Falsity in spanish


pronunciation: fɑlsedɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

falsity = falsedad. 

Example: Although the legal profession intuitively knows the falsity of this assumption, researchers are still confident in implementing systems that use only the text of laws as their main source of knowledge.

Falsity synonyms

falsehood in spanish: falsedad, pronunciation: fælshʊd part of speech: noun untruth in spanish: mentira, pronunciation: əntruθ part of speech: noun falseness in spanish: falsedad, pronunciation: fɔlznəs part of speech: noun false statement in spanish: declaración falsa, pronunciation: fɔlssteɪtmənt part of speech: noun

Falsity antonyms

truth pronunciation: truθ part of speech: noun verity pronunciation: verəti part of speech: noun true statement pronunciation: trusteɪtmənt part of speech: noun
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