Eyeing in spanish


pronunciation: miɹ̩ɑndoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

eye3 = observar, mirar, mirar detenidamente, mirar de arriba abajo, echarle el ojo a, ojear. [Participio pasado eyeing (UK) o eying (USA)]

Example: The banking community is eyeing its possibilities with serious interest.


» eyeball = ojear, mirar por encima, mirar fijamente a los ojos.

Example: However he seems to have constructed his trends by just eyeballing the graph.

» eye + Nombre + up = comerse con los ojos.

Example: He blinked, his eyes suddenly moving on their own, eyeing her up, her long legs, her voluptuous hips, her large breasts.

» eye + Nombre + up and down = mirar de arriba a abajo.

Example: He pushed the boy roughly against the door, eyeing him up and down like a lion who's caught sight of his prey.
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