemetery and funeral home records becomes important to the family historian.

» family history = historia familiar, genealogía.

Example: After a lifetime of silence and secrets, Fern had the sudden opportunity to discover her own family history.

» family home = casa familiar.

Example: 5 bedroom detached family home with a magnificent mature southernly rear garden.

» family income supplement = ayuda familiar.

Example: The librarians have instituted a series of campaigns, including displays and leaflets on specific issues, eg family income supplement, rent and rates rebates, and school grants.

» Posesivo + family jewels = Posesivo + partes, Posesivo + partes privadas, Posesivo + partes pudendas, Posesivos + intimidades, Posesivo + partes íntimas. [Generalmente usado para los órganos genitales masculinos]

Example: His tunic was so short that he showed his family jewels.

» family jewels, the = joyas de la familia, las.

Example: Today's parents have to hock the family jewels to afford the list of back-to-school items now requested by teachers and schools.

» family law = derecho de familia.

Example: Family law is something that affects everyone so solicitors deal with a varied cross section of society.

» family lawyer = abogado de familia.

Example: The majority of family lawyers agree that their work centres around three areas -- divorce, children and finance.

» family leave = permiso por razones familiares.

Example: Women employees, in general, are more likely than men employees to take family leaves.

» family life = vida familiar, vida en el entorno familiar.

Example: Statistics show black family life to be an appalling concoction of poverty, shooting and rampant teenage pregnancy.

» family literacy = alfabetización en casa.

Example: Family literacy programmes help the parent or caregiver to fulfil his role as the first and foremost teacher of his children.

» family living = vida en familia, vida familiar.

Example: Open plan living with light, bright sun-filled rooms, this family home boasting a flexible floor plan ticks all the boxes for family living.

» family man = padre de familia, hombre de familia.

Example: Participants generated 306 different labels for female types (e.g. housewife, feminist, femme fatale, secretary, slob) and 310 for male types (e.g. workaholic, family man, sissy, womanizer, labourer).

» family member = miembro de la familia, familiar.

Example: Patients who attended with a spouse/partner/carer/family member indicated it was helpful to them and the accompanying person.

» family name = apellido.

Example: Another issue is whether names should be inverted, i.e. family name followed by forename.

» family name = gentilicio. [Nombre de familia que se utiliza a veces como encabezamiento de una obra escrita por uno de los miembros de esa familia]

Example: Certain categories of heading are not included; these include persons, family names, corporate bodies, structures such as castles, ships, religious bodies, mythological characters, etc.

» family nest = nido familiar.

Example: The term 'family nest' was used in the 1960s by researchers to describe an empty nest from which all of the children had flown leaving the parents lonely or sad.

» family-oriented = familiar, apegado a la familia, orientado hacia la familia, dirigido a las familias, para las familias.

Example: Middleborns tend to be less family-oriented than firstborns or lastborns.

» family-owned = familiar, de la familia, propiedad de la familia.

Example: The next generation is opting to cash out of the small, family-owned farms that harbor centuries of rural wisdom and deep tradition.

» family planning = planificación familiar.

Example: Incredibly, for instance, there are still no direct and specific LC headings for family planning (which is not synonymous with Birth control), COUNTER-CULTURE, ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES, RHYTHM AND BLUES MUSIC, REGGAE MUSIC, FOOD CO-OPS, or MEN'S LIBERATION.

» family planning clinic = centro de planificación familiar.

Example: The idea has been suggested to set up multipurpose community centres where services like a grocer, a chemist, a doctor's surgery, a family planning clinic, and a bank, could all be located.

» family possession = posesión familiar.

Example: A family possession, this grey granite finger ring has been passed down through the generations.

» family practitioner = médico de cabecera, médico de familia. [Término usado principalmente en USA]

Example: The firt moves have been to computerize the central register and to develop electronic links between the centre and each family practitioner committee.

» family problem = problema familiar.

Example: Then, a series of unfortunate circumstances (the outbreak of the war, family problems) deprived the project of its promoter and most passionate supporter.

» family reading = lectura en familia.

Example: The programme was designed to help adults become familiar with children's literature and able to select children's books for family reading.

» family register = libro de familia.

Example: Family registers are issued to married couples only.

» family registry, the = registro civil, el.

Example: A total of 234354 centenarians are unaccounted for across Japan despite still being registered as alive under the family registry.

» family residence = residencia para familias.

Example: This article discusses the process of implementing a telecommunications system in a universtiy campus which affected every office, dorm room, and family-residence on campus = Este artículo trata del proceso de implementación de un sistema de telecomunicaciones en un campus universitaria que afectó a todos y cada uno de los despachos, las habitaciones de residencia de estudiantes y las residencias para estudiantes con familia del campus.

