Faint in spanish


pronunciation: debil part of speech: adjective
In gestures

faint [fainter -comp., faintest -sup.]1 = apenas visible, débil, tenue. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: As more and more copies are produced, so the amount of dye on the master is reduced layer by layer until the image on the copy paper becomes quite faint.


» a faint glimmer of light = un rayo de esperanza, un rayo de luz esperanzador.

Example: Notice that in this passage there is just a faint glimmer, a mere peep of sociological light.

» faint chance = poca probabilidad, escasa probabilidad, remota probabilidad, vaga probabilidad, leve probabilidad.

Example: Manchester City remains 12 points behind league-leading Manchester United, with a faint chance of catching them for the league title.

» faint-hearted, the = pusilánimes, los; cobardes, los. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: This is a small service for the bold and resolute would find a way of escape anyhow: the faint-hearted and hesitant are those who need to be enticed into a wider world, and they are very numerous.

» faint of heart, the = pusilánimes, los; cobardes, los.

Example: Poetry slams are a form of poetry reading that are not for the faint of heart.

» there + be + a faint chance that = haber muy poca(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber muy poca(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) escasa(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) escasa(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) escasa(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) remota(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) remota(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) vaga(s) posibilidad(es) de que, haber (una) vaga(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) leve(s) probabilidad(es) de que, haber (una) leve(s) posibilidad(es) de que.

Example: The forecast was not very encouraging, yet there was a faint chance that there could be a little break in the gloomy weather in the afternoon.

faint2 = desmayarse, desfallecer, perder el sentido, sufrir un desmayo. 

Example: The article 'Reeling and writhing and fainting' outlines the problems encountered by illustrators of books.


» nearly + faint = casi + desmayarse. [Utilizado para expresar sorpresa]

Example: The woman picked up the baby's body and she nearly fainted when she heard the baby making small, painful cries.

Faint synonyms

light in spanish: ligero, pronunciation: laɪt part of speech: noun, adjective vague in spanish: vago, pronunciation: veɪg part of speech: adjective sick in spanish: enfermos, pronunciation: sɪk part of speech: adjective ill in spanish: enfermo, pronunciation: ɪl part of speech: adjective timid in spanish: tímido, pronunciation: tɪmɪd part of speech: adjective swoon in spanish: desmayo, pronunciation: swun part of speech: noun, verb weak in spanish: débiles, pronunciation: wik part of speech: adjective dim in spanish: oscuro, pronunciation: dɪm part of speech: adjective feeble in spanish: débil, pronunciation: fibəl part of speech: adjective syncope in spanish: síncope, pronunciation: sɪnkəpi part of speech: noun fearful in spanish: temeroso, pronunciation: fɪrfəl part of speech: adjective wispy in spanish: tenue, pronunciation: wɪspi part of speech: adjective conk in spanish: narigón, pronunciation: kɑŋk part of speech: noun, verb cowardly in spanish: cobardemente, pronunciation: kaʊɜrdli part of speech: adjective indistinct in spanish: indistinto, pronunciation: ɪndɪstɪŋkt part of speech: adjective shadowy in spanish: vago, pronunciation: ʃædoʊi part of speech: adjective perceptible in spanish: perceptible, pronunciation: pɜrseptəbəl part of speech: adjective light-headed in spanish: mareado, pronunciation: laɪthidɪd part of speech: adjective pass out in spanish: desmayarse, pronunciation: pæsaʊt part of speech: verb swooning in spanish: desmayo, pronunciation: swunɪŋ part of speech: adjective fainthearted in spanish: Débil de corazón, pronunciation: feɪnthɑrtɪd part of speech: adjective
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