Eyelash in spanish


pronunciation: pestɑnjɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

eyelash = pestaña. 

Example: Subjects pulled hair from a variety of sites, including scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic region, face, and body.


» bat + Posesivo + eyelashes = batir las pestañas. [Generalmente para flirtear]

Example: All she had to do was bat those golden eyelashes, toss those golden curls, and the world fell at her feet.

» blink + Posesivo + eyelashes = pestañear, parpadear las pestañas.

Example: When he sat next to her she went on flirt mode, which is basically blinking her eyelashes a lot and flipping her hair every two seconds.

» flutter + Posesivo + eyelashes = batir las pestañas. [Generalmente para flirtear]

Example: She turned on the web cam and leaned back, fluttered her eyelashes and thought about what to type.

» not bat an eyelash = no inmutarse, no pestañear, ni inmutarse, ni pestañear, quedarse tan fresco, quedarse tan fresco, quedarse tan campante.

Example: The Department of Justice didn't bat an eyelash when the administration allowed the export of national security sensitive satellite technology to China.

Eyelash synonyms

cilium in spanish: cilio, pronunciation: sɪliəm part of speech: noun
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