» family responsibilities = responsabilidades familiares.

Example: In general, off-campus graduates were older, less mobile, had more family responsibilities, and used support structures generally available to mature adults.

» family restaurant = restaurante familiar.

Example: When women frequently go to family restaurants, this leads to them going out of their homes excessively for no reason, which goes against the command of Allah.

» family reunification = reunificación familiar, reagrupación familiar.

Example: After three years of thorny negotiations, the European Union's interior ministers have reached a groundbreaking agreement on the right to family reunification.

» family reunion = reunión familiar.

Example: The article 'Family reunion with a professional agenda: a conference of African-American librarians' reports the 2nd National Conference of African American Librarians in 1994.

» family room = habitación familiar.

Example: Stay the night in our cosy and lively family rooms, perfect for parents travelling with children.

» family-run business = negocio familiar, empresa familiar.

Example: This is a family-run business that creates rustic metal art that is functional and decorative.

» family therapist = terapeuta de familia, terapeuta familiar.

Example: Teens experiment a lot, and thrill seeking behaviour is natural at that age, say family therapists.

» family ties = lazos familiares.

Example: She was an internationally respected library leader who attempted to create an independent life without abandoning her strong family ties.

» family tradition = tradición familiar.

Example: His rebelliousness against family tradition and sedate good taste surfaced disturbingly in his account of bringing his mother's body home from Italy.

» family tree = árbol genealógico, árbol genealógico de la familia.

Example: This brings us back to the fact that books are made out of other books; that there is a family tree to which each book belongs.

» family values = valores familiares.

Example: The idea must be enforced that that librarians have a duty to prohibit access to information and ideas whenever such limits are necessary to preserve family values.

» family violence = violencia familiar, violencia en la familia.

Example: The holdings of elementary and secondary media centres on the topics of AIDS, child abuse, family violence, homosexuality, and incest were examined.

» family wage = ingresos familiares.

Example: This makes mockery of the idea of a 'family wage' earned by the man on which wage negotiations and the idea of keeping women out of work are founded.

» family worker = ayuda familiar.

Example: The success of these small family enterprises often depends on the contributions of unpaid family workers, particularly wives.

» farming family = familia de agricultores.

Example: The original Siamese twins were born to a farming family in Siam (now Thailand).

» foster family = familia adoptiva.

Example: This information system was developed to support child welfare agencies working with foster children and foster families.

» have + a family = crear una familia.

Example: The next best thing to getting married to a man you love and having a family is shagging your best friend (who happens to be gay) and having a family.

» head of the family = cabeza de familia.

Example: Leon Kalipay, as the head of the family, was very provident but at the same time very stern and always had the final say in different matters.

» in the family way = embarazada, en estado, preñada, encinta, en estado de buena esperanza.

Example: Sex was taboo, premarital sex was not accepted and if a girl found herself 'in the family way' many times she was shipped off to live with relatives.

» it happens in the best of families = sucede en las mejores familias.

Example: Don't be surprised if you find a few bad apples -- it happens in the best of families.

» landholding family = familia hacendada.

Example: A cartulary is a work in which the muniments, that is the title deeds to lands, properties, rights and privileges of a monastery, church, corporation or landholding family are recorded.

» lily family, the = liliáceas, las.

Example: The onion is a member of the lily family, a close relation of garlic.

» live with + Posesivo + family = vivir con la familia.

Example: She lives with her family on a small farm in northern Michigan.

» lone-parent family = familia monoparental.

Example: This article examines the effects of changes in family structure (from a family with two original parents to a lone-parent family or a stepfamily) on young children.

» low-income family = familia de bajos ingresos, familia de ingresos bajos.

Example: This law permitted private schools to charge whatever tuition would assure that no low-income families would darken their door.

» make + a living for the family = mantener (a) la familia, traer el pan a casa, ganarse el pan, ganarse las habichuelas, ganarse los garbanzos, ganarse las lentejas.

Example: His wife sewed for others to make a living for the family while he was gone.

» middle-income family = familia de ingresos medios.

Example: The wealth gap between America's middle-income and upper-income families has never been greater in recorded history.

» mustard family, the = familia de las mostazas, la.

Example: The wonderful thing about growing curly kale, a member of the mustard family, is that it keep growing slowly in the winter and is very hardy.

» my thoughts go out to you (and your family) = mis pensamientos están contigo (y tu familia).

Example: Probably one of the most unhelpful and frustrating things people can say in these situations, in my opinion, is 'My thoughts go out to you...'.

» nuclear family, the = familia nuclear, la.

Example: The modern nuclear family, often idyllically portrayed as a refuge and a retreat from a demanding world, is fast disappearing.

» one parent family = familia monoparental.

