Eyelid in spanish


pronunciation: pɑɹ̩pɑdoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

eyelid = párpado. 

Example: In the two years that followed Woodforde had various other ailments, including an inflammation of the eyelid.


» cause + an eyelid to bat = causar sorpresa.

Example: Sex and marriage manuals and other fairly frankly written material today would not cause an eyelid to bat.

» eyelid surgery = cirugía de los párpados, blefaroplastía.

Example: Rejuvenation procedures typically performed in conjunction with a facelift are brow lift, to correct a sagging or deeply furrowed brow, and eyelid surgery to rejuvenate aging eyes.

» not bat an eyelid = no inmutarse, no pestañear, ni inmutarse, ni pestañear, quedarse tan fresco, quedarse tan pancho, quedarse tan campante.

Example: Storms in this part of the world are common and the people didn't seem to bat an eyelid at the prospect of a 135km wind ripping through their town.

» without batting an eyelid = sin pestañear, sin inmutarse, sin coscarse.

Example: He knew the names of celebs but he could have walked past any one of them in the street without batting an eyelid.

Eyelid synonyms

lid in spanish: tapa, pronunciation: lɪd part of speech: noun
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