Fabric in spanish


pronunciation: telɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

fabric1 = tejido, tela. 

Example: The use of fabric softener may however reduce the water absorption capabilities of the fabric, and is contraindicated in some articles like microfibre.


» cotton fabric = tela de algodón.

Example: Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.

» fabric conditioner = suavizante de la ropa.

Example: Most fabric conditioners work by depositing special conditioning agents onto the fibres of the fabric to lubricate them.

» fabric ice bag = bolsa de hielo de tela.

Example: Fabric ice bags are ideal for ice therapy application in the treatment of sports injuries.

» fabric softener = suavizante de la ropa.

Example: The use of fabric softener may however reduce the water absorption capabilities of the fabric, and is contraindicated in some articles like microfibre.

fabric2 = estructura. 

Example: The conventional pattern of change has been an evolutionary introduction of the use of technology with no unusual signs of strain in the organizational fabric.


» business fabric, the = tejido empresarial, el.

Example: Business intelligence needs to be part of the business fabric not an afterthought layered on top of a business initiative, but part and parcel of the overall process from the get-go.

» commercial fabric, the = tejido comercial, el.

Example: Whereas in the past wholesalers were found only in the major cities, today they form part of the commercial fabric of most small towns.

» fabric of society, the = tejido social, el. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: The challenge to the information professional is to integrate the use of information into the fabric of society, in step with the realization that information flow is the lifeline of modern democracies.

» social fabric, the = tejido social, el.

Example: Information services should also be interwoven with the social fabric and firmly rooted in a commuity in order to be acceptable.

Fabric synonyms

material in spanish: material, pronunciation: mətɪriəl part of speech: noun cloth in spanish: paño, pronunciation: klɔθ part of speech: noun framework in spanish: marco de referencia, pronunciation: freɪmwɜrk part of speech: noun textile in spanish: textil, pronunciation: tekstaɪl part of speech: noun
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