Example: Allied to these sections were the compilation of self-help packs of information, each dealing with a particular problem or area of enquiry, eg buying or selling a house, one parent families, legal aid, redundancy etc.

» on the distaff side (of the family) = por parte de madre, por parte materna.

Example: Most of these societies were matrilineal, meaning descent and property was passed down on the distaff side of the family and women had a very high social prestige.

» on the woman's side (of the family) = por parte de madre, por parte materna.

Example: If there are fraternal twins on the woman's side of the family, there is an increased possibility that she will bear twins.

» patchwork family = familia compuesta, familia ensamblada. [Familia compuesta por los hijos procedentes de las relaciones anteriores de la nueva pareja]

Example: The cohorts that 'initiated' family change (growing numbers of divorces, out-of-wedlock births, lone parents, patchwork families) in the late 1960s/early 1970s have now began the transition into retirement age.

» problem family = familia problemática.

Example: It is here that grinding poverty exists side by side with poor housing and amenities, unemployment, substandard education, racial tensions and a higher than average level of one-parent families and problem families.

» reconciliation of work and family = conciliación del trabajo y la familia.

Example: We also find that women are more concerned about policies that enhance the reconciliation of work & family, while men are more concerned about policies that support their traditional breadwinner duties.

» royal family, the = familia real, la.

Example: Libraries founded by the endowments of the royal family and statesmen not only as independent entities but also within mosques, dervish convents and other institutions.

» single-parent family = familia monoparental.

Example: Also, even juvenile fiction could be better accessed by applying more specific descriptors when possible; for example, single-parent family instead of the catch-all FAMILY.

» single-parent working family = familia monoparental.

Example: They have become very popular with library patrons, especially in time-rationed, gridlocked metropolitan areas with a high proportion of single-parent working families.

» small family car = coche compacto, coche utilitario, utilitario.

Example: This sleek and stylish car, labeled by some as the 'best small family car', has appealing looks to die for .

» start + a family = empezar una familia, comenzar una familia.

Example: However, with a job offer as a music teacher in Minnesota, the couple reluctantly decided to leave Colorado to start a family and take on a teaching career.

» stepfamily = familia del padrastro, familia de la madrastra.

Example: This article examines the effects of changes in family structure (from a family with two original parents to a lone-parent family or a stepfamily) on young children.

» support + Posesivo + family = mantener (a) la familia, sostener (a) la familia, sustentar (a) la familia.

Example: In this poignant drama Sita, a spirited young woman, works to support her family as a singer and prostitute in a local brothel.

» surviving family = herederos.

Example: Robert Watt was thoroughly bitten by the bibliography bug and although he bequeathed an important piece of work to posterity, he and his surviving family can hardly be said to have enjoyed good fortune from it.

» the distaff side (of the family) = la rama femenina (de la familia).

Example: This page explores the life of the distaff side of families from each of three classes: the lower class, the middle class and the upper class.

» two-car family = familia con dos coches.

Example: For the two-car family, living in the countryside can present few problems, but most households are not in such an advantageous position.

» two-income family = familia con dos sueldos.

Example: As the cost of maintaining a decent standard of living within the family increases, the two-income family is becoming essential in practice if not in ideology.

» two-parent working family = familia en la que los dos miembros trabajan.

Example: They have become very popular with library patrons, especially in time-rationed, gridlocked metropolitan areas with a high proportion of two-parent working families.

» upper-income family = familia de ingresos altos, familia de altos ingresos.

Example: The wealth gap between America's middle-income and upper-income families has never been greater in recorded history.

Family synonyms

house in spanish: casa, pronunciation: haʊs part of speech: noun home in spanish: casa, pronunciation: hoʊm part of speech: noun class in spanish: clase, pronunciation: klæs part of speech: noun category in spanish: categoría, pronunciation: kætəgɔri part of speech: noun kin in spanish: parentesco, pronunciation: kɪn part of speech: noun household in spanish: casa, pronunciation: haʊshoʊld part of speech: noun fellowship in spanish: compañerismo, pronunciation: feloʊʃɪp part of speech: noun folk in spanish: gente, pronunciation: foʊk part of speech: noun sept in spanish: septiembre, pronunciation: sept part of speech: noun menage in spanish: menaje, pronunciation: məneɪdʒ part of speech: noun kinfolk in spanish: parientes, pronunciation: kɪnfoʊk part of speech: noun phratry in spanish: fratria, pronunciation: freɪtri part of speech: noun kinsfolk in spanish: parentesco, pronunciation: kɪnsfoʊk part of speech: noun family line in spanish: línea de la familia, pronunciation: fæməlilaɪn part of speech: noun kinsperson in spanish: pariente, pronunciation: kɪnspɜrsən part of speech: noun family unit in spanish: unidad familiar, pronunciation: fæməlijunət part of speech: noun
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