Fallout in spanish


pronunciation: kɑeɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fallout1 = lluvia radiactiva, lluvia radioactiva, radiación nuclear. 

Example: The resulting cloud rose to a height of 12000 feet and subsequent fallout drifted in an easterly direction, travelling as far as 225 km from ground zero.


» fallout shelter = refugio atómico, refugio antiatómico, refugio nuclear, refugio antinuclear.

Example: Private homes and public buildings had fallout shelters that were stocked with canned goods and other necessities.

» nuclear fallout = lluvia radiactiva, lluvia radioactiva, radiación nuclear.

Example: Both films were treated with a gold-toning process to give increased protection from atmospheric pollution, including nuclear fallout.

fallout2 = repercusiones, consecuencias, secuelas. 

Example: As the book progresses, we are allowed inside Melinda's mind as she tries to cope with the tragedy, as well as the subsequent fallout.

fallout3 = riña, pelea, disputa, reyerta, rifirrafe, fregado. 

Example: Two men who beat another to death in a fallout over a cannabis crop have been gaoled for life.

fallout4 = índice de irrelevancia. [Indice que se obtiene de dividir los documentos recuperados e irrelevantes a la pregunta y el total de documentos irrelevantes contenidos en la colección]

Example: A simulation method is described for estimating recall and fallout in a document retrieval system.


» fallout ratio = índice de irrelevancia, tasa de irrelevancia, coeficiente de irrelevancia. [Indice que se obtiene de dividir los documentos recuperados e irrelevantes a la pregunta y el total de documentos irrelevantes contenidos en la colección]

Example: The fallout ratio is particularly useful when comparing performances of document collections of different sizes.

fall out = desprenderse, caerse. 

Example: In time, however, the rubber on which these gurta percha (or caoutchouc) bindings depended perished, and the leaves fell out.

fall out = desvanecerse, evanescerse, diluirse. 

Example: So when the 1908 ALA rules superseded Cutter's rules, the whole provision for bringing together editions fell out, and we didn't have them until the AACR.

fall out = pelearse, enemistarse. 

Example: The two men fell out shortly after the project started -- with the tragic result that Seymour shot himself.

fall out (of) = caerse de, salirse de, salirse y caerse. 

Example: Rods may hold the cards in the drawer and stops may prevent drawers from falling out the cabinet.

Fallout synonyms

radioactive dust in spanish: polvo radioactivo, pronunciation: reɪdioʊæktɪvdʌst part of speech: noun
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